Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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We can only connect the dots going backwards

Him being a wolf in sheep's clothing is only vindicated by the obviousness of rigged elections, after all he was elected.

As it stands right now, he was President during the lockdowns, didn't push HCQ, didn't push on the ridiculousness of it all. Didn't clean up the elections, not a single swamp creature has been jailed. And now supposedly, he's handing the keys over to God knows who

If he bails out, we almost have to assume he was controlled opposition

Due to the consequences of that, I'm still on board for the miracle.

What would have happened had he pushed back ok HCQ exactly? The dem govs already went full ruhtahd and played their hands to outlaw it and expose themselves without him pushing it.
Makes it even more obvious that it was all political. Doesn't it?

How could he fix the elections until they went in and stole it? People would think he was crazy like they still do now even w mounds of evidence, like they did with HCQ. Right?

In all honesty u really don't know if any swamp creatures are on a leash right now or the ones that may have already been executed for crimes...being masked as a covid death, or a suicide etc...or know how many have already cooperated while still being In play.

Cause a funny thing, if u arrest someone amd take them off the signals to the other players something is up that may be turning evidemce against them. So they scatter, or don't do anything else illegal.

But u are correct, if nothing comes from this, we would have to wonder what went wrong. But we kind of already know what it is though no?
Media and big tech controlling the masses thought processes through their slanted and outright lying reporting.

I think it had to be the MIL because everything else has shown to be corrupted even scotus...

Would be highly disappointed if this all goes to nothing...though
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All I know is we have a little less than 4 more days to know if Q is legit or another pysop no different from the MSM.

I’ll admit I’m nervous AF that we’ve been played. One of the last Q posts was something like wait until you see who’s been talking to you.

Let’s enjoy the final countdown and open our minds to all possibilities. No matter the result, stick to your own personal core beliefs and don’t let Q being real or not, have any say in those values.

We know the Dems are fvcking corrupt. We don’t need Q to tell us that. We also know the election was rigged AF. None of this will alter how I live or what I do.

Enjoy the show and hope for the best but always keep your guard up. You control you.
.....and maybe the FEMA thing is correct and they are in charge, lots of smoke surrounding their powers.....

Yes, FEMA definitely involved.
Recall just one month ago FEMA and Homeland Sec. chiefs and heads like the Chad Wolf guy were Quietly replaced by BDD, with bad ass Military guys Fenton and other guy, forget his name, Peter something,...
These new top dogs are Flynn’s guys, Rogers’ guys,.... Wolf was not, he was a worthless puss.

IF Nothing was happenin’, why is a lame duck Pres doing all of this with only a few weeks to go? He would not,
FEMA - and Homeland Sec are involved, and will be to a large extent in the next few days.
There are NO coincidences.
Is the Q consensus still that this all goes down before inauguration day?
Guess that depends how someone interprets Q and what it's purpose was.

I'd say it already "went down" but I'd be considered a radical by many in here if I laid it all out based on my best interpretation of the current situation.
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Yes, FEMA definitely involved.
Recall just one month ago FEMA and Homeland Sec. chiefs and heads like the Chad Wolf guy were Quietly replaced by BDD, with bad ass Military guys Fenton and other guy, forget his name, Peter something,...
These new guys are Flynn’s guys, Rogers’ guys,.... Wolf was not, he was a worthless puss.

IF Nothing was happenin’, why is a lame duck Pres doing all of this with only a few weeks to go? He would not,
FEMA - and Homeland Sec are involved, and will be to a large extent in the next few days.
There are NO coincidences.
Hey Ron Santo! Just now noticed the avatar. Been a lifelong Cubs fanatic since cable tv began pumping WGN into my sleepy little NC town.
What would have happened had he pushed back ok HCQ exactly? The dem govs already went full ruhtahd and played their hands to outlaw it and expose themselves without him pushing it.
Makes it even more obvious that it was all political. Doesn't it?

How could he fix the elections until they went in and stole it? People would think he was crazy like they still do now even w mounds of evidence, like they did with HCQ. Right?

In all honesty u really don't know if any swamp creatures are on a leash right now or the ones that may have already been executed for crimes...being masked as a covid death, or a suicide etc...or know how many have already cooperated while still being In play.

Cause a funny thing, if u arrest someone amd take them off the signals to the other players something is up that may be turning evidemce against them. So they scatter, or don't do anything else illegal.

But u are correct, if nothing comes from this, we would have to wonder what went wrong. But we kind of already know what it is though no?
Media and big tech controlling the masses thought processes through their slanted and outright lying reporting.

I think it had to be the MIL because everything else has shown to be corrupted even scotus...

Would be highly disappointed if this all goes to nothing...though
I'd say we are WELL past the point of nothing happening. With a focus on China and our Manifest Destiny in space our society has changed more in the last 4 years than the previous 40 IMO.

The lockdowns will never happen again due to "science" and public opinion. I could go on for a while but it just shows what I was talking about in regards to people projecting their desires into the equation.
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