Hats of To Mayor of Uvalde Who Just Called "Beto" O'Rourke a
Sick Son of a Bitch On National "Live" TV
Beto Just Lost the Governor's Race
Never let a good crisis go to waste. They are all sick.
Hats of To Mayor of Uvalde Who Just Called "Beto" O'Rourke a
Sick Son of a Bitch On National "Live" TV
Beto Just Lost the Governor's Race
Yes the old correlation = causation fallacy. I raise your pesticide with ice cream.
Hats of To Mayor of Uvalde Who Just Called "Beto" O'Rourke a
Sick Son of a Bitch On National "Live" TV
Beto Just Lost the Governor's Race
I was thinking it’s off by 34-35%.They have shown that Headline and rate of 36% for 4 straight weeks it's Bullshit.
Probably more like 20 to 25%.
Georgia GOP primary turnout by year:
2006 - 419,254
2010 - 680,499
2014 - 596,218
2018 - 608,380
2022 - 1,109,506
Neither do I....I think they are pouring in hundreds of thousands of votesI don’t believe it
I'm having several of the sites I visit changing my password without asking me. My email provider has done this on two of my email addresses recently. Their computer claims my PW isn't "strong" enough so they arbitrarily block it. They wanted me to provide a new one with 3 upper case letters, 3 lower case letters, 3 numbers and 1 symbol not a / or ".Long cat v2.0 checking in because v1.0 couldn’t remember his password.
Yes the old correlation = causation fallacy. I raise your pesticide with ice cream.