Ukrainian Gangsters want 750B to rebuild Ukraine. The US TAXPAYER will get bent over for sure. Can you imagine how much of all these Foreign Aid and Biden Wealth Transfers sticks to greasy Politicians fingers and non of it so far is traced or has oversight.
Create a Crisis and Hand Out Billions with no accountability or oversight.
Look how fast Obama and others like Biden Pelosi etc become Millionaires.
Zelensky they say is already a Billionaire since hooking up with the Democrats. No wonder they all hated Trump in DC.
He was an honest man in a Den of Thieves.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
Let's Go Brandon
Suck and Blow
GOAT Tennis Player Just Doing Every Day GOAT Things on the Court
He's a PATRIOT and You Should Support Him
Guy Walks the Walk
Missed Multiple Grand-Slams & Tournaments Costing Him Millions of Dollars & Multiple Titles & #1 World Ranking Because He Would Not Give Into Being Vaxxed
In 1776 He Would Have Been One of Those That Risked It All
Oh Yea Strong Christian Faith
Never had an appreciation for tennis until we discovered our son is pretty good at it & he started playing HS ball while still in the 8th grade. What Djocavich (sp) just did on the court is physically amazing. His refusal to bend the knee is even better.
OK Piling On Here
But This Guy is the Type of Man You Want Your Sons to be Like
In An Age Where Trash-Talk Has Replaced Sportsmanship He's a Throwback to How It is Supposed to be on the Court/Field
When His Opponent Fell Trying to Get to Novak's Drop Shot - Novak Ran Around the Net and Was the First Person There to Help Him Up and Make Sure He Was Ok
Also Lives By the Creed Never Give Up (Talking to Some of You Negative Nancies ITT)
In a Best 3 of 5 Match He Was Down 0 Sets to 2 (5-7, 2-6) Then Came Roaring Back to Take the Next 3 Sets 6-3, 6-2, 6-2 Against a Player Almost Half His Age
There is a Reason He's the Defending 3 Time Champ at the Most Prestigious Tennis Tournament in the World
Correction! He went OVER the net. Watched it live.
Come on man! Tighten up!
BTW Good to See the Viking Brothers Posting Again
Having to Work Today Only Saw the Photos
Will Watch Replay Tonight On the Tennis Channel
"Jumping Over the Net" Only Makes for a Cooler Story!