Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I’m starting to wonder how smart Dan Crenshaw really is. He is a windsock of the highest order.

My opinion of him is the same as a former HS associate, Jame Gagliano. He's been a talking head on CNN for several years now. Former military, West Point Grad. Very accomplished. However it seems they only process what they can prove either visually or with facts.
They don't move outside of that. It's disciplined but they don't entertain outside thoughts.
This is not a fight of guns and bullets. It's a fight of technology and psychology. While many have been hoarding guns and ammunition, I have been hoarding techniques and information.

I've been inside some think tanks - MIT, DARPA. It's not as impressive as you might think. Quite ugly in fact - huge egos and government inefficiencies run rampant. There is nothing that they can do, that we cannot do as the American people.
I don’t want to be seen as not holding the line with less than 5 hours left. But being a realist right now. No pardon for assange is a really bad sign.

If we were about to enter military control and all the deep state going down Trump wouldn’t be worried about conviction in the senate as threatened by Mitch.

Hope it is misdirection. I hope the whole inside the fence thing posted above is true. I just hope we are all mentally prepared that it isn’t.
I'm sure "The Military" has had the Assange playbook for a while and pardon comes at a later date when there are no dirty players still left on the board that can threaten Trump, Mitch included.
One question. Is Charlie Ward believable. I know nothing about him.
There is only one Charlie Ward. and I dont believe anything you posted. I want to but I dont. Much love for the long drawn out story though. I could have done better. Please let me be wrong. PLEASE!!!
Poso, Bannon, Gork (who I generally like) were exposed LONG before Nov 3 in my book.

These people, just like Rush (who I generally like) are provocateurs. Tracy Beanz's work was far more informative and beneficial towards collecting votes or exposing the swamp then these dudes ever were (with more funding, 'following', and time).

John Solomon falls a little outside the lines I'm coloring in currently to a certain degree but I think people really should acknowledge that manufactured outraged on the issues that those people are covering were topics selected by the swamp. Real journalist are going to create their own narrative by breaking a story or doing something that others arent.

There are plenty of podcast and radio shows. I think its time for new ideas. Scott Presler is a great example of this IMO. He is leading by example, keeping the message simple, and come up with an idea the appeals to the other side and young folks.

Shoutout to the dude above who posted about hope. Scott is gonna take the fight to Alaska so that Lisa knows we aren't fucking around anymore. Poso is talking about surrendering and accepting whatever reality they push on us. The 'Preslers' of the world can jump in my fox hole any day since at least I can

I know how to provide a digital platform. I’ve got the best guy in the biz that knows how to brand and apply all the subtle psychological tricks “they” have been using on us for years. I don’t think we will have any issue organizing the financial backing we need as long as we keep putting out results... which we will.

Ez Pz. @Cincinattus91
I'm in Japanese soldier post war fighting mode till end of today

I'll get threads going tomorrow. Think we have to start with a discerning list of media personalities, any politicians, platforms we trust. I think we also need to decide who we should totally abandon info wise

We need to poll what % of the community views the electoral process as a legitimate means of reform/overhaul

I'd also encourage more eyes, discussion in the communism thread. That is the enemy, there are no liberals, they are communists

Tmwr, I'll also post the first installment of the Meet The Media series, first in the lineup will be happy Anderson Cooper. I'll get the ball rolling and envision a collective research operation where people can add tidbits, background on him. One way to attack proganda is to attack the Propagandists and that has not been done

We've discussed some other strategies that haven't really been tried elsewhere and we will just try them out

I think we also need a critical discussion of the Trumps and if they should be perceived to be the leaders of the Populist movement

Anyone with content ideas, strategies, etc ive created a telegram channel @myteamisonthefloor

Comfort is out, Purpose is in
Doing nothing is the only sin*
What a sad day. Tough to watch the best president of my lifetime walk out of the White House for the last time knowing he got robbed. The republican party is dead and I will never vote straight R again. I just won’t vote if a rino is the only option.
I am going back to my old voting style that I went away from this election to vote straight R. I will vote the against the incumbent in every election, if the only choice is a socialist I will write in somebody. I will never again vote for someone that is currently in power.
We need to legislate to overhaul the election process. Seems like one of the key issues to start the movement around

Edit: and starting in 1980 would be a good place to start.
Easiest thing in the world to fix. You show your ID and you fill out a paper ballot and put it in the box to be counted manually at 7PM.
Even a lib can't fuck that up.
This is not a fight of guns and bullets. It's a fight of technology and psychology. While many have been hoarding guns and ammunition, I have been hoarding techniques and information.

I've been inside some think tanks - MIT, DARPA. It's not as impressive as you might think. Quite ugly in fact - huge egos and government inefficiencies run rampant. There is nothing that they can do, that we cannot do as the American people.
I've been thinking, OK what is plan B if/when we don't get the justice that we know is right. Looking to how Jesus responded to different situations is a pretty good way to think about how I should respond.

I was reading Matthew 14 this morning. For those of you not familiar, it opens with Herod beheading John the Baptist (Jesus's cousin and the voice calling out in the wilderness) at the behest of a little child, who was simply passing along information from her mother. Petty, cruel, and cowardly is what the opening verses demonstrate for a man who was faithful to God.

Jesus' initial response is to mourn. He retreats to mourn the loss of His faithful servant. It's what he did next that has me fired up this morning. He then went and preached and fed the 5,000 (which was really closer to 20K as they only counted the men in the 5K number during those times) with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. And THEN he walked on water (in the midst of a storm :cool:), which Peter was also able to do UNTIL he lost his faith and got scared.

This tells me two things, we have to go an speak the truth to more people. They've taken away our normal voices (social media) will continue to take away other capabilities, but we have to share the truth. This platform is an opportunity for us to continue sharing the truth, even for a little while. IF we remain committed to that truth, we also will accomplish things we didn't think were possible. IF we dont' see justice here soon, I'm skeptical we will ever change that in our country or during our lifetime. That said, if God wants that to occur, it will occur, and he will use us in that endeavor if we remain faithful.

So stand tall. The truth is the truth.

And remember, the ultimate truth is not the darkness and brokeness, but rather the One who conquers all of it.
I've been thinking, OK what is plan B if/when we don't get the justice that we know is right. Looking to how Jesus responded to different situations is a pretty good way to think about how I should respond.

I was reading Matthew 14 this morning. For those of you not familiar, it opens with Herod beheading John the Baptist (Jesus's cousin and the voice calling out in the wilderness) at the behest of a little child, who was simply passing along information from her mother. Petty, cruel, and cowardly is what the opening verses demonstrate for a man who was faithful to God.

Jesus' initial response is to mourn. He retreats to mourn the loss of His faithful servant. It's what he did next that has me fired up this morning. He then went and preached and fed the 5,000 (which was really closer to 20K as they only counted the men in the 5K number during those times) with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. And THEN he walked on water (in the midst of a storm :cool:), which Peter was also able to do UNTIL he lost his faith and got scared.

This tells me two things, we have to go an speak the truth to more people. They've taken away our normal voices (social media) will continue to take away other capabilities, but we have to share the truth. This platform is an opportunity for us to continue sharing the truth, even for a little while. IF we remain committed to that truth, we also will accomplish things we didn't think were possible. IF we dont' see justice here soon, I'm skeptical we will ever change that in our country or during our lifetime. That said, if God wants that to occur, it will occur, and he will use us in that endeavor if we remain faithful.

So stand tall. The truth is the truth.

And remember, the ultimate truth is not the darkness and brokeness, but rather the One who conquers all of it.
Amen brother. We are not here to concern ourselves with the worldly clamors. We set our eyes on the Kingdom of Heaven and trust God alone.

I am just trying to prepare the way. I'm not here to lead anyone
I'm in Japanese soldier post war fighting mode till end of today

I'll get threads going tomorrow. Think we have to start with a discerning list of media personalities, any politicians, platforms we trust. I think we also need to decide who we should totally abandon info wise

We need to poll what % of the community views the electoral process as a legitimate means of reform/overhaul

I'd also encourage more eyes, discussion in the communism thread. That is the enemy, there are no liberals, they are communists

Tmwr, I'll also post the first installment of the Meet The Media series, first in the lineup will be happy Anderson Cooper. I'll get the ball rolling and envision a collective research operation where people can add tidbits, background on him. One way to attack proganda is to attack the Propagandists and that has not been done

We've discussed some other strategies that haven't really been tried elsewhere and we will just try them out

I think we also need a critical discussion of the Trumps and if they should be perceived to be the leaders of the Populist movement

Anyone with content ideas, strategies, etc ive created a telegram channel @myteamisonthefloor

Comfort is out, Purpose is in
Doing nothing is the only sin*
Over the next 2-4 we would need to accept a Trump as leading the charge.

I'd love to see someone else get that sorta of popularity with the people but that's gonna be tough to do quickly.

Piggybacking might be the best way of viewing the current situation / goal?!
Damn, that Watnick Politico piece was the final kick to the dick for me... so they knew Q was BS from the jump and decide not to tell their supporters until the night before he leaves office?

Demoralizing day for our country. Time to take a step back from politics and control what we can.
The clintons were the ones who allowed, not allowed forced and changed our country and forced it to fail. It was their culture that created this at this level.
most evil family in our history
Clinton was the one who really started us down this path. I remember having arguments about the president's office,
Georgia. Don’t we have a lot of 1980s on this board? Step up to the plate 1980. It’s been long enough.
GA is actually the perfect starting place. The legislature is RED, so from a election integrity standpoint, they need to clean house and establish a foolproof election process. that would be a nice start....
Just now getting an AK? Where you been? I’ve got 2 and 5,000 rds
I have an AR and now getting an AK. I have a Mossberg 500 Tactical. I have a an HnK VP 9.
I have a 16 and 20 gauge with 1000s upon 1000s of rounds of Ammo. O yea just bought my wife her own carry (the nations most popular gun) Im ok buddy. Plus Id just beat your ass so there's that
Just my experience with the contact tracing deal. My son had somehow avoided being quarantined via the school system all year until last week.

They sent him home last Friday for a "possible exposure" traced back to the previous Thursday, but he could come back on Tuesday (yesterday). He went back yesterday, made it an hour and a half and got called in again due to a "possible exposure" last Wed. He's now quarantined from school through this Friday and scheduled to return next Monday.

It's all frigged up but I guess they are doing the best they can and at least our school systems never batted an eye and have been & remain open since day one. Fully opened, all sports, all activities, no mask mandates in the system.

They have a number set at I think 20% of students quarantined at any one time and they close the doors. Thus far the top number we've hit is right at 10%, which has been steady since early Dec.

Lucky for us our son is a good student and has kept up with everything throughout this mess pretty well. A lot of kids however aren't even trying to go to school much less participate online. I worry that's happening across the country and we're going to see the effects for years to come.
I don’t think the different opinions have anything to do with it. It’s the fact that you come off as an insufferable cunt. The few times I have read something that you post, I can only think that you are a giant dbag and I feel bad for how truly pathetic and weak you are. Don’t carry on, please die in a fire.
Go fuck yourself and then hang yourself.

What’s funny is you fucking internet tough guys have no idea who you are talking to or the quality of the man. Literally... Teddy Jack is exactly who you want next to you “on the line”.

I’ve never seen so many people cry because another person has a different opinion. Oh wait. Yea I have. On TMB when hurricaneshaun and other liberals posted in our threads.

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I did like the 17 flags touch. I said it last night but worth repeating, regardless of what happens the rest of today - and there are still an unheard of number of troops etc in DC - this has always been The Great Awakening. Way beyond this thread, many millions of Americans are awake. It took over 100 years to get here, and only a couple years to shine the light on the vast corruption and manipulation of the entire establishment.

We are wide awake, we aren't going anywhere, the war has only begun.
Damn, that Watnick Politico piece was the final kick to the dick for me... so they knew Q was BS from the jump and decide not to tell their supporters until the night before he leaves office?

Demoralizing day for our country. Time to take a step back from politics and control what we can.

Remember the whole "take the pledge" in which General Flynn also partook ending with WWG1WGA. ECW was his under study.. none of this makes any sense unless it's all just for optics. We'll know soon enough though.
Tomorrow in the truck I will not have the news on. Will have this thread on my phone. Will listen to XM first team and then whiny Chris Childers until I can’t stand him (10 minutes). Switch to classic rock music then.
So you and I have the same process. lol. My Man. We listened to the same radio today. I start with Dr Michael Yusseff though

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