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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Nov 27, 2021
"If the Post and the Times want to mitigate the madness taking over their newsrooms, they should stop recruiting from Ivy League schools and start recruiting talent from community colleges."

The same can be said about the government, cabinet secretaries, appointees, select committee members and virtually everyone else in government.
I ask myself some days. Honestly what the fuck did Universities and Colleges really give us? None of the great things of this world or history were accomplished by students from Puppy Mill Universities.
Do a check list. Pyramids, Roads, Concrete, not even ancient math, nothing of great consequence. Notre Dame etc Great Literature on and on. Yah attack away, but in reality most (MOST) of the great things were done and said without University...


Jan 8, 2021
This is provocative, but I would like to see the actual bill and evidence that the Dems voted No. Also, it doesn't really make much sense. Why would an Illegal Alien stroll into a licensed firearm shop and attempt to purchase a gun legally knowing they have to submit ID's, fill out paperwork, wait 3 days etc etc. I can't see many Illegals doing that.


Jan 8, 2021
I have no trust in Brett Kavanagh, I believe he was shook during his hearing. He's had multiple rulings that go against christian/conservative/constitutional values.
IMO, I believe this is all theater for him to "gracefully" step down from the Supreme Court so Obiden can install another far left justice.
I hope I'm wrong but I get the feeling he's close to resigning.


Jan 8, 2021
I have no trust in Brett Kavanagh, I believe he was shook during his hearing. He's had multiple rulings that go against christian/conservative/constitutional values.
IMO, I believe this is all theater for him to "gracefully" step down from the Supreme Court so Obiden can install another far left justice.
I hope I'm wrong but I get the feeling he's close to resigning.

Meh, he will just be another Roberts.


Dec 1, 2020
What did I miss with Kavanagh?

About a year ago Senator Schumer enlisted the services of the Democrats' Brownshirts to start threatening Supreme Court Justices with physical violence and one of them showed up to Kavanaugh's house today with a gun and a knife and a stated purpose that he was there to kill Justice Kavanaugh.


Dec 1, 2020

It's a total shitshow every day.

Obama’s Judge Says Taxpayers Must Pay for ‘Sex-Change’ Surgery​


Obama’s Judge Says Taxpayers Must Pay for ‘Sex-Change’ Surgery


A federal judge in Georgia sided with a Houston County sheriff’s deputy, ruling that the county discriminated against the man by denying to pay for “gender-affirming surgery.”

The man, who goes by the name Anna Lange, told his boss, Sheriff Cullen Talton and coworkers in 2018 that he was going to start living as a woman and wanted “gender reassignment surgery.”

The Albany Herald reported on the ruling from Judge Marc T. Treadwell, a Barack Obama appointee:

Judge Marc T. Treadwell, chief judge of the U.S. District Court in Macon, has ruled that the county’s policy is discriminatory because it only affects transgender employees, and it specifically discriminates against Lange because she is the county’s only openly transgender worker.

Treadwell noted, for example, the county’s health care plan would cover a mastectomy when deemed medically necessary for cancer treatment but not for gender dysphoria.

The Obama-nominated judge’s ruling relied partly on a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in 2020 that granted workplace protection from discrimination for LGBTQ employees, which was released the year after Lange sued the county.

“Ignoring Bostock doesn’t make it go away,” Treadwell wrote in his opinion, referring to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Bostock v. Clayton County. “In short, the defendants can’t find a Bostock workaround.”

“The exclusion plainly discriminates because of transgender status,” Treadwell wrote.

The Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, which filed the lawsuit on Lange’s behalf, said the ruling is “a landmark decision” for “transgender rights.”

“The court’s decision makes clear that depriving transgender people of health care is not only immoral but also illegal,” the fund’s legal director, David Brown, said in a statement.

Brown said the impact would be that employers cannot refuse “medically necessary, life-saving” care to people who reject their biological sex.

The report noted that Anthem insurance said “gender reassignment surgery” could cost more than $186,000.

The case is Lange v. Houston County, No. 00392, for the United States District Court for the Middle District of Georgia.

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