Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
FYI we have a discord if anyone wants to join.

(We aren’t trying to compete with any of the other servers out there by providing a similar product, just a simple chat room that’s easy for people to message each other or let us know if the site has issues)
☝️😅..."Discord"??? I might as well be some stoned dumbass alien that's just arrived here coz I've no clue what that is,...just like Hoosiers mention of this queer 4chan thing he reckons I ain't ready for,....[Hoosier-fyi-🖕🤣]
Just like the democrats will call you racist, the Jews in power will do the same. Fuck em all, not cause they’re Jewish, but because they’re sneaky and cut from the same cloth

Must be nice having a word like antisemite to throw around anytime someone catches on to your bullshit.

“Foreign Minister Lavrov’s remarks are both an unforgivable and outrageous statement as well as a terrible historical error. Jews did not murder themselves in the Holocaust. The lowest level of racism against Jews is to accuse Jews themselves of antisemitism”

The Jewish banking cartel made themselves untouchable by killing millions of Jews, and then labeling anyone that questioned the official narrative antisemite.
I don’t understand the China thing. How did we go from them just completely hiding the fact of where it came from during the height of the pandemic to now full blown Commie lockdowns when there’s little to no threat at all.

I haven't been able to get a DHL package out of Shanghai for a month. Totally shut down. They can't keep this going
Just like the democrats will call you racist, the Jews in power will do the same. Fuck em all, not cause they’re Jewish, but because they’re sneaky and cut from the same cloth

Must be nice having a word like antisemite to throw around anytime someone catches on to your bullshit.

“Foreign Minister Lavrov’s remarks are both an unforgivable and outrageous statement as well as a terrible historical error. Jews did not murder themselves in the Holocaust. The lowest level of racism against Jews is to accuse Jews themselves of antisemitism”

The Jewish banking cartel made themselves untouchable by killing millions of Jews, and then labeling anyone that questioned the official narrative antisemite.
Kinda agree with ya man, though I dunno, it just seems to me that you may be missing some critical details aye.

Coz the "Jews" did sacrifice a large number of "lesser-German-Jews" along with tens of millions of Christian Germans and as we know eventually also many, many thousands of various other nationalities- including Americans, for that particular "Jew" orchestrated mass sacrifice event-
-aka "Holocaust".

They've manufactured these mass sacrifice events numerous times before, during the Bolsheviks usurpation of Russia, the Ukrainian Holodomor, the Armenian Holodomor, etc.

It's pretty common knowledge these days that the Germans never gassed any "Jews" nor ever had the slightest inclination of such other wildly ridiculous claims[Lies].

And there certainly was not this "six million" "Jews" killed,...even the "official" records state far, far fewer "Jews" supposedly killed.

All those -supposed- "Concentration Camps" were merely standard POW camps.
Just like the Americans had done when cramming thousands of Japanese into such camps.

The reason the occupants were found in such horrible emaciated conditions was the result of, among other things, the major food shortage caused by the "Allies" Terror Bombing Campaign.

Everyone was starving, and with the Germans situation being a choice between guaranteed annihilation whether they surrender or fight to the last, the only logical option was to feed those Germans courageously fighting desperately to stave off the inevitable slaughter, rape and pillage of their entire population, resources and territory.

The "Jews" ain't what they pretend to be, though most of these "Jew" identifying people are to various degrees ignorantly innocent in this regard.

Modern "Judaism" is merely a perversion of the original Hebrew peoples belief system.

#The Germans had been in the process of transporting the European "Jews" via ships to Palestine years before the war even went hot.

Adolf Hitler is who directly led to the first establishment of several "Jewish" cities in Palestinian territory.

In the early stages of the war the "Allies" went out of their way in order to bomb the fuck out of the German transportation capacities-(ie: very specific railway networks)-which were being used by the Germans for the safe relocation of European "Jews" to Palestine.

Just as the "Jews" assumed this ancient semitic identity as a means to hide behind a perpetual victim hood facade as they're stabbing everyone in the back while screeching as if pained.

They[the "Jews"] also employ the whole "Antisemitism" "defense"[offense] as an extremely powerful weapon against us, the long forgotten- descendants of the original legitimate Semitic peoples from whom they[the "Jews"] long ago stole this identity.

I've got a fuckin tonne of accumulated literature detailing this shit, and heck of alot more other stuff, if you or anyone else would like to have a read.
The thread is being overran with anti-semitism.

Which is inevitable, I guess. Identifying Jews as a scapegoat has been mankind's standard practice for the last 2000 years, and will remain so, right up until the end.

Some believe it because they read it in some ridiculous book. Others will accept it because any scapegoat is fine as long as it doesn't include one's self. But in reality, they're just willing fools dragged along in Satan's grand plan.
The thread is being overran with anti-semitism.

Which is inevitable, I guess. Identifying Jews as a scapegoat has been mankind's standard practice for the last 2000 years, and will remain so, right up until the end.

Some believe it because they read it in some ridiculous book. Others will accept it because any scapegoat is fine as long as it doesn't include one's self. But in reality, they're just willing fools dragged along in Satan's grand plan.
Well, when most people don't understand the difference between Judah and Israel, it leads to confusion downstream.

Particularly over thousands of years and a lot of hardened hearts.
Well Since the Ruble is Now as Strong as Ever - Maybe The Sanctions Aren't That Effective
It's looking like many in the EU that say they aren't using the ruble and/or are cutting off Russian gas/oil are simply using proxies to continue trading while telling everyone they aren't.

I'd also be shocked if recent trade deals between China/Iran don't include trade with Russia via Iran as a pass through.

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