Like a machete or tomahawk?
Sorry if I'm mistaken here, you guys are talking about inconspicuous vehicular weaponry aye?
This is a topic that's quite relevant for me, unsure about sharing some of the details tbh, which I'll leave out.
Imo, I reckon it is best to keep a hefty bludgeoning tool handy for the more likely minor self def reqs arising, well as a brutal, preferably frightening limb remover for any relatively less common-serious threat scenarios.
[A gun would be handy, but NZ commies fucked that freedom up way before I existed.]
Probably don't hear this sorta shit on the international propaganda broadcasts; there have long been major, and ever increasing gang culture problems in NZ, especially with the hardcore Māori.
[*Comrade Stalinda Schwabdern even gave one prominent gang millions of NZ tax $ for some nonsensical gang led methamphetamine rehab bullshit.]
Certain urban areas are extremely dangerous, day or night, due to mobs of drugged out/drunk antisocial youth prospects roaming about, who will not hesitate to take any opportunity presented to brutalize, steal, rape, or whatever else.
Multiple times over the recent years while parked in the cities, I've suddenly found hostile cunts surrounding me, it's like they pop out of the trees or something.
(*Each time this has occurred it was of groups consisting of at least ~8 to 15ish teenagers against numero uno.)
Fortunately a casual flash of a pig sticker did send them packing each of these times.
(*Probably just to go get themselves some weapons though.)
One tragic example is; An old mate, Jeremy(16yo), was randomly attacked in full public view by some teenage "Mongrel Mob" prospects who used a large sharpened stick to stab him under the right armpit, one sunny afternoon in 2005.
He was just chilling in his car, about ~10metres away from a few of us sitting around a bonfire on the beach.
The stick pierced his heart and Jeremy bled out within minutes,...long before we even got close the hospital.
These fuckwit prospects were eventually caught, but being youths(14-17yo) they barely spent a year each in
juvenile detention facilities.
So anyways, these are some motivations for the following examples of some multipurpose tools I now keep handily stashed, & easily accessible in my main two vehicles, all times.
*NZ po po don't tolerate the average citizen carrying any kind of weaponry, we're apparently supposed to be kept defenseless it seems, so multipurpose tools are really the only choice.
However, a nasty looking pig sticker &/or limb remover is absolutely necessary, imo, just gotta keep em outta sight.
Only a fool would rely on any other, ie: cops, especially in any immediately dangerous, rapidly evolving, unpredictable situations.