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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021
These University of Michigan asshats are going to make me start rooting for Ohio State when they play.

F 'em. I hope they lose every damn game.

Note: I certainly appreciate Dr. Collier's and Jim Harbaugh's courage to speak their mind, but F the students!!!!!
I second this. I root for OSU anyways but I have more appreciation for Harbaugh after his speech, off the field of course.

Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021
You gotta diversify your water sources. Coming soon to a municipality near you. Well, probably not Alaska but everybody else.

Pure Water Oceanside purifies recycled water to create a new local source of high-quality drinking water that is clean, safe, drought-proof, and environmentally sound.


In case it’s not clear, recycled water means wastewater. From the toilet to the tap.

Stumbled across this article today. The article does clarify that these facilities are not toilet to tap, they use recycled water as potable water supply.

One thing I find interesting is that these potable reuse plants are basically the same thing you would need for desalination. Desal plants typically pull brackish groundwater from wells then and remove the salt. The expensive part (depending on location and geology) is disposing of the concentrated salt water in a way that it does not affect the environment or potential potable water sources. I guess potable reuse saves drilling wells but they generally use the same process that requires a lot of energy.

Right now significant amounts of reclaimed wastewater are used for irrigation. What happens to the reuse/irrigation systems when their source becomes a potable source? Seems to me the net result is a reduction in water supply.



Dec 1, 2020
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene


If Monkeypox is a sexually transmitted disease, why are kids getting it?

^^numbers low, too hot?? ^^

Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021
I wanted to make a post as I rarely do. I have been with you all since the old days on tmb. I am mostly a lurker but I read daily as this is my main source for news. A little background, I worked corporate for 30 years. I was a district manager for a fortune 50 company and managed 75 employees. I hated it, hated getting up daily and being a modern slave for them. Hated my job and livelihood being held over me on a daily basis with unreachable expectations. Long story short, after Covid started and the liberal company being complete dumbasses with propaganda and all of the new standards. I couldn’t take it and quit. It was the hardest thing to walk from because the money was great. I was fortunate enough to be able to move back home and start my own company. I was also fortunate enough to have a decent network to help me while my business grew. Now that the corporate anxiety has since passed. Words can’t explain the feeling of being free. Not having to wake up to 200 emails, ridiculous expectations, 8 calls a day being fake and faking excitement for making a company millions, managing a P&L with a fine tooth comb, etc. The only feeling of not being totally free is big government. But that’s nothing to corporate slavery. If you have the means or brains to get out, do it. Make your own money. I can’t tell you how how great it feels and I’m kicking myself for not doing it earlier in life. There’s that, rip me if you want. But Now to the real reason for the post I wanted to make.
If you are not stock piling food right now, start. You have insurance on your car, home, etc. You need if for your life in the terms of food. I’m not a prepper and I’m not doing it for dooms day. I’m doing it because of what (could) be coming and most likely. Start small, $100 a week. I have a family and as the man of the house, nothing would make me feel worse than not being able to feed my family. There are ways to do it on the cheap. The church of Latter Day Saints (no affiliation) have locations in most states that sale 30 year shelf life food cheap to anyone. Sales at grocery stores .50 cent cans of veggies, etc. learn to use Mylar bags, etc. prepper sites are good places to learn. We all know what’s going on around the world and it’s coming here. Please don’t get caught not prepared. Once I learned all of the things needed it’s kinda overwhelming. I’m not telling you anything you don’t know. But I can tell you to have the food or insurance as I like to call it. It’s an amazing feeling that my family and I will be taken care of in hard times or a blackout, food shortages, etc. I feel a little behind as there are so many things to be ready for. But I will be ready by winter. Don’t wait, don’t rely on others, start now. Don’t tell friends, neighbors, anyone that can get to you or want what you have. For those that haven’t started, it’s not to late. Sorry for the long post.
Is your new business in the same line of work as your previous job?


Dec 1, 2020

Back to reality ....

Same gas station in Florida ...

Under Trump ... $1.79 per gallon
Currently ... $4.39 per gallon

Only brain dead, Low IQ sheep would think Joe Biden is saving them gas

OK deepthinkers everywhere, who actually believes a gun ban would ban guns! Who believes that another gun control regulation will reduce crime or save lives? Explain your delusion. We are waiting as we laugh in your face

Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021
View attachment 122509

I was watching shark week last night and caught the tail end of this show. Long story short, this guy that dives with and pets great whites went to New Zealand to see some sharks during Covid. They talked about the two week quarantine and the travel issues they had - didn’t mention being vaxxed but surely they were to get in to New Zealand. The guy has a stroke while they are on the boat and has to be airlifted to a hospital. Show ends with him in the hospital recovering with clear speech issues.

This is his instagram.


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