Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

In my mind there is nothing that would be considered cruel and unusual punishment for these perps.
Do you really thing that the true power brokers of DC care? I don't, they know it would be covered up and put to bed quickly and most people won't be the wiser. Over 30% are still with Biden, and will continue to be no matter what. A not guilty will be soothing to Dems, and they won't admit in public to the corruption, and probably privately as well
I think he was just saying that Sussman and the FBI lawyer getting hand slaps would show something was done. They can say they did something and punished the left. If they don't even get the first rung then it takes all sense of objectivity off of DC. But they don't care because they give a shit. It's the optics they want to protect.
Hey -

When I Was a Little Kid Memorial Day Was May 30th

I Have Always Thought That is Why God Gave Me This Patriotic Day as My Birthday

Then the Government Changed It to the Last Monday in May

This Year We Have Harmony May 30th is the Last Monday in May

So Happy Fucking Birthday to Me

And I'm Still a True Believer - God Wins/The Cabal Falls/JFK Jr is The Cornerstone & Is Alive

I've Been Through Hell and Back - I Was Responsible For That - A Few of You Know The Deets

I'm Blessed God Gave Me a Second Chance

Remember & Honor Those That Gave All for Your Freedom/Liberty/Inalienable Rights From God

I Love You All

Happy birthday my man! SKOL!

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