Here is his second email of the day
1/18 2.0!!!
January 18, 2021 at 7:05:44 PM EST
Subject: Clarity
Are you READY?!?! We are getting to the point of no return, the final countdown. This is me right now. Almost everyone with inside sources is being quiet, and I interpret that to mean we are on the launch pad ready to GO! The single greatest event in human history is about to take place. Yet AGAIN, I am reminding you to temper your expectations as to when. MOST people think it will be tonight or tomorrow, but Simon Parkes reminds us he was told they could wait until one minute before the swearing in. Military ops USUALLY start at 2:30 am or so, the same time ballots for Pedo Joe come in (loving the irony).
It is comforting to know, they are planning to start before the inauguration as they all agree that waiting until afterwards makes everything much more complicated for all the reasons I have given this past week. Even then, there is STILL a possibility that it will take place AFTER the inauguration so just be prepared emotionally for that possibility, but either way, this charade of Pedo Joe being president elect ends within 48-60 hours if not sooner.
How do you think my preparations are going ? (here and here), Did you know tomorrow is national popcorn day? No joke. Simon Parkes is taking the British approach specifically saying he won't get popcorn because of the gravitas of the situation to which I say, MORE FOR US! We have been treated liking whipping posts for decades and this is the payback we have been waiting for for SO long. Parkes also won't call it ten days of darkness favoring ten days of limited communication. That's not as fun or theatrical. Despite there being a lull in news, there is still some really REALLY interesting information. Simon said that one of the reasons for the delay in operations is because the closer we get to the supposed transfer to Pedo Joe, the more people Trump thought he could trust are exposing themselves as swamp creatures. removing the camouflage.
Simon said it has been very disturbing to Trump to see people he trusted and planned to trust going forward turn out to be bad guys. The betrayal is VERY real. I keep reminding you about this, because I think most forget it being wrapped in their unfortunately selfish need for immediate gratification. There have been nearly two DOZENS attempts on Trump's life. At least two agents have died taking the bullet for Trump. They tried to kill Melania by poisoning a bottle of her finger nail polish. This was caught by an agent who took the poison but was saved. However, here is what happened last Saturday. There was a credible attempt to kill Trump. Simon says this attempt was the most serious in that it nearly succeeded.
Up until this point, Trump has been very patient giving people a chance to come back to the light. In my opinion, he has been WAY too forgiving of people who are true criminals and evil to the core. That last assassination attempt was the final straw for Trump, and he is now in full attack mode. Keep this in mind. Trump CANNOT surrender to these people for many very real and obvious reasons. The most obvious is they will try to kill him until the day he dies unless he takes them out first. That is NOT hyperbole. He KNOWS they stole the election, KNOWS they are evil satanic cannibalistic murdering pedophiles, and has seen all the proof.
He CANNNOT be left alive for the deep state to feel secure. He will forever be a loose end that has to be removed. The self preservation for him and his family is paramount, and you should take complete solace in knowing this. So while YOU want things to happen right now, imagine Trump! The second reason is Trump understands that if he fails, not only does America collapse, but so does the rest of the the world. Q has made this point many times. They KNOW this is the game of the highest possible stakes ever seen before in all of humanity. However, in this game, if you were to look at the cards, the deep state players would have all two's and three's while Trump would have a royal flush and three side aces. He has the winning hand. Simon made a GREAT analogy that I think you should take to heart.
When you are looking at the events happening right now, think of the Wizard of Oz. The almighty and powerful Oz that was so incredibly scary as a young child was really a small man behind a curtain putting on an act. THAT is their side. That doesn't mean they aren't a credible threat. I keep pointing out this is a GLOBAL operation, and every time we turn around, there is a new threat. What is it now? You know those cargo containers that are loaded on international barges that are offloaded in the biggest US ports? Apparently, a bunch of those have surface to air missile platforms (scroll to the pictures) that can pop open at any moment and launch an attack. Interestingly, Mike Adams, who DOES have reliable sources with poor emotional analysis of his sources, was told the US power grid was the primary target. David Wilcock posted a video completely independent of Mike and said he was told the power grid is the primary target. That makes sense.
Those of you receiving these emails back in the dark days under the Fuhrer will remember me documenting all the covert gov't shipping of heavy weapons, the hundreds of thousands of FEMA caskets, and guillotines. No exaggeration. You will also remember telling you the Fuhrer committed treason when he invited both Russia and China to part take in "Grid Ex" drills in which he gave BOTH of those countries COMPLETE access to our power grid, not once, not twice, but THREE times. He exposed our weakness to our enemy. Such an evil person. A few quick side notes before I get into how I see this playing out based on the recent info. Barr was 100% deep state. Apparently he denied the tsunami of voter fraud, protected OnlyBlakcLivesMatter, and blocked a pardon of Snowden. He is Gitmo bound. Going back to DC, EVERY single car leaving the city is being stopped and people are being forced to show ID. IF they were there to "protect" Pedo Joe, you would stop and ID people coming IN, not people going out.
They are there to seal them all in. David Wilcock points out that the tweet that got Trump's Twitter account permanently removed is the one where he posted about a GIANT VOICE which is the military version of the EAS. It was comms, and Twitter didn't like that. David Wilcock pointed out that the best source of comms right now is Pompeo's twitter account. When his posts start getting posted every hour, then every 30 mins, then every ten, then every five followed by silence, THAT is a "go" trigger. He did this this weekend right before a black out in NYC. Right now he went from posting every hour to posting every 30 minutes which brings me to this. The PLAN! Based on what I have read, heard, analyzed, etc. I think this is what we can expect, but I don't know WHEN. Almost ALL sources are in complete agreement that there will be TOTAL GLOBAL communications taken down. That is the START of the operation. Why? Think about it logically as I keep urging you to do. One of the first, if not THE first targets of any military operation is enemy comms.
A blind enemy is a dead enemy. When all comms go offline across the entire WORLD, it is going to be very hard for the deep state to see what is coming, and what has happened to their fellow evil doers. The military will work in unison with swift fury according to Q. Plus, think about our complicit media who broadcasts in front of a neighborhood ablaze and says it is mostly peaceful except for the arson and murder. They pretend a small storm is a hurricane, and that's just the Weather Channel! They try to control the news and the narrative, and they would do all they can to portray Trump and the military in the worse possible light. They won't get the chance.
The evidence of their guilt, and their
confessions will be aired non-stop on the EAS. No one has actually seen Pedo Joe in over a week, and I suspect his "broken foot" which healed in two days is why. He was under arrest and taped his confession to spare Hunter and himself from the firing squad. I suspect the same from Haspell, and yes even Nazi Pelosi who missed the first two days of this recent sham impeachment. Where was she? She was so happy to impeach Trump the first time she handed out impeachment pens looking like the bitter nasty old crow she is. Despite not knowing the time, I ABSOLUTELY know how this ends, and it is going to be GLORIOUS, or as Q said, "It is going to be BIBLICAL".