Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Leftwing eating leftwing Beautiful

Schultz blamed elected leaders of the Democrat cities where the stores are closing "at the local state and federal level, these governments... and leaders, mayors & governors & city councils have advocated their responsibility in fighting crime & addressing mental illness.

Is advocated the proper word? Seems like "abandoned" their responsibility in fighting crime & addressing mental illness would be more appropriate.

^^can't this helpless childlike Eurotrash do anything themselves. Relying on a dementia ridden pedo^^
Our framers are doing belly flops in their graves.
Our framers are all alive and well an in ALL of our ears here...

They gave each of us that denied the vaccine the resolve and courage needed to get to where we are.

They gave the people that took the vaccine the resolve and courage to pass on the booster.

They’re alive and well in the halls of the Supreme Court.

They’re in the midst of giving this countries men and women the courage to do what is necessary for the tree of liberty to continue growing.

Hopefully our patience and trust in The Lord our God prevents the blood of patriots from being spilled.
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Dimon and everybody else with some financial sense (excludes Treasury, FED, OCC, etc) knows what is causing this volatility. They also know what should be done to slow, stop and reverse it. Unfortunately, they voted for and donated to the people who are responsible. They brought it on themselves for all of us to suffer from.

Everyone here called this move. The only way they can win is cheating with the machines and ballot harvesting. I wonder how much Ukraine money ends up in the hands of mules and the orgs that set it up.
Schultz blamed elected leaders of the Democrat cities where the stores are closing "at the local state and federal level, these governments... and leaders, mayors & governors & city councils have advocated their responsibility in fighting crime & addressing mental illness.

Is advocated the proper word? Seems like "abandoned" their responsibility in fighting crime & addressing mental illness would be more appropriate.
I think he means abdicated.
I think he means abdicated.
Probably. Just another example of why Twitter people (and billions of others) need to proofread their stuff before posting.

Schulz and other Libs sat back and watched as Antifa and others destroyed their cities and property of others and said nothing. Now, it's affecting their bottom lines and are suddenly concerned. Reap what you sow.
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