Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Where in the US Constitution did the Founding Fathers give so much power to the Executive to stand up all these Ultra Vire Agencies.
just spent 4 days in Boston with my sons, working through the Freedom trail and the background to the revolution. Part of it was about the founders vision, especially around states rights versus federal rights. Bet they would turn over in their graves looking at where the US is now, versus why they wrote what they wrote in the constitution...

Brandon: Drivers Must Pay More for Gas ‘As Long as It Takes to Stop Vladimir Putin​

President Joe Biden said Thursday that American drivers should be prepared to pay more for gasoline until Russian President Vladimir was defeated in Ukraine.

“How long is it fair to expect American drivers and drivers around the world to pay a premium for this war?” one reporter from the New York Times asked the president during his press conference in Europe.

“As long as it takes, so Russia cannot in fact defeat Ukraine and move beyond Ukraine,” Biden said. “This is a critical, critical, position for the world.”

The president blamed high gas prices on Russia, despite his policy efforts to restrict oil and gas production in the United States.

The reason why gas prices are up is because of Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia,” Biden said. “The reason the food crisis exists because of Russia.”

Biden also said he would not ask Saudi Arabian leaders to increase their production of oil during his trip to the Middle East in July.

“No, I’m not going to ask them,” he said.

He repeatedly downplayed his trip to the region regarding America’s relationship with the Saudis and the production of oil.

“It’s not about Saudi Arabia, it’s in Saudi Arabia,” Biden said.

This could have a major impact on the FBI and other federal agencies put in place by executive order.
How can the Executive Be Prevented from setting up agencies? I wonder if Bureau of Land Management can be curtailed as well. There is so much over reach by the Executive that Congress has been neutered.
You Can Set Up An Agency But It Can Only Enforce Laws Written By CONGRESS

They Cannot Write Their Own Laws and Policies Per This Ruling
I responded to a Stefanik email that should have enough money coming back from the Ukraine funding. Went a few weeks without any more emails, though they started again after Roe
I used to get email from people running in NC as democrats. It took me forwarding their email back to them to stop. I get one periodically from my local CongressCritter but she is a democrat and retiring with a monster retirement and probably 1-2 offshore accounts. Cornyn only responds when I write him. Cruz never. However, I get routine email from a Repube in another district..go figure.

One word of warning. My Mom has donated to Repubes. Her email is filled with Repubes from all over asking for money using the same script. I've unsubscribed and hit "junk" to no avail. I went on the RNC web site to ask them to stop sending to her. In the not so fine print it say that by sending an email to them you give them permission to use your email address for whatever purpose they want. In other words, if you try to stop us we will send much more.
Major Kick In Nuts for FJB and the ECO Freaks From SCOTUS.
EPA can not regulate Green House Gas Major Impact On Climate Change
So this means we will see gas prices coming down? I believe Bernie Sanders' nuts were also kicked since he is the person behind most of this.

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