Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Or we could quit paying people not to work

Even in Davos they know, see below

Will cost us billions more for not buillding something that should be completed & an afterthought at this point. This along with us paying contractors to not build the wall along the southern border while the material sits in the desert decaying is just insanity.
Sort of like halting construction of the Super Conducting Super Collider during the Clinton Admin because it would cost $4 billion to complete. This was after spending $2 billion acquiring the land and in the middle of construction. Then, rather than having the world's largest most advanced particle accelerator inside the US generating jobs, research, new technology and products and more, we thought it was better to pay others a billion per year for access to their research---which we didn't control.
Add law enforcement was aware of the shooter and that they had significant problems.

NOt singling you out. Just wanted to educate some on Carbon.

Carbon is an Element And is on The Periodic table of Elements. Remember that from grade school?

Carbon is not created on Earth or any planet. Carbon is crated at the center of a star. Fusion at stars, similar to our sun, fuse three Helium nuclei into one Helium atom.

So Carbon is only created in a sun or by the death of a sun. If a star is large enough, it will go super nova and spread Carbon and all other elements. Planets form because new sun and solar systems form with these ashes from a dead star.

So, all the Carbon that exists on Earth was here at the beginning of Earth as a hot molten proto planet. Maybe a meteorite with Carbon hits the earth. Only way to add. Launching rockets contain Carbon. Only way remove.

All life on Earth is a Carbon based life form. So any life; plant, animal, fungi, bacteria, algae, etc has Carbon in it. All that eventually dies and puts the Carbon back in the earth. Earth is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old. Plate tectonics crate subduction zones where an entire plate of Earths surface is being pushed under another continental plate. This is how the Carbon gets pushed underground.

We will never run out of fossil fuels. As the price goes up, new technology will be financially feasible to get the oil. Fracking developed thusly.

You shut your mouth when talking to me!! The greenies have informed me that the basis of all life is going to kill us!!!

Oh, and eat organic, stay away from those non-carbon based veggies.

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