Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Part 2
This has NEVER happened at any inauguration. Troops are literally lining both walls of every corridor in the capitol building. It's like hens going about their normal business while fox after fox after fox enters the chicken coop sitting there staring at them. Very bizarre. More soft evidence. The head of the DHS resigned and was immediately replaced by a Trump appointed former Marine. The DHS and DNI then had a top level meeting in which I am sure they discussed the Ratcliffe and Durham reports. These are not the actions of someone leaving office. Most of the other resignations have yet to be filled. How about this.

Cabala Harlot Harris STILL hasn't resigned from the Senate. This is the longest that has happened without a close second. General McInery said he has seen the contents of Nazi Pelosi's laptop saying it proved treason and showed there was a direct attack on the nation in the former of election theft and interference. She is not going to survive this. The impeachment exposed something that is disappointing. Two freshmen repubs running as pro-Trump people showed their true colors. One voted for the impeachment and the other is demanding a federal investigation into pro-Trump lawmakers implying supporting the president is a crime. They are dead people walking. Dan Crenshaw spoke in favor of the impeachment meaning he is likely done as well. Since the betrayal at this point is complete, it is worth noting who is still a patriot. For sure Matt Gaetz, who triggered libs by pointing out they endorsed truly violent attacks all year long.

Jim Jordan who pointed out more dems voted against the 2016 election than repubs did for the 2020 election, but there were two new faces, both strong conservative women. Lauren Boebert of CO absolutely blasted dems and Marjorie Taylor Green who said she would file articles of impeachment against Pedo Joe on January 21st. I know absolutely nothing about her beyond that, and she is already one of my favorite politicians. How about this? After using language that was CLEAR as crystal all week long, Cocaine Mitch said he isn't going to rush the impeachment vote, AND that he isn't certain how he would vote. He was certain all along up until now. What happened? Did seeing 30,000 armed troops make you think maybe you shouldn't change your life sentence to the death penalty? Believe it or not, the X22 guy thinks Pence might still be a Trump loyalist doing what he was instructed to catch as many criminals in the act as possible. He thinks Pence might have received bribes, threats etc., all of it documented behind the scenes. I am skeptical, but I trust his analysis so I am going to try to be optimistic. Either way, his days as VP are done.

We know what Lin Wood thinks. More soft proof. A judge ordered the communist Sec'y of State in MI turn over all her communications with Dominion, FakeBook, Apple, Amazon and Google. Why? The election has been certified, right? Because it will be over turned, and the legal proceedings will still take place. Meanwhile, libs keep showing us two things. Their hearts are of full of hate and their souls are full of cancer. Secondly, they are still completely afraid. If you TRULY had the most popular president in the history of the country, AND you had a legitimate election, you wouldn't need to censor. No accusations would stick because there would be no evidence AND the voices doing the accusing would be a minority. Their words wouldn't pose a threat. When you STOLE an election and have an incredibly unpopular "president", then the words ARE a threat because there are more voices of dissent than of support, AND the facts are on the side of the dissenters which means you censor at a level we have never seen in the history of humanity.

Their actions truly should give you solace since they are TELLING you they KNOW they are in serious, SERIOUS trouble. American Thinker disabled comments because they are under attack. They post scholarly articles, and are not as visible, yet even they are considered a threat. SnapChat just permanently banned Trump to which I say, Snapchat is still in business? The LA Times called for a "de-Trumpification" of the country. This from a newspaper in a city (LA) that just made CV-19 vaccines MANDATORY for kids going back to school. De Blasio said they would ban Trump from doing any business in NY which is 100% illegal coming from the governor, a Nazi in all but name.

A guy was hired to a prestigious job, but was then fired when the NHL learned the guy was a Trump supporter. They called his employer and demanded he be fired. NHL viewership was down 60% last year, and THIS is what they are doing? BOYCOTT them.
Part 3 remember, YOU are a soldier in this war, and this is how you fight. The House literally changed their own floor rules temporarily for the impeachment so they could call Trump racist. This goes back the enemy self destructing comment. Firefox is pulling a Google and censoring all conservative content. Gab is really stepping up to the plate to take over when twitter goes bankrupt. They keep adding servers, but they backed up and recreated ALL of Trump's Twitter account making it into a Gab account, doing so of their own volition. Very well done. This story REALLY bothers me.

Jared Douchener (Kushner), Trump's frigging liberal son in law worked behind Trump's back to keep him OFF Gab. This is like the 50th example of him working against Trump. When will Trump learn that his daughter made a mistake marrying this loser, and that this guy is a deep state enemy? Some misc items, then a discussion of coming events. Now that the people not in the loop as to what is coming feel secure Pedo Joe is going to be in office, they are finally letting out the truth, and this next story should make you mad. After a YEAR of spreading the panic virus, the NYT actually said this. They said that it is just a matter of months before CV-19 becomes "an annoying childhood infection like the common cold". Holy frigging smokes. They are ADMITTING this thing is HARMLESS only AFTER they think it's safe to do so because Trump is gone. Too bad their beloved city will NEVER recover from the damage their fear porn did.

There are supposed to be inauguration "protests" across the country this weekend. DO NOT ATTEND! These are OBVIOUS false flags designed to set up MAGA nation. The census is no longer tallying illegal foreign invaders now that they think Trump is gone. The Italian gov't is on the verge of collapse. GOOD! They should be happy we didn't invade them, and turn them into a Pizza Hut Express after what they did to our elections. The Prime Minister is under arrest. The ECB is set to regulate bitcoin, and after Trump's China EO, bitcoin is about to bottom out. You have been warned. In Maryland, some people threw a pro-USA party which triggered liberals so much they sent the police to investigate. Hate and cancer, remember? Missouri is the first state with no abortion clinics. Well done.

We need NESARA/GESARA and an end to lock downs IMMEDIATELY. After a bunch of good job numbers, the number of jobless claims have gone up for the past three months getting nearly a million in the latest report. People are asking why bakeries can't pick their customers if Twitter, FakeBook, YouTube, etc. are allowed to do so. Simple, Because they are powerless targets of a liberal tyranny, and we are a lawless nation. A study going back to 1958 shows no increase in ocean levels. True global frauding. Space Force's HQ will be in Huntsville AL. Very nice. Just so you know, I am not reporting vaccine reactions because they happen EVERY day. Convulsions, etc.

The "scare" at the capitol exposed the fact there is an entire labyrinth of tunnels and trains under DC. Why am I bringing this up? Scott McKay said some really interesting things just now. He said that the military is in the process of flooding that entire tunnel system so these people cannot escape. He said that the people in DC looking like military on the 6th were actually disguised CIA there to make sure their deep state politicians weren't arrested then. Then he added the reason we haven't seen Nazi Pelosi until yesterday is she tried to escape the country multiple times with the plan being to get her on a boat and out to sea where she could be picked up by a CIA sub. All attempts were thwarted. If true, that is CRAZY. That brings us to coming events. There is NO way to predict the time frame. However, if we go back to this week in 2018 and look at the posts from Q, we can infer a few things. He called what would be next week a big news week, saying "DOWN SHE GOES" which I interpret to be Nazi Pelosi. He also said "JAILED. Possible SUICIDES". And "This is just the beginning". He posted a BUNCH of pictures of the British Royalty, Soros, the Pope, and a Rothschild. Keep in mind that at the time those were posted, they made no sense because no big event was taking place. None. If you look at these posts as a reference for 2021, these make a TON of sense.

Remember yesterday when I said we heard they are negotiating the surrender of the royal family, they have the Pope, Soros, the Rothschilds, etc.? He also posted "2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". It wasn't. BUT if he is talking about 2021, it makes MUCH more sense. Then I looked at what he posted on the 19th. "Remember THIS DAY". "JUDGEMENT DAY". "NO DEALS" "THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD". Again, NONE of that made sense in the context of 2018. So if we just assume this was a message to us for THIS moment, the Q posts imply the REAL action meaning the arrests and public reveal of their guilt can be expected around the 18th or 19th. Q posted a solitary picture of a watch with the date being January 19th in mid 2018 with no explanation. The X22 guy made a very astute observation about one of the more famous Q posts, post 55. Q says "Look to Twitter: Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us...."". Note what he DIDN'T post. Look to TRUMP'S Twitter. Just look to Twitter. Pompeo HASN'T been banned by Twitter. That is where I would look.

Lastly, two of our trusted sources are INSISTENT that JFK Jr is not only alive but will play a huge roll in the New American Republic. For the new people, don't scoff. The proof he is alive is REALLY hard to refute. (video here) As part of the purge, a bunch of this stuff has been taken down, but just a few points. There is a guy and woman at Trump rallies who look like him and his wife as analyzed by computer facial recognition programs, his dad's grave was a giant Q, Robert Kennedy hinted this summer he was alive, and my investigations into NESARA show a TON of people predicted JFK Jr would be president of NESARA going back years ago. Q NEVER answers questions from Anons, but took the time to respond to the question "Is JFKJr alive?" to say "No". Why answer that question specifically? I think that was absolute disinformation because JFKJr being alive and rolled out would be earth shattering. He was a democrat and American ROYALTY. Not only that, he might be the second most popular democrat EVER only behind his father. IF he was alive and working with Trump as many speculate, it would absolutely upend everything the libs knew or stood for. One of their favorite people of all time working with their most hated person of all time.

That is the Storm Trooper moment when you realize while you are working at a base named "The Death Star" that you might be on the wrong side. How unifying would that be? One source says he will be the new VP, another says he will replace Trump after his second term Who knows. That would be a moment like no other in US history. I am not saying this is true, but there is a LOT of evidence it is. 2021 is looking to be perhaps the single greatest year in human history. Images: the cause, won't work, libs, media, Pedo Joe, tyrants, socialism, "unity", good question, "coup", popular, color chart, again tomorrow, timeline, libs, the House, manufactured
Okay, I know this is way out there and not very likely, but I just had a thought regarding inauguration day, so put your tin foil hats on. 😮

Let's assume that nothing major happens until inauguration day. If there is actually a military operation, then what would be the most dramatic way to put it out there in a way that would be accepted by the left, and put out via all media platforms?

Per the media, the inauguration will be brought in by A list celebrities, such as Tom Hanks, Lady Gaga, etc.

So Tom Hanks is a pretty enigmatic guy that has potential ties to a lot of the hollywood pedo things, Kappy, etc. He was very outspoken on twitter for a long time, but hasn't said a single word on Twitter since May 22, 2020. Silent. T Hanks twitter

So what if he was brought in for investigation and flipped, but no one knows about it? Could he come in on inauguration day to come clean and expose the stuff that's been going on in the world, and how he's been cooperating with the feds to expose the people that are running these things?

So curiously, I looked to see what he's been up to recently and saw this movie trailer that was apparently came out in December 2020. Trailer Kind of ironic about him finding this girl that's lost, and he swoops in to save the day. This movie is probably unrelated, but just thought it was interesting.

Anyways, in this scenario, Hanks opens with the bombshell on live TV with all eyes on it, and is then escorted offstage by the military. Whoever the appropriate military person is after that comes on stage and tells the world about the massive investigation that has gone on, and about the election fraud, the evidence, and they have made arrests nation wide. They go on to grab any DC people tied up in it while at the event.

As long as we're spitballing wildest dream case scenarios, what if we found out Tom Hanks has really been a white hat all along and has been working undercover for years to out the bad players?
The Dems realize they have to open things back up so the economy will not totally tank- which would be on them. They want to look good. the problem is they will not allow the elimination of regulation that strangles the small businesses and the tanking of the economy will ultimately come because of their idiocy.

Open up cities (take credit for the idea), release another stimulus with massive spending. Economy rolls on and up, with some new military action, have to havethem back in business. Then the tax increases, regulations and social payback
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Hey Esso- I’m not telling you how to do your job or anything, but if you are ever looking for a new tangent, Playboy Cyber Girls of the Month is an untapped gold mine.
Exactly. This fence is not to contain people within. It’s not like Congressmen, Senators and Justices walk down the sidewalks and into the front door.
Keep people out of the way when they arrest those who are allowed to attend an event inside those fences that is limited to those with strong ties to the Swamp? A huge detention pen? Is the inauguration intended to lead the pigs to slaughter (arrest)?
Just wanted to thank all our board members who have served overseas and domestically. These past few months it has dawned on me that one of my biggest regrets is not having served my country. My grandfather proudly served in the Navy during WW2, my dad was in the Nat'l Guard. I suppose my dad thought it wasn't necessary for me to (blessed with a comfortable life growing up). The rigor of service never frightened me, nor the idea of being was the thought of doing the killing that I struggled with. I could not be more proud and grateful for all who've sacrificed everything in the sake of keeping our nation safe. You are all incredibly brave, and some of my personal heroes.

When we get this nation rocking and rolling again, if any of you come to Oxford for a game or passing through......drinks are on me! (or a burger if you choose sobriety in life, that's cool as shit too!)
Yes thank every military for ever serving past and present. I've had numerous family members that has served including my dad in the Korean War.

This is my uncle that served in the Navy in WW2. His ship was hit by a kamikaze plane and he woke up floating in the ocean and his best friend floating in the ocean dead. Both was gunners.

Ralph Leon Riggins, husband of the late Amelia Andon Riggins, passed away peacefully on Saturday, April 25, 2020 at his home, surrounded by his family. Born in Pickens County, he was a son of the late Bruce E. Riggins and the late Inez Chapman Riggins. Mr. Riggins proudly served his country in the US Navy during World War II. Surviving are sons, Paul Riggins (Lorraine) of Medfield, MA, Bruce Riggins (Susan) of Pembroke, MA, and Michael Riggins (Betty Ann) of Easley; a daughter, Dianne Correia (William "Dan") of Raleigh, NC; sisters, Catherine Young and Juanita Gossett, both of Liberty; grandchildren, Robert Riggins (Kerri), Stephen Riggins (Beth), Brian Correia (Renee), Matthew Riggins, Kelly Riggins, Christopher Riggins, and Ashley Riggins; and great-grandchildren, Catherine Riggins, Summer Correia, and Serafina Riggins. In addition to his wife and parents, he was predeceased by brothers, Eugine Riggins and Clifford Riggins. Funeral services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at the Chapel of Robinson Funeral Home-Powdersville Road. Entombment will follow in Robinson Memorial Gardens Chapel of Reflection Mausoleum. The funeral service will be live-streamed for those that are unable to attend. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to view the service. The family will receive friends from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Monday, April 27, 2020 at the funeral home. Visitors will be able to speak with the family in intervals of no more than four people at this time. Visit or Robinson Funeral Home & Crematory-Powdersville Road, Easley.

And my uncle on my dad's side. Served in WW2 storm the beaches at Normandy and was at the Battle of the Bulge with General Patton. And can't remember which poster earlier in this thread was talking about Ham radios he had a nice one.

John Henry Gossett, 85, of 1 Starnes Street, husband of June Burgan Gossett, died Sunday, January 16, 2011 at his residence.

Born in Anderson County, he was the son of the late Berry and Levy Case Gossett.

Mr. Gossett was a retired mechanic and was of the Baptist faith. He was a member of the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Association.

He was a veteran of the United States Army having served during World War II. He landed in Normandy on D-Day and was at The Battle of the Bulge.

Surviving, in addition to his wife, are five daughters, Glenda Gallagher of Greenville, Trina Myers of Greenville, Denise Morrow of Taylors, Teresa Thompson of Greenville and Wanda Wallen of Greenville; eight grandchildren; and three great grandchildren.

Memorials may be made to Open Arms Hospice, 1836 W. Georgia Road, Simpsonville, SC 29680.

Visitation will be held Tuesday, January 18, 2011 from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at Thomas McAfee Funeral Home, Downtown. The funeral service will be held Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. in the downtown chapel. Burial will follow in Graceland Cemetery, West.

That's why I wouldn't think once about dying fighting for Freedom for this country.
As some may know, I am a retired Marine, live in the beltway and work for 3-letter organization.

One of my gym mates who happens to be a Marine and musician for the Presidents Own. Fuck I honestly have no clue he said they have enough musicians that there are 3 damn band ensembles for different events.

Anywho...I asked him how prep was going for 20th and he says that have zero damn clue. They’re preparing for the 20th as usual but they have never been so in the dark for a lead up to an event ever.

So we got a glowey in here. Great. All my posts are satire. I absolutely love Kamala Toe. And Turtle dick McConnell. I have HRC tattooed just above my butthole. I love the American Citizen Barack Obama the most.
So in Lord of the Flies, it Was a cave and it represented Jacks’ power and authority,
There was a lot of symbolism with Jack, with his power and then with Ralph of course.
Also, Jack led his Tribe there, the tribe was led to Castle Rock.
it will be interesting to find out..,,
Cue says "Goodbye @Jack" twice - apparent references to Twitter jack. What if it is reference to Lord of the Flies Jack?
As some may know, I am a retired Marine, live in the beltway and work for 3-letter organization.

One of my gym mates who happens to be a Marine and musician for the Presidents Own. Fuck I honestly have no clue he said they have enough musicians that there are 3 damn band ensembles for different events.

Anywho...I asked him how prep was going for 20th and he says that have zero damn clue. They’re preparing for the 20th as usual but they have never been so in the dark for a lead up to an event ever.


Three bands? Apparently he has more than that. The United States Army Band "Pershing's Own" ( is the Army Honor Guard version. I had no idea the Marines played for POTUS too. The Army and Marines both had great Honor Guards. I'm not sure how many bands the Army has out of all of their guys, but I did many ceremonies, Twilight Tattoo and Spirit of America with them. I used to hear their music in my sleep!

The US Army band was stationed at Ft Myer which has no become a joint base with the Marines. It's fun recalling the olden days... This has nothing to do with your comment but thought I'd mention there are more bands than just those three.

There is also the Fife and Drum Corps at Fort McNair but they dress up and play colonial type music. The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps
Fences ultimately work on both sides.
.yep this^^^^

And the razor wire it doesn't matter which side it's on, cause it serves the same purpose of keeping people out, and it makes it harder for the people inside to get out over the well.

In fact I would be a good troll and misinfo to make it seem like it was to keep peeps out cause of the wire..which may make the politicians feel safe...and not think the hammer is coming down on them.

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