Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Gonna say this again. How much has the American Taxpayer spent since WW2 ended to defend the Europeans.
The EU has a population of over 400M, and the world's 3rd largest economy.
How is the EU the problem of the US Taxpayer.
All I see is Greasy Politicians Getting Rich, and the Elite Trash and their companies that milk the MIC.
None of this is abut the Defense of America. Its about greasying assholes all over the world.
They have destroyed America not strengthened America. How many Trillions wasted in Afghan Scams.
Gonna say this again. How much has the American Taxpayer spent since WW2 ended to defend the Europeans.
The EU has a population of over 400M, and the world's 3rd largest economy.
How is the EU the problem of the US Taxpayer.
All I see is Greasy Politicians Getting Rich, and the Elite Trash and their companies that milk the MIC.
None of this is abut the Defense of America. Its about greasying assholes all over the world.
They have destroyed America not strengthened America. How many Trillions wasted in Afghan Scams.
I just can't wrap my brain around how our politicians go from I am a public servant to being so fucking greedy for money and power that they have no love of country, for fellow citizens and their families, no self-respect, or the rule of law.
They started out as or became the evilest people in the world.
Make of it what you will. I don't know what to say. Deagel is a legitimate US contractor to the US Military. They project US population of 99M by 2025.

I saw that experts are predicting 3 to 5 million illegal immigrants to the US this year.... food shortages and general inflation... I could see big social upheaval and every shit lib with a 401k leaving the country for a safer place than they hell hole they created.
I have a small knife collection that includes many of these classics.
I saw that experts are predicting 3 to 5 million illegal immigrants to the US this year.... food shortages and general inflation... I could see big social upheaval and every shit lib with a 401k leaving the country for a safer place than they hell hole they created.
This got Me thinking.
I wish Texas would make a rule that companies that move to
Texas can only hire people who have lived in Texas for
More than a few years before the company moves… prevent an influx of libs coming from
Shit states…

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