Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
@Jayhox I am confused, what does the IG report have to do with it and what makes it big ?
Many thought the IG reports were big failures. Some of us pointed out that their conclusions might have been weak but the reports were absolute treasure troves of great facts for prosecutors (or civil litigants). Trump’s use of the IG report shows how valuable they are as factual sources for Trump and Durham. That’s BIG.
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Many thought the IG reports were big failures. Some of pointed out that their conclusions might have been weak but the reports were absolute treasure troves of great facts for prosecutors (or civil litigants). Trump’s use of the IG report shows how valuable they are as factual sources for Trump and Durham. That’s BIG.
Seem to recall that when asked in congressional testimony if he was recommending indictments Horowitz replied “my entire report is an indictment”
I don’t think Meridian is coming back. This past December, I recognized his username on a reply to a tweet. I sent him a message through Twitter and he said he didn’t like the censorship going on here and he had better things to fight for besides corrupt politics where nobody pays the price. He has a second chance at life (new heart) and it changed his perspective.

Viking said he is taking a break in another thread (Thread name: In My WTF moment for today. Something like that. I think started by him). Hope he comes back soon.
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You left out the pedophilia and the gravy trail behind him as he walks, and shitting himself for the Pope in the Vatican. Definitely a first I am sure
Haven’t posted in a while. Used to post how bad our public schools are getting in north dallas (RISD). Schools were excellent not even 10 years ago but are rotting from within with all the woke BS. Anyways, we have had enough and are planning on home schooling our (8 yo twins) next year. We applied to Prestonwood Christian academy and St Rita but met some homeschooling folks that really opened our eyes to the advantages. Anyways, we are at a homeschooling conference in St Louis right now (Christian based). I’ve been so in the dumps about the state our our country, our youth, and the collective shift away from God. Being around people here has been a great pick me up. So many solid people of faith doing the right thing for the next generation. The backbone of this country will not give in EVER.
Haven’t posted in a while. Used to post how bad our public schools are getting in north dallas (RISD). Schools were excellent not even 10 years ago but are rotting from within with all the woke BS. Anyways, we have had enough and are planning on home schooling our (8 yo twins) next year. We applied to Prestonwood Christian academy and St Rita but met some homeschooling folks that really opened our eyes to the advantages. Anyways, we are at a homeschooling conference in St Louis right now (Christian based). I’ve been so in the dumps about the state our our country, our youth, and the collective shift away from God. Being around people here has been a great pick me up. So many solid people of faith doing the right thing for the next generation. The backbone of this country will not give in EVER.
Good to hear from you and good luck! I posted last year when we discovered the CRT and gender programming in our private school, which is more expensive for my 6 and 8 y.o. than for my 21 yr old twins college tuition (only share that for the idiocy of what they're charging/we're paying for brainwashing).

We fought the board and headmaster, huge blow up and division among parents...and while our group made some good progress and fight continues, this has metastasized beyond belief nationally.

Point being, I decided last July to homeschool our kids. Great decision for this year but we wanted to get them back into a school environment for social growth and found a good one recently, will be sending them there starting August. Easy to get discouraged, stick around the LAC for moral support!
Many thought the IG reports were big failures. Some of pointed out that their conclusions might have been weak but the reports were absolute treasure troves of great facts for prosecutors (or civil litigants). Trump’s use of the IG report shows how valuable they are as factual sources for Trump and Durham. That’s BIG.
We have discussed before the DC judicial system is nothing more than a sanctuary city for corrupt Dems. They own and control the Judges, defense attorneys, juries, and the Washington Post media.
When was the last Q post? This NYT article about the Thomas-Meadows texts says it was December 8th, 2021. Is that correct?

She calls Nov. 3, Election Day, a “heist,” and repeats debunked conspiracy theories, including one pushed by QAnon that falsely alleged that voter fraud had been discovered in Arizona on secretly watermarked ballots.

Haven’t posted in a while. Used to post how bad our public schools are getting in north dallas (RISD). Schools were excellent not even 10 years ago but are rotting from within with all the woke BS. Anyways, we have had enough and are planning on home schooling our (8 yo twins) next year. We applied to Prestonwood Christian academy and St Rita but met some homeschooling folks that really opened our eyes to the advantages. Anyways, we are at a homeschooling conference in St Louis right now (Christian based). I’ve been so in the dumps about the state our our country, our youth, and the collective shift away from God. Being around people here has been a great pick me up. So many solid people of faith doing the right thing for the next generation. The backbone of this country will not give in EVER.
I also find hanging out with Filipino tilt-a-whirl operators to be very encouraging.

China Preparing For Massive Famine. If you were the Emperor of China. And you only had 6% of the arable land and 7% of the potable water, and 3.4B mouths to feed, and you had 300M unmarried men, what would you do?
I would give them all an AK47 and 500 rds of ammo, and march them west to secure land and water and food for my people.
In this way I would accomplish 2 things. Single men without families are a threat, so I use them up to obtain necessities for my people.

Not may cut. Will Cut. Biden destroyed the USD been saying this since numb nuts started his sanction insanity. You can not cut out half the worlds population from your trade and not destroy your own country.
As the Democrats under Obama liked to say, "Elections Have Consequences"
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