Elon is triggering Twitter employees. I hope he triggers them every single day.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zerowww.zerohedge.com
Agree. I'm amazed with the number of friends I have who cite the dismal polls we see for the democrats and current economic conditions and think that guarantees a crushing GOP victory in November. It would be nice but that doesn't mean the leadership of the GOP would change much of anything. They believe much of what the Socialibdems advocate just in a different form.
Those hoping for election reform or election investigations of the 2020 election won't get it from McCarthy or McConnell as they believe nothing happened. Likewise, the corruption seen among democrats is not limited to them...they are just blatant and obvious. Many in the GOP have dirty hands and will do whatever necessary to keep it under wraps. We saw that when Lindsey Graham chaired the Judiciary Committee. He promised much and delivered zilch.
I'm afraid the lust for power in DC is such that the status quo will remain. The dems will still control the agencies, like the DOJ and FBI, and continue their one-sided ways.
The dems got away with it once without consequences. It will be in the open and obvious. I hope I'm wrong but will have to see the landslide to be convinced. Remember, OBiden told everyone during the campaign (when he actually campaigned) that they had the most sophisticated election fraud scheme in play.
I wouldn't be surprised to see some FFs at voting stations either.
Two birds with one stone for the powers that be, steal the election and force gun control because some lunatics killed people who were only trying to exercise their American right to vote.
I assume you are aware of the issues with getting meat processed these days. If you haven’t already scheduled a date with your local meat locker you better do so now. I get beef from my dad and while it’s gotten better, at one point last year they were booked out over 18 months.
As the Institute began its vital mission under its first president, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, he felt so overwhelmed by the intense spiritual battle that he was facing that he wrote to Sr. Lúcia to request prayers. To his surprise, he received a lengthy letter back, only a few weeks later. In this letter, Sr. Lúcia did not mince words, saying: “The decisive battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be over marriage and the family. … [But] do not be afraid, because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will be opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. … However, our Lady has already crushed his head.”
Why is the family so attacked by the evil one? Pope Francis explained it as follows: “when God completes his work of creation and makes his masterpiece, the masterpiece is man and woman. And here Jesus begins his own miracles with this masterpiece, in a marriage, in a wedding feast: a man and a woman. … A man and woman who love each other! This is the masterpiece!” (General Audience, April 29, 2015). If the devil cannot attack God directly, he seeks to make a mockery of the highest point of creation, the love of husband and wife.
Vision from the Fatima 3… amazing how God works. I have issues with the “Catholic Church”, but I find this revelation a miracle. Especially with what the family unit and marriage faces today.
Defending Marriage and the Family - The Catholic Sun
Throughout the history of salvation, God chooses to use what seems too small and insignificant to accomplish his purposes. Small realities, ordinary people: like the poor young children of Fatima, like the family.www.catholicsun.org
SpaceX reportedly fired employees behind letter criticizing Elon Musk
SpaceX has reportedly fired employees who participated in writing and distributing an open letter criticizing Elon Musk.www.yahoo.com
That fucking company is filled with nothing but communist cockstain pieces of shit!
You are describing one of the most cunning demons.All of this stuff with the LMNOP’s Is exactly that. Spiritual warfare to ruin God’s creation. The fallen, did the same thing, tried to taint the gene pool which would prevent God’s plan from succeeding.
A simple little thing I’ve always found interesting is that when a woman goes super woke feminist lezbo whatever most of them cut their hair either very short or off. God calls for women to have long hair. It’s like a demon is whispering in their ear. They also become very hateful, mean, and miserable.
The greatest feat the Devil ever did was to convince people he didn't exist.BEGIN THE PURGE!!!!!
What part of the country? Do they butcher and ship to Nevada?My youngest son the small cattle rancher is going to fatten one for me.
Him and his wife have approx a hundred head of black Angus cross cows and 1400 acres.
Absolutely. But is very evident in the alphabet group and domineering women in churches.It can attach to men too
Amen brother!I’m over here living my best life with my family trying to find baby forumula and pay for $5/gallon In gas. I turned off the news and life got a lot more positive. You guys doing ok? (Note: don’t take me not watching news as me not paying attention) I may not be down in the weeds right now, but we all have a sense of things when they don’t smell right.
Point being, love your families. Live your life. Love your neighbors and TALK to them for gods sake. Be the hands and feet of Christ, and if you’re not a believer follow the golden rule. Life get much happier this way.
Evil will always seem like it’s going to win. But in the eternal end, it never does. Keep fighting because giving up means they’ve already won. Learn to fight smarter. Be determined but not devious. Be steadfast but not obsessive. Remember that love is patient and kind. Winning people over is not a quick thing. Save your money. Invest wisely. Be a good parent, friend, neighbor, etc. we got this guys. Hang tough.
There are several that do this. I’ll find one and link it.What part of the country? Do they butcher and ship to Nevada?
Nobody wins afraid of losing.