Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Remember friend he who stirs the shit gets to lick the spoon. Why persist with an argument about a thing or a people or a person when you obviously hate Jews an don't give a shit about Christ either. I think you just do this to torment people.
Thanks mate, very grateful to you for freely sharing your own thoughts & opinions.🙂👍
As I have come to expect of ya intense posts, -raw & brutal as ever!
I love it!
Yah know, immediately following almost every post of yours that I've read,...I think to my-self along the lines of, -"Woah! this guy is pure -focused righteousness!"
-and- "Fuck?! What if this dude is the modern day Marcus Aurelius -irl?!"

Anyways, I certainly will not deny that greatly appreciate your honest opinion and respect it as such, thus is an inherent-inalienable right of each & every sovereign individual, -plus this is 'The Free Speech Forum' where we each must prove our integrity by upholding these righteous values, -lest we be hypocrites.

However, regarding the quoted subjective assessment of motive, -intent, -belief and subsequent assertions of which you have alleged against "my-self", -I must state that, -subjectively,
- I wholly disagree at this time.

Although, as it is that I unequivocally acknowledge your own opinion as holding equal weight & value to that of any others opinions, including that of my own opinion. It is thus so that I also hereby state my respect of your sovereignty to do so as one deems appropriate.

As will I.

Cheers FreeMiner.
Before you are deceived by such "Jewish" propaganda, why not search the Scriptures with me to see what God's Holy Word has to say about who killed Christ?

The "Jews" have long been accustomed to adopt the dress of the people amongst whom they live.

They speak the language of the country without foreign accent; they appear to adopt the local mores and customs.

But they live in a world of their own, cut off from the world of "goyim" - "cattle", "non-Jews".

They conceal themselves beneath borrowed identities for centuries, wearing the identity of their host peoples by day and becoming "Jews" again at night.

Many "Jews" change their names or transform their original family names, mimicking the local language.

Thus, "Minkowski" becomes "Minc"; "Shapiro" becomes "Chapiraud" or "Chapier".

The make-up job may be exaggerated to a greater or lesser degree: "Aaron" becomes "Nora", "Nussenbaum" becomes "Rochebrune".

The actor Kirk Douglas ("Demsky") preferred a Scottish name.

The head of the French diplomatic service under President Sarkozy, Jean David Levitt, is obviously a "Levi".

Consider the following:
View attachment 99682
"Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul: And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch."

(Acts 11:25-26)

"Here we see they lost their name of Galileans (by which they were known by all during Jesus' lifetime and ministry), and, instead, they were called CHRIS-TIANS."

"Today, where would these Israelite descendants of Galileans be found? They would have to be among the people called by their new name, CHRISTIANS! Galileans, not "Jews", became Christians!"

"It is important we realize the teaching that Jesus was a "Jew", and that the disciples were "Jews" is spurious."

"Perhaps the enemies of Christ have been able to fool us by not ...pointing out the true meaning or identity of the word Galilean."

"(1) First of all, Jesus' home was Nazareth of Galilee, so He was called a Nazarene. His childhood was spent in Galilee for the most part. The exceptions would be His annual passover visits to Jerusalem, the time when he was twelve and was left behind in the temple, and, possibly, the time he spent in England (according to tradition, not Scripture)."

"(2) Until He was a young man of thirty, He, apparently, spent most of his life in Galilee. He was baptized in Jordan of Judea; He was tempted in the wilderness of Judea, but He began preaching in Galilee. His first miracle was in Galilee."

"(3) He was prophesied by Isaiah to be made manifest to Israel in Galilee, which He was. Israel believed on Him in Galilee. He chose His disciples in Galilee. When He went to Jerusalem once a year, He did perform some miracles and healings and some teaching, but He, also, performed the only act of rage recorded in the Bible in Jerusalem when He cast out the money changers out of the temple."

"(4) The Pharisees, in derision, called one of their own by the name "Galilean," when he spoke favorably of Jesus. Jesus spoke of Jerusalem only as the place of His death and resurrection. When He told His disciples of that death and resurrection, He told them afterwards that He would see them in Galilee."

"(5) While He was held captive, His enemies suspected Peter of being a follower simply because Peter was a Galilean. The others of His followers who watched H-m die are identified as Galileans. After His resurrection He told the women that He would meet His disciples in Galilee, which He did."

"(6) At His ascension into heaven the angels called His disciples, "Ye men of Galilee." At Pentecost, all of the disciples who spoke in tongues were identified as Galileans and as Jesus' witnesses."

"Yes, the witnessing did begin in Jerusalem, but the witnesses were identified as Galileans. Some may ask: why did the witnessing begin in Jerusalem? Why did Jesus testify, witness and perform some miracles in Jerusalem? Also, why did the Galilean disciples begin their ministry in Jerusalem? The answer is found in the fifteenth chapter of John. This chapter is part of a long teaching discourse by Jesus Christ to the disciples, before His captivity and death. Speaking of why He had come to Jerusalem, Jesus says, among things: If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin:" "but now they have no cloak for their sin."

(John 15:22)

"It was necessary (in God's mercy and righteousness), that Christ testify, witness, perform miracles, and carry out His death and resurrection in the presence of the enemies of Israel (the "Jewish" -Pharisees), so that they would have "no cloak (or excuse) for their sins." They had to witness the sign that Jesus Christ said the Pharisees would be given; that is, His death, three days in the tomb, and His resurrection."

"However, other than these events in Jerusalem and, of course, the casting out of the moneychangers from the temple, Jesus spent His time in Galilee, as a Galilean. He testified to Galileans, His followers were Galileans, and He was referred to as a Galilean."

"I do hope and pray that this information can be used by you to help you understand, that when you are told that Jesus was a "Jew", and that His disciples were "Jews", there is no basis in Scripture for this claim."

"Study the origin of these people--who they were and where they came from--and what Jesus did during His earthly ministry and where He did it. May God use this study to give us a better understanding as we worship Jesus Christ, the Galilean."

-Pastor Emry-

One second ...

Let me gather myself ...

They may exacerbate the virus,
but I'm not aware that a virus can be exasperated.
Just sayin'...

Seeing the obvious misuse of language in the first paragraph makes it hard to forward an article for others to look over. :rolleyes:
Maybe not the word I would have chosen either, but it does mean to intensely irritate. Anyhow the underlying study is linked in the piece.

Also, for everyone else, we have a religion thread somewhere.

just said the same thing to my wife in the car this evening about Libs purposely destroying the country. Open borders, Russia/Ukraine, Afghanistan pullout, defund the police, non prosecution for crimes by liberal appointed DA’s, DOJ blocking info on Hunter’s laptop and Hillary’s crimes, inflation through the roof oil and gas prices being purposely driven up by not drilling and fracking so prices for fuel and other goods dependent on fuel - food, goods, travel, farming… go up and hurt Americans more. Now we see libs openly going after SC justices with illegal leaks and nothing. Dox them and where they live, and not only nothing is done they condone it.

Key thing is how do we stop it and stop them from destroying our country. Wait until November?
Judah was the southern kingdom that split from Israel after Solomon. It consisted of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.

Israel fell after the Assyrian conquest in 722 BC. The people dispersed and intermarried. Samaritans were their halfbreed offspring and would be despised by the Jews from the time they returned from Babylon.

Judah fell to Babylon in 586 BC, many of their best were deported to Babylon. Daniel and Ezekiel were among them.

They were first called Jews in Babylonian exile. When they returned they called themselves Jews.

Jesus was a Jew from the line of David. His earthly parents returned to Bethlehem at the time of his birth to participate in the Roman ordered Jewish census.

He grew up in Galilee with other Jews. Many of His disciples were Galilean Jews, some we're not. His base of operations was in Galilee.

On Pentecost, people noticed some of the disciples accents from Galilee. This did not mean they weren't Jewish, this meant they spoke with a different accent because they weren't from the city of Jerusalem. Essentially, they were uncouth country boys and sounded like it.

Jesus was a Jew. He was recognized as a Rabbi when He spoke in the synagogue.

When he spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, he noted the distinction between Him and her: He was a Jew and she wasn't.

This is not some "seminary propaganda," it's straight from the Bible.

Now stop peddling this ridiculous "Jesus wasn't a Jew He was Galilean" narrative and act like you're supposed to be taken seriously.

It's racist and reveals your true intent and hatred of the Jews.
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🙂👍Cool, but am I simply to submit your word as gospel?, -or would you be so kind as to enlighten me
I too submit to the Gospel, and included a passage from John 1 (which you “liked”).

There is also Jesus’ words to the Samaritan woman in John 4 that make it clear he is a Jew and she is not.

At the point, you either don’t know/understand or you are specifically trying to stir up people on this particular point. Neither is a good look.
just said the same thing to my wife in the car this evening about Libs purposely destroying the country. Open borders, Russia/Ukraine, Afghanistan pullout, defund the police, non prosecution for crimes by liberal appointed DA’s, DOJ blocking info on Hunter’s laptop and Hillary’s crimes, inflation through the roof oil and gas prices being purposely driven up by not drilling and fracking so prices for fuel and other goods dependent on fuel - food, goods, travel, farming… go up and hurt Americans more. Now we see libs openly going after SC justices with illegal leaks and nothing. Dox them and where they live, and not only nothing is done they condone it.

Key thing is how do we stop it and stop them from destroying our country. Wait until November?

Most of us originated from the college football board correct? Can we have a poll like of conference affiliation? I feel like the board is 75% Sec/Big 12. A few scattered buckeye fans and some Clemson maybe?

Ivy League Repping Here!!!

University of Texas Quest to "Become The Harvard of the South" Has Been Achieved

Including the Shitty Sports Teams & Ugly Girls

This Really Sucks We Used to Have Good Teams and Hot Girls


Oh Yea "Beat The Hell Out of Yale!"

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