The religious right predicted the destabilization of society but was unable to prevent it. This lesson must be considered as we undertake the counter-reformation
Biden's complete lack of respect or even a kind word for the late PM Abe is a disgrace. Using his death to push for gun control in America is worse. The former head of state and great ally of The United States was assassinated and he deserves a lot more than signing a guest book at their embassy.

Biden's Communication Staff and White House Come up with Bogus Lie in Attempt to Cover Joe's Embarrassing 'Senior Moment' With Teleprompter
It’s no secret – the man running the United States has pudding for brains. In yet another display of his declining mental capacity, Joe Biden stumbled to the stage yesterday in order to deliver remarks on a newly signed executive order that enshrines the murder of unborn children federally by...

Leftists Offer Reward for Location of SCOTUS Justices
A leftist group is offering rewards for people to report the wherabouts of specific Supreme Court Justices, according to the New York Post.

Army Suspends Retired General After Snarky Tweet to Jill Biden
The Army suspended a retired three-star general and Silver Star recipient from his contract for a sarcastic tweet to first lady Jill Biden.