You're uninformed. Q specifically stated disinformation is necessary and made multiple comments that on their face were false for this exact reason.Well, it was a direct question asked of Q. We would have to assume Q lied in that moment to believe Jr. Is still alive. If that's the case then point me to anything we can trust from Q, right? JFK jr possibly still being alive is the absolute least important subject imo when it comes to taking back and securing freedom.
Well, we already treaded the waters of a Jarrett shadow presidency so.So who is worse, President Harris or shadow president Jarrett?
That is distinction without a differenceSo who is worse, President Harris or shadow president Jarrett?
Hopefully Jarrett, at least, is on her way to GITMO this time next week.So who is worse, President Harris or shadow president Jarrett?
Fall of cabal and fall of cabal sequal on bitchute has a lot of info on the bloodlines. Mostly factual, some theories, such as Bill Gates and that pizza comet guy being offspring, but very believable.Talked to my brother earlier. His tweeter account has recently got locked. Funny thing is he hasn’t tweeted out in over a year. He just follows a lot of similar stuff that get posted in here. He said they didn’t give him a reason as to why and they haven’t messaged him back when he asked.
I’ve been wanting to go down a rabbit hole regarding elites and their fascination with bloodlines. I’ve always wondered what happened to the offspring and lineage of those who procreated with the fallen angels in the OT. Any help from anyone who may’ve already looked into stuff related to this would be welcomed and very much appreciated.
I saw this.....damn it he was a favorite! Gives new meaning to the song "Friends in Low Places"!Another one to add to the list:
Garth Brooks to Perform at Biden Inauguration: It's 'Not Political,' It's About 'Unity'
Joining the likes of Lady Gaga, Bruce Springsteen, and John Legend is country mega star Garth Brooks, who has announced that he will be performing at Joe Biden's inaugural events this week, claiming that his decision isn't "political statement."
Also anyone peddling minimum wage increases falls on the list. I might start a thread for that so y'all don't have to waste your time on that dumb fucking trolling.
I promise you that would cause a civil war.
We’re all focused on timing of MP tweets but the messages are just as interesting...multiple comms. The China tweets esp yesterday seem to suggest we’re effectively at war with China. And this one seems to be calling out the difference between defending our embassy and what happened in Benghazi.
Point being, why is our SOS on a tweet storm? Just to highlight the admin’s accomplishments? Or maybe, these are precursors to what will be made public with Declas.
White man bad. It's the new flavor.Wait, doesn't this go all against their narrative that the MIL was on Bidens side or that he got 80mil votes or a ton of MIL votes?
I mean why such a high % of MIL be against him? Haven't we been fed a steady diet from the morons on the MB, and MSM that in fact the MIL a lot of them were against DT?
So why would they fear such high %'s of pubs in the MIL if Biden was so popular?
See, they can't even keep their own bullshit narratives straight?
Giving up sports was painful but worth it. I sleep better when I don't have to pay to promote marxists.Fox sports is doing pretty much a tribute to BLM. Fucking disgusting![]()
One last thing sorry I keep replying to same message like a retard but I’m getting a surge of inspiration.
Put a block of text at the top just copied from Wikipedia or something so when folks hover over the thread the just see boring text. Then have a space and bold letters put something like: Anyhoo, in the meantime I’ll be on
Then porn bomb
Remember when George P posts “as soon as” it means anytime after. Literally infinity...I thought all the obamagate stuff was getting dropped over the weekend.
This was from project redpill episode. Watch 30 min beyond, but some great stuff here regarding the symbolism.
I'll try to summarize.
Our country was founded by Christians and Masons on Christian principles. When you look at where the Washington DC, let's talk about what that looks like from 50K feet.
The Capital sits between 2 states, Virginia and Maryland. Remove the endings from each of those states name and what do you get?
So we have the District of Columbia sitting in the "womb" of the Virgin Mary for the "rebirth" of a great nation.
What does the District of Columbia stand for? Most people assume Christopher Columbus. That would be inaccurate.
Columbia Goddess:
District of The Goddess Columbia - The Goddess and Washington D.C. or The Goddess of Washington D.C.
So you have the Virgin Mary and the district being founded with extreme symbolism all pointing to a Savior of Jesus Christ.
What does the DC, Vatican, City of London, all have in common? All are sovereign nations within a larger nation. Islands within a nation is one way to think about it.
Now let's tie a bit to some other areas we've followed here.
When does a bird sing? When it's caged, right?
What is going on in DC right now? Who built a wall. A wall that is SO much more important than we realized. A wall that is surrounded by troops.
Who did Epstein control? Where did his worship of Satan occur? On an island? Did he control people via an island? See where this is going?
And what does the Owl represent? Why is there a huge fire in front of the owl?
Why do they illuminate it? Because what they are truly worshiping is a bull. A Ba'al, if you will, that when illuminated, casts a shadow of an owl.
Baal - New World Encyclopedia
What is the famous owl that sits in "heart" of DC?
And what sits at the heart of the "owl" in DC, that is currently surrounded by a wall, troops, and sits on an island of deceit?
So if these people want to take power, they have to come into the cage, take the power, and go to their own temple to accept the power. What sits on top of Capitol.
That is Athena, also known as MInerva. Who was Minerva known as always having with here? How about an owl.
And who defeated Minerva (Athena) in Greek mythology. Apollo. Injured, with one eye, and only one arrow.
One arrow you might have called his "trump" card.
This is going to be Biblical.
Well, we already treaded the waters of a Jarrett shadow presidency so.