I know several people that are very close to Lin Wood, and have been for quite some time.
So you think Pence is a good guy? Or is there something else that just doesn't add up?
AMEN !Dear Lord,
If there is any justice left in this world, please let today be the day where evil is brought out of the darkness and into the light for everyone to see. Let the evil doers feel your wrath and may good win the day.
Everyone who does something meaningful is a little crazy.I don't mean to be vague, that's really all that I know. Lin Wood is either (i) completely crazy or (ii) completely crazy + knows something. I just have serious doubts that its ii.
They ran the polling stations for the run off. Nothing happened.Did anything ever happen to the people in GA that pulled out the votes from underneath a table? And then ran them multiple times, or are they still walking around free.
Sure. Right after I finally acquiesce and post a pic of my dog.What in the FUCK is going on ITT?
I thought I was checking in to the GOAT Conspiracy Thread for possibly the greatest two days in American History...
But Instead I'm convinced the SPCA or the American Kennel Club hacked us.
What's next - fucking baby pictures?
Just grab a pair of depends since it could be one of those days...If it goes to 10 minutes next I may have to change my under garments.
What in the FUCK is going on ITT?
I thought I was checking in to the GOAT Conspiracy Thread for possibly the greatest two days in American History...
But Instead I'm convinced the SPCA or the American Kennel Club hacked us.
What's next - fucking baby pictures?
I can see where this is going now...
It's "obvious christians support the Russians":
Immediately would push the agenda to take all weapons. They control the media so the % of people supporting gun confiscation after an attack on biden would be over 100%.I’m really starting to believe someone is being set up here again. They are laying the ground for some rogue NG trying to attack Biden.
If nothing happens, a lot of folks are going to lose a lot of viewers.How many viewers is Simon Parkes going to lose after tomorrow? The guy is FOS.
Maybe he can’t release the evidence to the public since that would taint it in the eyes of the court.Ehh . I used to like and follow Lin Wood, but the dude has lost it. Some of the things he has said just don't add up. I don't know what happened to him and Sidney Powell, time came for them to produce evidence and they never did. If you have evidence that was so powerful, you would have produced it by now.
Lin Wood has lost a lot of credibility between settling the Sandman case with CNN (his high of credibility) and then threatening the president elect of the United Sates (his low of credibility).
Im as @MAGA as they come fwiw.
I held out for as long as I could. I'll probably have to post more pics later just to break up the F5 monotony of this day. Unless, or course, we get the BOOM we've all been waiting for. Say it with me....."My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us".Sure. Right after I finally acquiesce and post a pic of my dog.
Yeah I'm not a Russian apologist but the dude can govern.ZFG - That guy is a Bauce
In reality the media controls about 50 million sheep. That might be pushing the number that actually voted for pedojoe.Immediately would push the agenda to take all weapons. They control the media so the % of people supporting gun confiscation after an attack on biden would be over 100%.
Agenda pushed through a false flag.
I thought I heard it was a guy that took it and was already arrested for it?Smells like BS
I’m really starting to believe someone is being set up here again. They are laying the ground for some rogue NG trying to attack Biden.
Maybe he can’t release the evidence to the public since that would taint it in the eyes of the court.
Best dogs ever. You are not kidding about the bond. We got Jerry from Carey Knowles in McRae GA. Lots of energy, but when not running he is at my feet or on my lap.
I live in Md. Wish it were meI love this chick. She worked her way up from Coed of the Week all the way to Cyber Girl of the Month.
4’11, original boobs and batshit crazy and a convicted felon. She was a counselor for parolees in Maryland and was getting high and fucking the convicts and taking bribes to falsify failed drug reports. Now in prison. How does it get any better than that?
Severn Drug Counselor Who Had Sex With Clients Sentenced
A Severn counselor who used drugs and had sex with a probation client was sentenced to prison for obstruction of justice, prosecutors say.patch.com
Truer words have never been spoken. You took my thoughts and put them down for all to see.I think the weirdest part about all of this is: I want to lose my shit and cry but then I also want to scream in outrage and draw blood. I’m hurting fam, and I know most of you feel the same. I just never thought I would see this in my lifetime, but I ate some of the lies.
Maybe he can’t release the evidence to the public since that would taint it in the eyes of the court.
Nobody would hear the case.There were MULTIPLE court cases in multiple jurisdictions. Ample time to have produced the evidence in front of a court. Doesn't add up for me.
I lapped up the Bush lies like a cat does a bowl of milk. I can remember going to one of his rallies during the 04' campaign, still fired up about 9/11 and bought his "We have to finish the job" bullshit hook line and sinker. Fuck that bastard.I think the weirdest part about all of this is: I want to lose my shit and cry but then I also want to scream in outrage and draw blood. I’m hurting fam, and I know most of you feel the same. I just never thought I would see this in my lifetime, but I ate some of the lies.
He's not even trying. This is purely for humiliation.Lolz
Biden Picks Rachel Levine As Assistant Health Secretary In Historic LGBTQ Moment
Levine is poised to become the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.www.huffpost.com