Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Food for thought for those of you engaged in the man/woman debate of the last few pages.

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Where did Adam get this notion? Did he make it up himself? No, it came directly from God. Jesus quoted Adam, also saying "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

Adam was "one flesh" with Eve. God told him to "cleave" to her, meaning to hold onto her, and at that point, we're told of no outs, no exceptions. 4,000 years later, Christ confirmed that there was only one exception, adultery.

Considering all of the above, and what happened with the serpent, did Adam have a choice? Was Eve and the fruit his Kobayashi Maru? He was commanded by God to hold onto Eve. Then Eve sinned, she was going to be expelled from the Garden. Having sinned she could no longer remain in God's presence. Eating the fruit was forbidden, it was a sin. Would leaving Eve to be exiled alone also have been a sin, considering what God had already declared concerning marriage?

Food for thought.
Stirring the Pot LAC

I'm Right and You Non-Believers Need to WTF Up

YOU answer those, asshole. If you are honest, the results will punch yourself in the fucking face. And if any happened, explain how Trump enabled it rather than tried to thwart it.
How bout you both provide us with your answers.
Let everyone here judge for themselves.
Stirring the Pot LAC

I'm Right and You Non-Believers Need to WTF Up

There's something about the Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon that I've always wondered about. The Washington DC/Arlington VA area is likely one of the most video surveilled areas of the country. How come we have NEVER seen any other video footage of that aircraft flying low and into the Pentagon? Surely numerous cameras mounted to buildings would have captured this.
They’ll be ok. This happens every so often.
Yeah na, I understand that, and it's boring as fuck.

Dunno bout anyone else but I'd appreciate being afforded the opportunity to decide which of their arguments are accurate based on a lot more than just the bitching at each other like schoolgirls.

I dunno aye, is this a reasonable expectation?
...or has humanity simply devolved too far?
There's something about the Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon that I've always wondered about. The Washington DC/Arlington VA area is likely one of the most video surveilled areas of the country. How come we have NEVER seen any other video footage of that aircraft flying low and into the Pentagon? Surely numerous cameras mounted to buildings would have captured this.

Looks like a missile to anyone without an agenda.
This is a bridge too far for me. I didn’t make it through the whole thing… How did he say how it spread? Also, isn’t this guy just a chiropractor and not a medical doctor?
Like all of us, I think the Democrats are a collective hive of villainy, but some of the theories on this board just make us look like a bunch of putzes.
Yeah na, I understand that, and it's boring as fuck.

Dunno bout anyone else but I'd appreciate being afforded the opportunity to decide which of their arguments are accurate based on a lot more than just the bitching at each other like schoolgirls.

I dunno aye, is this a reasonable expectation?
...or has humanity simply devolved too far?
I totally agree. There beef goes way back in time. It will be hard for you to catch up, but you can try. Dig deep and follow the white rabbit.

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