Yes. I’m just wondering why we have to wait until right at Inauguration Day?
Because it's easier to catch all those fucking traitorous pigs in a central location than one at a time.

Yes. I’m just wondering why we have to wait until right at Inauguration Day?
From what I understand it was supposed to go to the personnel in government at the DC region, but was sent to a LOT more than that. Not everyone is getting it but E-6 above in Coast Guard received it. That said the correction was made to not include as many but it is definitely in effect. I don’t recall hearing it set for previous admin changes. Bush and Obama to my knowledge didn’t use it for inauguration.
Also it was sent via the same means I get major announcements from gov types via AWS. Normally get command notifications or hurricane evac stuff from it. It’s authentic as far as I’m concerned.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0836cc No.4280455IF JFK Jr. was alive. THAT would definitely be a shot heard round the world.
They'll need to make it short and at a 6th grade level to try and keep joe from fucking it up. No big words that he'd end up slurring.Do you think the Biden team has decided which speech they are going to plagarize on Wednesday yet?
They'll need to make it short and at a 6th grade level to try and keep joe from fucking it up. No big words that he'd end up slurring.
Have you guys seen the Lin Wood video Scott is mentioning is this video? If yes, can you add it to the thread?
Thanks in advance.
Who administers the oath of office? CJ. If you want to throw a nuke, release the classified information on the CJ first, arrest him and stop the oath from taking place. Then release classified info on others, etc. The MSM would have to report it.Let's say yes they are going to round all these guys up and everything we want to happen will happen. A couple of questions and sort of "war gaming" this thing out:
1. For an operation like this to be carried out how many people would need to be read in on it today?
2. At what point would others need to be read in on it?
3. When would you need to give the order to those on the ground and front lines what their mission is and to arrest all of these folks?
Operationally how would you actually pull this off? For example looking at these 3 questions would it be something along these lines? And some of my guesses/ observations lead to further questions.
1. Very, very limited group. Trump, Sect. of Defense, a couple others like Kash and ECW. Who else?
2. Obviously to prevent any compromise to the mission you would want again this to continue to be extremely limited. But to carry it out others have to be in the know. Probably the top layer or so of command for those on the ground need to be involved with a plan for how to communicate it to those on the ground. How many layers have to happen for them to get the mission objective and be successful?
3. You would obviously want to wait as long as possible to avoid any possible compromise to the mission. But you also can't have them on the ground getting a radio message of basically "arrest these people, go", or can you? How much notice would be needed it? Is this why the Biden team is having the compromised FBI put their loyalists closest to Biden? So when the mission goes live we could literally have our own troops squaring off against each other or the loyalists could tip off the Biden team?
Historically speaking we have never seen anything like this. Not even D-Day was like this because all of our forces were united. There was also no worry about one of our troops (and it only takes 1) sending a quick text to the Germans/ opponent "It's coming, prepare". With instant communication and no doubt at least some troops being staunch supporters of both sides, how do you actually operationally pull this off?
Who administers the oath of office? CJ. If you want to throw a nuke, release the classified information on the CJ first, arrest him and stop the oath from taking place. Then release classified info on others, etc. The MSM would have to report it.
After 2020 and so far, 2021, I consider the use of the word “realistic” to justify random disagreement to be self- invalidating. Damn near everything is a possible and realistic scenario these days.More realistic? What ever the fuck are you insinuating? That we are delusional? You have been in this thread for 4 years and haven’t learned a damn thing. Wow!!
Ok so Pompeo was in on it as well then huh and he’s been playing everyone? I mean nothing would surprise me at this point. It really wouldn’t.Well in that case I guess we are all fvcked either way.
Let's say yes they are going to round all these guys up and everything we want to happen will happen. A couple of questions and sort of "war gaming" this thing out:
1. For an operation like this to be carried out how many people would need to be read in on it today?
2. At what point would others need to be read in on it?
3. When would you need to give the order to those on the ground and front lines what their mission is and to arrest all of these folks?
Operationally how would you actually pull this off? For example looking at these 3 questions would it be something along these lines? And some of my guesses/ observations lead to further questions.
1. Very, very limited group. Trump, Sect. of Defense, a couple others like Kash and ECW. Who else?
2. Obviously to prevent any compromise to the mission you would want again this to continue to be extremely limited. But to carry it out others have to be in the know. Probably the top layer or so of command for those on the ground need to be involved with a plan for how to communicate it to those on the ground. How many layers have to happen for them to get the mission objective and be successful?
3. You would obviously want to wait as long as possible to avoid any possible compromise to the mission. But you also can't have them on the ground getting a radio message of basically "arrest these people, go", or can you? How much notice would be needed it? Is this why the Biden team is having the compromised FBI put their loyalists closest to Biden? So when the mission goes live we could literally have our own troops squaring off against each other or the loyalists could tip off the Biden team?
Historically speaking we have never seen anything like this. Not even D-Day was like this because all of our forces were united. There was also no worry about one of our troops (and it only takes 1) sending a quick text to the Germans/ opponent "It's coming, prepare". With instant communication and no doubt at least some troops being staunch supporters of both sides, how do you actually operationally pull this off?
Ok so Pompeo was in on it as well then huh and he’s been playing everyone? I mean nothing would surprise me at this point. It really wouldn’t.
Well, it was a direct question asked of Q. We would have to assume Q lied in that moment to believe Jr. Is still alive. If that's the case then point me to anything we can trust from Q, right? JFK jr possibly still being alive is the absolute least important subject imo when it comes to taking back and securing freedom.DISINFORMATION IS NECESSARY
Also when his dad dies technically he is no longer Jr
When the Great Awakening happens you are going to be shocked!
I don't believe there is anything requiring it be the CJ. Calvin Coolidge was sworn in by his father. I think CJ is just a tradition, but no doubt others here know more than I do.The Shot Heard Round the World
If biden is going down, the entire obama/shadow is going down with him.
It’s not like he cannot be arrested where he sits. He is surrounded by secret service agents daily.There will be a False Flag and blamed on Trump. This is the type of War were in. ITs called the information war. The more false information they can put out the more discord they can sow and blame. Look at whats being pushed now.
Setting up with mass troops bc they are afraid of something big happening. They keep saying theyre afraid of an inside attack. Biden not going to be there. They are painting a picture. Mass Troops, Inside attack, Biden being virtual bc they are afraid. Painting a picture, planting seeds then boom mass destruction and its Trumps fault and "Trumps followers" fault. They are controlling the information thus winning the information war.
I fully expect something to happen and if it doesnt happen they will find something that they stopped from happening and it'll be our fault.
James needs to STFU and let Lin finish his sentences.![]()
Hold The Line, Patriots! The Latest EPIC Interview With Lin Wood - MUST SEE Video!
I'm saying that the SG would kill Biden on the steps of the Capitol and blame it on Trump. That ushers in the Kamala/Susan Rice administration.
With the optics, they would be allowed by the cowardly repubs to do anything, anything they want.
It’s not like he cannot be arrested where he sits. He is surrounded by secret service agents daily.
I listen to all of these cause there's information to be gleaned from each but damn this one was brutal. The host and Lin talked over one another so much they became combative.![]()
Hold The Line, Patriots! The Latest EPIC Interview With Lin Wood - MUST SEE Video!