Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I just can’t get there when the Bible states - I will restore you from all the nations. In 1948 this became fulfilled prophecy.

There very well may be groups of Jews who are Satanists and have agendas - Rothschilds/UN… but what occurred in the 30s and 40s is literal undeniable fact.

I stand with The Word and Israel.
Check out the Oracle uncensored by Jonathan Cahn if Israel being restored interests you. He will blow your mind with details and facts. It's an 8 hour listen but you can find shorter versions on youtube but you'll be missing out.
I’m on it.


Curious what your take is after listening to it?
My take is Jonathan Cahn is a mad genius. If you prefer reading, there is the book too but the DVD's have more detail according to him. I'm on my 3rd go round listening to them/ watching them. I should take notes but he literally gives 8 straight hours of facts and dot connecting. You won't be disappointed.
My take is Jonathan Cahn is a mad genius. If you prefer reading, there is the book too but the DVD's have more detail according to him. I'm on my 3rd go round listening to them/ watching them. I should take notes but he literally gives 8 straight hours of facts and dot connecting. You won't be disappointed.
I haven’t watched but I’d be interested...I think there is a lot of prophecy that has not yet been fulfilled.
Hunter Biden flew to Moscow for a meeting with a now-sanctioned Russian oligarch with reportedly close ties to Vladimir Putin, laptop files reveal.

Vladimir Yevtushenkov, 73, owns a company which reportedly supplied Putin's forces with drones used for deadly bombing raids in Ukraine and until last year owned key Russian defense contractor RTI.

But while he was added to the UK and Australian sanctions lists this month but remains one of a handful of oligarchs unsanctioned by the Biden administration.

Hunter's multiple meetings and apparent business deals with him are the latest in a troubling web of his connections to Putin-linked mega-rich individuals which has emerged from his abandoned laptop.

Check out the Oracle uncensored by Jonathan Cahn if Israel being restored interests you. He will blow your mind with details and facts. It's an 8 hour listen but you can find shorter versions on youtube but you'll be missing out.

My problem with Jonthan Cahn is he associates himself with some of the most vile people imagineable. If someone lacks the discernment to know to stay away from Kenneth Copeland, it makes me question everything about them.
Kinda agree with ya man, though I dunno, it just seems to me that you may be missing some critical details aye.

Coz the "Jews" did sacrifice a large number of "lesser-German-Jews" along with tens of millions of Christian Germans and as we know eventually also many, many thousands of various other nationalities- including Americans, for that particular "Jew" orchestrated mass sacrifice event-
-aka "Holocaust".

They've manufactured these mass sacrifice events numerous times before, during the Bolsheviks usurpation of Russia, the Ukrainian Holodomor, the Armenian Holodomor, etc.

It's pretty common knowledge these days that the Germans never gassed any "Jews" nor ever had the slightest inclination of such other wildly ridiculous claims[Lies].

And there certainly was not this "six million" "Jews" killed,...even the "official" records state far, far fewer "Jews" supposedly killed.

All those -supposed- "Concentration Camps" were merely standard POW camps.
Just like the Americans had done when cramming thousands of Japanese into such camps.

The reason the occupants were found in such horrible emaciated conditions was the result of, among other things, the major food shortage caused by the "Allies" Terror Bombing Campaign.

Everyone was starving, and with the Germans situation being a choice between guaranteed annihilation whether they surrender or fight to the last, the only logical option was to feed those Germans courageously fighting desperately to stave off the inevitable slaughter, rape and pillage of their entire population, resources and territory.

The "Jews" ain't what they pretend to be, though most of these "Jew" identifying people are to various degrees ignorantly innocent in this regard.

Modern "Judaism" is merely a perversion of the original Hebrew peoples belief system.

#The Germans had been in the process of transporting the European "Jews" via ships to Palestine years before the war even went hot.

Adolf Hitler is who directly led to the first establishment of several "Jewish" cities in Palestinian territory.

In the early stages of the war the "Allies" went out of their way in order to bomb the fuck out of the German transportation capacities-(ie: very specific railway networks)-which were being used by the Germans for the safe relocation of European "Jews" to Palestine.

Just as the "Jews" assumed this ancient semitic identity as a means to hide behind a perpetual victim hood facade as they're stabbing everyone in the back while screeching as if pained.

They[the "Jews"] also employ the whole "Antisemitism" "defense"[offense] as an extremely powerful weapon against us, the long forgotten- descendants of the original legitimate Semitic peoples from whom they[the "Jews"] long ago stole this identity.

I've got a fuckin tonne of accumulated literature detailing this shit, and heck of alot more other stuff, if you or anyone else would like to have a read.
GTFO with this insulting, twisted, and ignorant BS.

I'm happy that this forum can discuss many things, but this post is WAY out of bounds.
Ok so I don't post much but I found this original thread back when the Vegas shooting happened and I followed that thread and so on and so forth and yada yada yada. Now I find myself still being here but listened to a very interesting podcast today that involved the Google whistleblower. If this was ever discussed on the board it escaped my memory so I wanted to bring it up in case others missed it. At the time the Google guy left his job with a copy of the Google blacklist he said about 50% of it was Las Vegas shooting and then tons of stuff about crisis actors and such, as well as anything dealing with the cure for cancer was on that list.

Do any of you listen to the Dr Ardis podcasts and watch the water and the snake venom stuff? If not you need to be.

Apologies in advance to the grammar police. Who I actually am in favor of defunding.
We need to discern who God’s people are in the phrase “Israel and the Jews.” I’m not sure it is at all the same.

Anyone who denies that the Jews are part of Israel, not just in part but foremost, is deceived. That some of the world's elites are Jews doesn't change that. Christ spoke to Judah (and the Benjamites and Levites that were no doubt there), as though he were addressing the whole nation, he called them Israel. At the end, witnesses will be called from all 12 tribes, including those that are already there.

Considering how they've suffered through the centuries, no person in their right mind would falsely claim to be a Jew. That the Rothschilds have been pulling world puppet strings for centuries alone couldn't convince people to hold onto a millennias old culture, language, heritage in the face of what it has cost them.
I am not so sure anymore about what has been taught...I think that we, the American People, have fallen to our own propaganda artists for a very long time...I don’t trust any of it.
Exactly this. NO sacred cows. The truth matters. Alternative theories should be viewed with an open mind when supported by facts.

There's very little I would reject out of hand, and the now Pavlovian antisemite response to anyone questioning a public narrative is quite overplayed.

So, if someone has an alternative narrative, present it, including facts and data points for validation. Ignore the fragility of those who immediately attack certain sacred narratives (whether true or not - facts first, then discernment). It is now irrefutable by any educated and informed person that massive pieces of the 911 narrative are completely false, but what's the truth? For nearly two decades, the mere mention of the incongruencies caused a person to become a pariah. That shouldn't be the case here on TFSF.
The Nazis did. And, they were not Jews. Period. It’s was Hitler’s “Jew Solution”. You can go read the speeches and listen to the survivor accounts.

I’m amazed this is being questioned here.
Here's my personal take, without significant in depth research. There's enough smoke, and it fits the modus operandi, that power brokers behind the scene manipulated events for their larger picture. We know the Rothschilds financed the Nazis. We know the impetus for a Jewish state in Palestine was the Holocaust. We know WW2 also resulted in the UN, kicked off the cold war, nuclear arms race, and the biggest military industrial complexes in human history. It also gave a generation their biggest bogeyman -Russia. We see clear signs of this and manipulation in Ukraine. Poland is dragging the rest of the world into war. The gamesmanship with NATO and Ukraine forced Russia to act while allowing them to be painted as the aggressor............

Some have a very hard time believing these schemers would commit mass murder to advance their agenda, and so they concoct elaborate narratives about a large scale ruse. I believe Jews truly were exterminated at the concentration camps, along with other "undesirables." But I also believe Hitler's rise to power was manipulated as part of a broader agenda.
Anyone who denies that the Jews are part of Israel, not just in part but foremost, is deceived. That some of the world's elites are Jews doesn't change that. Christ spoke to Judah (and the Benjamites and Levites that were no doubt there), as though he were addressing the whole nation, he called them Israel. At the end, witnesses will be called from all 12 tribes, including those that are already there.

Considering how they've suffered through the centuries, no person in their right mind would falsely claim to be a Jew. That the Rothschilds have been pulling world puppet strings for centuries alone couldn't convince people to hold onto a millennias old culture, language, heritage in the face of what it has cost them.

I think the problem comes from lunatics like that Barbara Lerner Spectre who felt that it was the "responsibility of the Jews" to help Europe become more Multi-Cultural. Idiots like her are basically responsible for creating current waves of anti-semitism because she's clearly not an elected official in charge of anything. Yet "Jews need to lead the way" of bringing in hoards of criminal rapists. You can just see the seething hate this lady must have for everyday Euro's. In any case she is deemed here to be "slipping up" by implying unelected folks are actually running things, which then causes Anti-Semitism. Some of the comments are hilarious but not for everyone. I personally tend to think she's just the typical dumb ass lefty broad who thinks they need to change the world and words her speech poorly.

Exactly this. NO sacred cows. The truth matters. Alternative theories should be viewed with an open mind when supported by facts.

There's very little I would reject out of hand, and the now Pavlovian antisemite response to anyone questioning a public narrative is quite overplayed.

So, if someone has an alternative narrative, present it, including facts and data points for validation. Ignore the fragility of those who immediately attack certain sacred narratives (whether true or not - facts first, then discernment). It is now irrefutable by any educated and informed person that massive pieces of the 911 narrative are completely false, but what's the truth? For nearly two decades, the mere mention of the incongruencies caused a person to become a pariah. That shouldn't be the case here on TFSF.
I once had really stringent views based on what I perceived was true...the more I’ve studied and witnessed, everything pretty much out the window now. Nothing would surprise me...

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