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Reporter Calls Out Joe Biden’s Lies Related to Baby Formula Crisis​

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The infant formula executives told Joe Biden that as soon as the Abbott baby formula recalls happened, they recognized it was going to be a huge problem.

“We knew from the very beginning this would be a very serious event,” the Reckitt executive told Joe Biden.

The Biden FDA shut down Abbott’s Sturgis formula plant four months ago and all hell broke loose.

Biden still passed the buck and refused to take any responsibility for the baby formula shortage that led to hospitalizations.

Joe Biden was confronted about his lies related to the baby formula crisis.

“Why didn’t you move quicker on the baby formula shortage?” a reporter asked.

Biden: “I don’t think anyone anticipated the impact of the shutdown of Abbott facility.”

Reporter: “Didn’t the CEOs just tell you they understood it would have a very big impact?”

“They did, but I didn’t,” Biden said.
No one the cabal cares about is going down unless patriots take them down, and it can't be done in court or an election precinct. Our public institutions are destroyed.
When we lose the courts all is pretty much gone and that is the case in DC.
Obama added more Federal judges in DC and that the juries are made up of people who work for the Federal Govt are related to them or know them socially.

Hakeem Jeffries
The desire to own an AR-15 to hunt human beings is not a right found anywhere in the Constitution.

I wonder if this clown found the part in the Constitution that allows the right to an abortion?
Does Dumb Ass Hakeem know an understand the origin in the English Language of the word OUTLAW.. Most of the Government is OUTLAW.
I'm not ignoring what's currently going on. How can I or anybody with a minimally functioning brain? I just can't even, right now.

Geezus I'm tired. My ribs frigging hurt (not the first time, but still sucks. They squish.Stupidest accident ever. But I saved Stella. And thank goodness I kept my oxy refils up). I have to drive to NJ in 2 a jeep....with broken ribs. I'm generally pissed off at the world right now. My daughter and her boyfriend were hit by a drunk driver a couple of weeks ago. They're relatively okay (my girl also happens to have a couple of cracked ribs, among other little issues, but she's okay). So thankful they were in his Volvo instead of her Honda and that the light pole was there to keep them from rolling. )j

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