Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I've posted this before. Those interested can read The Yale Law Journal article entitled The Embarrassing Second Amendment written by liberal anti-gun UTexas Law Professor, Sanford Levinson.

Here is one paragraph which is applicable to those who say we should go back to muskets since the 2nd amendment was written when muskets were the primary military weapon of the period as well as the primary civilian weapon.

"It is difficult to read Miller as rendering the Second Amendment meaningless as a control on Congress. Ironically, Miller can be read to support some of the most extreme anti-gun control arguments, e.g., that the individual citizen has a right to keep and bear bazookas, rocket launchers, and other armaments that are clearly relevant to modern warfare, including, of course, assault weapons. Arguments about the constitutional legitimacy of a prohibition by Congress of private ownership of handguns or, what is much more likely, assault rifles, might turn on the usefulness of such guns in military settings."



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