Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Yeah no doubt, but which?
The one and only, or the false god worshipped by the corrupted satanic minions?

There's this eithier ritualistic or secret communication thing these parasitic death cultist types apparently seem to utilize &/or adhere too.

Sure most would've heard of numerology, or gematria?
One example; the timestamp of the explosion footage.
Another; the date.
I'd never considered this sort of stuff to be anything but hocus-pocus nonsense.
However, after looking into it recently,...I'm really not too sure about that anymore.
The one and only.....the one that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess to.....the one that will execute eternal justice against the evil ones we speak about on here daily.
I was more curious about what you saw and how disturbing it was.

Oh, well I haven’t dug in on everything. Natalie is there but it’s not inappropriate. His contact list has Joe as Pedo Peter. The chick kissing his cock appears old enough imo. Nothing earth shattering so far but I haven’t totally dig in and I will not download a damned thing. Worried there is cp there

  1. If Twitter let’s this “leak” continue there is a reason. They have always removed/banned posts about the laptop before.

  2. If MSM picks up the story, you know, the fix is in.
They want all this, so called protected, data from the laptop released. Because it has been culled of the worst.

This is not a game.
what a cute couple


  1. If Twitter let’s this “leak” continue there is a reason. They have always removed/banned posts about the laptop before.

  2. If MSM picks up the story, you know, the fix is in.
They want all this, so called protected, data from the laptop released. Because it has been culled of the worst.

This is not a game.
Excellent points.
Surely most here already consider such things as SOP?

⚠️[Stoner conspiracy type post lurking under following spoilers. Free to skip if generally unable to handle the jandle.]
#What if perhaps the "worst" hasn't been culled, and the broader game plan ultimately involves sacrificing the bumbling Bidens, and associated co-conspirators whilst also crippling-(*especially in citizens minds) the only peer-policitical opposition?
#Been thinking about this idea that maybe the Dems/Liberals/Lefties or whatever these fkn idiots are called, may infact be following their masters script perfectly??
#Kinda seems highly probable due to, as we have all clearly witnessed, these people never demonstrate any true integrity, lie compulsively and are ever weaseling out of all accountabilities.

#Whether they slithered into their current political positions by their own machinations or that of some hidden puppeteer.

#There's no way they're as excruciatingly moronic as they so blatantly make themselves out to be,...regardless whether the majority are feral masses and just too stupid to recognize it.???
#As a contrasting example; whenever realizing I've gone done fucked up, matter how seemingly irrelevant, or bad the damage-nor how potentially painful the rectification consequences....

...I proactively step up and fully own that shit!

#Can anyone point out when these perfidious lefty actors have held themselves to account,...for anything?

#I've only ever seen politicians-(overall), double-down,...often with Clinton-esque prejudice????
#Dunno, but I'm still unconvinced they aren't deliberately performing this entire-utterly incompetent, yet calculated, deceptive-slapstick political tactic as their part in this complex worldwide charade?

#Pretty sure whoever is pulling their strings, has also been doing so on all sides?

#Could it be that they have planned, and are convinced, they will soon wield a single- unopposed political party to dominate the unsuspecting American Citizenry,...and thus the entirety of humanity from henceforth?????
(*They've already usurped NZ!)
#But thats just my speculative inexperienced, mostly intuitive, opinion.
#Hopefully I'm wrong, or at least I truly hope Prez DJT is exactly as he appears and previously proven.
#Found this last night while trawling for info on that horrific CYM Corp adrenochrome harvesting network.👇😍👍
#Coz, imho, one day our descendants will look back on us, what we did during this critical period of our shared history.

#I intend our descendants witness courageous men and women-from all walks of life, rising up, despite all odds.
#One way or another, our descendants will know of the NWO death cultists existence and their unfathomable desecration.

#They will see and know what we did to correct this egregious corruption.
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