Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Lmao. I hope you don’t believe that. The man was a pussy that blamed God for his failings and did not lead the woman, but watched her fail.

Jesus came for all and even spoke to the Samaritan Woman… women are our equals and we are to lead them with their welfare/safety in mind.
Youre my guy, but men lead and women support. Men provide and tret the women as the beautiful creatures they are so they can support in a manner they should and in turn a man can treat them in the manner they should. I think the lines are getting crossed here. My daughters know as well.
Youre my guy, but men lead and women support. Men provide and tret the women as the beautiful creatures they are so they can support in a manner they should and in turn a man can treat them in the manner they should. I think the lines are getting crossed here. My daughters know as well.
I agree. 100%. The issue is that women were treated as humans and not property by Jesus. They are equals as heirs to the Kingdom.

My wife is my equal… but I lead the family. My daughter submits to her husband and he leads her well.

Two different issues imo.

Beers, discussion, in person… would make for a great conversation.
Food for thought for those of you engaged in the man/woman debate of the last few pages.

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Where did Adam get this notion? Did he make it up himself? No, it came directly from God. Jesus quoted Adam, also saying "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

Adam was "one flesh" with Eve. God told him to "cleave" to her, meaning to hold onto her, and at that point, we're told of no outs, no exceptions. 4,000 years later, Christ confirmed that there was only one exception, adultery.

Considering all of the above, and what happened with the serpent, did Adam have a choice? Was Eve and the fruit his Kobayashi Maru? He was commanded by God to hold onto Eve. Then Eve sinned, she was going to be expelled from the Garden. Having sinned she could no longer remain in God's presence. Eating the fruit was forbidden, it was a sin. Would leaving Eve to be exiled alone also have been a sin, considering what God had already declared concerning marriage?

Food for thought.

But Where is the "Make Me a Samwich" Verse? ;)
There's something about the Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon that I've always wondered about. The Washington DC/Arlington VA area is likely one of the most video surveilled areas of the country. How come we have NEVER seen any other video footage of that aircraft flying low and into the Pentagon? Surely numerous cameras mounted to buildings would have captured this.
Food for thought for those of you engaged in the man/woman debate of the last few pages.

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Where did Adam get this notion? Did he make it up himself? No, it came directly from God. Jesus quoted Adam, also saying "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

Adam was "one flesh" with Eve. God told him to "cleave" to her, meaning to hold onto her, and at that point, we're told of no outs, no exceptions. 4,000 years later, Christ confirmed that there was only one exception, adultery.

Considering all of the above, and what happened with the serpent, did Adam have a choice? Was Eve and the fruit his Kobayashi Maru? He was commanded by God to hold onto Eve. Then Eve sinned, she was going to be expelled from the Garden. Having sinned she could no longer remain in God's presence. Eating the fruit was forbidden, it was a sin. Would leaving Eve to be exiled alone also have been a sin, considering what God had already declared concerning marriage?

Food for thought

Food for thought for those of you engaged in the man/woman debate of the last few pages.

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Where did Adam get this notion? Did he make it up himself? No, it came directly from God. Jesus quoted Adam, also saying "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

Adam was "one flesh" with Eve. God told him to "cleave" to her, meaning to hold onto her, and at that point, we're told of no outs, no exceptions. 4,000 years later, Christ confirmed that there was only one exception, adultery.

Considering all of the above, and what happened with the serpent, did Adam have a choice? Was Eve and the fruit his Kobayashi Maru? He was commanded by God to hold onto Eve. Then Eve sinned, she was going to be expelled from the Garden. Having sinned she could no longer remain in God's presence. Eating the fruit was forbidden, it was a sin. Would leaving Eve to be exiled alone also have been a sin, considering what God had already declared concerning marriage?

Food for thought.
Good question.

I look at this one through the order of operations. God commands us to follow him first and foremost. To not sin. To do everything else. If we do something else, but it is out of sin (disobedience) we mess it up. Sex itself being a prime example.

I also look at what Jesus said about "flesh" and it's relation to sin.

Matthew 5:29-30​

29 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.

From this, given that Jesus is God, I would infer your answer to the question to be that God created man & woman to continue to create humans., God's own work. To do that required them to become one flesh, physically, in order to take on that responsibility. Adam should've led his wife better. He failed, thus sin entered into the world. It was also a complete violation of the order God established in Genesis 1.

God --> Man --> Woman --> rest of Creation

In the Fall, the order of authority was completely inverted.

Creation (an animal) --> Woman --> Man --> God.

This also spark another question for me re: the Trinity and the concept of Creation.

If we know that God is eternal, and thus by definition, eternal, He has always been and always will be. He can't "die" by definition. If God, through his gift of grace, pours out the Holy Spirit (himself) on those who repent of their sins and follow Jesus, God literally lives in each of those Believers via the Holy Spirit. By definition, they cannot be killed (spiritually) because God is eternal, and God won't destroy himself. Thus a further demonstration of God's perfect plan & design via the Trinity (God himself).
It's Also Physically IMPOSSIBLE To Fly a Plane That Big That Low Off The Ground



The "Pilot" Couldn't Even Fly Cessna 152 Per His Flight Instructor Much Less a Commercial Airliner
I never thought it was a plane. DC is probably the most secure air space in the world. Not one anti-aircraft weapon used?

I had a mediator tell me once that the more time I had to respond with "Yeah but" to the other side's argument, the more value my case was losing. It applies to a lot of other things as well.
I never thought it was a plane. DC is probably the most secure air space in the world. Not one anti-aircraft weapon used?

I had a mediator tell me once that the more time I had to respond with "Yeah but" to the other side's argument, the more value my case was losing. It applies to a lot of other things as well.
ok I am not disagreeing one bit. I also think flight 93 was shot down, but what happened to flight 77? where did it go? Was it shot down over the ocean? Just curious
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I Trade Some Cryptos on

They Are a Chyna Based Company

The Other Day - You Had to Move All Your Assets Off Their Platform If You Lived in US Canada and Some Other Countries Singapore Etc
Yeah something is going to go down with China soon. They are preparing for sanctions so they won't hurt that bad, I just hope Brandon is thinking ahead too.

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