Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
This comes up time and time again. I am asking sincerely- not being a smartass.

Why should I believe that we can change anything in politics or government if the other side is willing and able to do anything to steal an election?

I keep reading that we should fight on, and I agree. But I don't agree that there is any political fight to be had whatsoever- just other types of battles in the war of Good v Evil.

However, I will keep fighting a political battle if someone can explain how we have any chance of ever winning (or even slightly gaining) in such a battle.
Where at? I've been contemplating for a couple years, but I also would love to be on water somewhere. Whether river, lake, ocean, bay, or whatever. If I can chill and do some fishing, I'm content.

We looked at a house on Galveston Bay a few weeks ago. Great property with a 300’ fishing/crabbing pier with boathouse. After today, I think I’m 100% ready.
Received two thing in the mail today:

1) Jury summons (fml)
2) A request to be a permanent absentee voter. Never voted absentee before (received probably 10 requests in 2020) and won't as long as I can but I don't see this issue going away unless something happens now (I understand the difference between absentee and mail in ballot). If I do sign it, I will receive my ballot automatically in the future for every election without requesting one.
I think that will make it a massive pain in the ass when you try to vote in person. Perhaps that’s the intent.
Great post. Second Amendment is great, but it is still focusing on the first. We cannot let the press and speech be blocked simply for content or thought. Guns won't matter at that point. Thought police will win. 1984 needs to be required reading in 8th grade, 12th grade, and before you graduate college.

I like it. So we are going with the 1st first. We are going to have to delve into what it means to have free speech. As Conservatives we need to really focus on can we vs should we. We also need to analyze different tactics that remove free speech -- like now you cannot say the election was stolen or fraud (you can but the left will destroy you and put fear into others). Our reactions have always ended up in a circling firing squad.

Freedom of OUR speech, freedom of OUR press ---- We must also PEACEFULLY assemble, And we are finally have to find our way to petition our government because we are loathed by our government.
Have to say I agree.

You’ll draw more traffic if you keep the fighting on the main board.

Fights draw crowds.
Not what we want to be about. main forum is an oasis from all the politics right now.

LAC is for political convo without trolling.

This one is for the rest. We can move it to the LAC forum if trolls stay out
Aight I moved this one to the LAC forum. Should get more eyes here, but want to keep politics of the main forum

Congratulations Jen!! OMG, we’re so proud of you. What’s your role going to be in the Biden administration?
^^^^^^^^^^^^ So Flynn did signal done in 30 on 12.31 and here are two relevant Q posts. If someone is looking to smoke the last bowl of hopium then here it is. 1.20 - 1.30 could be 10 days of darkenss depending on what happens tomorrow if anything.

So flynn done in 30 12.31
10 days of darkness starts today
shot hear around the world tomorrow
1.31 - Trump sets them free

I am passing the hopium around
Wasn't tomorrow the day for "shot heard round the World" or am I FOS?

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