Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
It doesn't really matter what I say. But the fact is that not enough evidence of voter fraud was produced to allow the court cases to move through our judicial system. Im not naive enough to think that election fraud doesn't exist. Of course there are people doing illegal things, but most likely on a small scale. No, that does not make it OK. But short of some block-chain system, im not sure how you make it entirely secure.

I do believe big tech interference was a big election issue. Not sure how you regulate it, but I have done my part and cancelled twatter, left Rivals, never was on facial book, and will try to use my dollars at places that believe in free speech and conservatism.

I get a kick out of the people that still posts links to twitter in here. Cancel that shit, its the only way to make them pay for their actions.
“Most likely on a small scale”??? Seriously??? I. Can’t. Even......nope.....not going to.......nope.....F. Now I have a headache.
Welp, we've had(by my estimation) between 16k-18k pages of this thread in it's(counts on fingers) six iterations.

Never were we bombed with CP.

Either we have never posted any significant truth-nuggs, or we have stayed off of "their" radar better than I figured.(I hope it's the latter)
We never got big enough to be monitored, at least in real-time by a COINTELPRO team.
The guy sure sounds a lot like Clapper, though...he's always seemed controlled to me, and also doesn't come off as particularly bright for the role he was in. The perfect type that the CIA/FBI would be able to manipulate however they needed. Then he goes on CNN and implicated Obama for spying in his mealy-mouth manner.

But man, he'd be the ideal guy to blow this whole deal sky high! IDK, it would fit the bill if he's tired of living in fear and willing to do the right thing.
Or, as someone who appears to be easily manipulated, he may be trying to save his ass.
So a couple quick updates.

There is speculation that Lin Wood's whistelblower is James Clapper. I don't believe that to be true.

Lin Wood's Telegram account is now down because people posted CP in the comments.

Anyone who's been on the chans knows what that means.

Buckle-up buttercups.
Someone posted a podcast weeks ago with this same guy being interviewed by a woman. I did not save it for some reason, nor remember who posted it, but it was good!
Claims to have a disk which is a key to access all this blackmail data or something along those lines. Was Jailed, beaten, poisoned.
It might have even posted on the old Board, I’m not sure.
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Pompeo is on Fox with John Roberts right now talking about China.

Notably, he does not say the "Biden" administration. He purposely says the "next" administration. It stood out to me because John Roberts was specifically asking if he expected the Biden administration to continue with pressure on China.
Someone posted an a podcast weeks ago with this same guy being interviewed by a woman. I did not save it for some reason, nor remember who posted it, but it was good! Claims to have a disk which is a key to access all this blackmail data or something along those lines. Was Jailed, beaten, poisoned.
This is in alignment with what Lin just posted.

The whistleblower has been brutally tortured and he and his wife have lived in fear of death. The guilty parties thought their threats silenced him. Further damning evidence was sealed for alleged National Security purposes in a federal court in Maryland. False charges were brought against the whistleblower. He decided to risk his life to speak truth. He did so as a believer in God. He is a hero. In time, I pray that he will be pardoned and honored for his courage in revealing the truth. If FBI or other nefarious actors harm him now they will only further indict themselves and prove their guilt. Pray for Psalm 91 protection for this brave man and whistleblower. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Someone posted an a podcast weeks ago with this same guy being interviewed by a woman. I did not save it for some reason, nor remember who posted it, but it was good! Claims to have a disk which is a key to access all this blackmail data or something along those lines. Was Jailed, beaten, poisoned.
It would be John I'm here to help from Twitter.
for those of us without Telegram anyway to provide summary or usable links?
Will try my best to summarize.

  • John Roberts adopted 2 kids (arranged by Jeffrey Epstein) in order to get in with the cabal of power. The only way in is to provide them with children. Whistleblower stated that the two kids had been through hell.
  • They had rigged the 2016 election (something we already knew)
  • Hillary's plan was to eliminate Federal judges in order to stack the judiciary. (FBI Complicit)
  • Scalia found out about the plan to kill members of the judiciary and went to the White House. Died one week later
  • Roberts involved in Scalia assassination. Roberts wanted say in next judge.
I've heard interviews with @johnheretohelp on Twitter and they sound the same to me. Not sure for certain if that's who this whistleblower is.
Someone posted an a podcast weeks ago with this same guy being interviewed by a woman. I did not save it for some reason, nor remember who posted it, but it was good! Claims to have a disk which is a key to access all this blackmail data or something along those lines. Was Jailed, beaten, poisoned.
It might have even posted on the old Board, I’m not sure.
I can’t concentrate on anything you say, but you got my vote for best avatar.
so far I’m really liking the way the board has been set-up. Mods have done a good job of separating forums {MB, LAC, and NSFW} for relevant subjects. On tMB I mainly did anniversary threads, to avoid repetition, but for here I made this thread for a more general discussion of military history and specifically WWII. I think with the board just getting started having one broader thread should suffice. But of I course I might or any other poster for that matter could start a new thread.

Stalingrad is as good a place as any to begin a discussion of WWII. On this day in 1943 the battle was entering its final phase. The Soviet offensive had pushed the Germans back to the outskirts of Stalingrad and the last link to the outside, Gumrak Air Field, would fall on January 23. Most German troops had already accepted their fate as many had begun to retreat without orders into the ruins of Stalingrad which would provide the final shelter for 6. Armee. As the fighting returned to the old stomping grounds of the Fall of 1942 German troops found themselves on familiar grounds but this time with their backs to the Volga. On January 26 the Soviets reached the Volga splitting 6. Armee into two major pockets and hastening the end. Gen. Paulus requested permission to surrender from Hitler but Hitler insisted the 6. Armee fight to the end as a point of German honor. By that point the condition of 6. Armee was deplorable practically all supply from the air, which was entirely insufficient to begin had ceased, German wounded were no longer even being provided the slightest medical care, ammunition was running out, and the troops were nearing complete starvation.

On January 30 Gen. Paulus was promoted to Field Marshall with the reminder from Hitler that no German Field Marshall had ever surrendered. The message to Paulus was clear. But the next day the southern pocket entirely collapsed when the Soviets reached the HQ for Paulus in a collapsed department store. While Paulus would infuriate Hitler by surrendering he refused to order the northern pocket under Gen. Strecker to lay down their arms. But all the same the situations was hopeless and February 2 the last major German force would surrender ending the bloodiest battle in history. The German Army would never fully recover from the loss of 6. Armee.
The evidence of targeted fraud is readily available for any person who wants to see it. There was polling following the election that said 90% of republicans, 60% of independents and 30% of democrats think it is somewhat likely (or stronger) that significant fraud took place during the election. That’s easily over 80,000,000 people who think it’s possible the election was stolen.

There is a reason there have not been any meaningful investigstion of these claims - because they would find evidence of the fraud. If there was no fraud why wouldn’t investigations be welcomed?
The 2nd Great Awakening...
Welp, we've had(by my estimation) between 16k-18k pages of this thread in it's(counts on fingers) six iterations.

Never were we bombed with CP.

Either we have never posted any significant truth-nuggs, or we have stayed off of "their" radar better than I figured.(I hope it's the latter)
You can't use the same tactics on everyone especially not if it would have the opposite effect of shutting down digging...
I thought this fagit was banned?

He is now.


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