Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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They would let the the republicans impeach him. A few brave democrats who happen to be in R districts will be allowed to go along with it. The dems official position would be against the impeachment. With a majority in the senate they can make the rules whatever they want.

Otherwise at that point (or before) they probably just get him to resign with a promise that it will keep hunter out of jail.
It would only get to the floor if Nancy allows it. It would not happen. She'd kill it. I expect the 25th amendment to happen before the end of January if he were actually inaugurated. They are not out of the woods until he's gone.
Just curious, what’s “very wealthy” in your opinion? My landing spots will be Costa Rica and, weirdly, somewhere like Cambodia or Vietnam. Having lived in and or near the latter two, they are some of the most free counties I’ve been to despite technically being “communist”. Cambodia in particular. Lovely place with lovely people. Check out photos of the southern beaches.
My friend, there will be no refuge on this earth from what is coming.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
This shit right here is why I keep telling people we are on the verge of a Civil War. The left really is pushing for it. Why? One side will “win” but the country as a whole will loose, but when you see shit like this, nothing else makes sense.

I have uneasy expectations for the MSM to start triggering the feeble minded into doing something stupid. The rhetoric is mind blowing.

For the first time in the history of the world, we have the personalized tech and the central infrastructure to accomplish this.

When Starlink and competitors make worldwide internet ubiquitous, we will have the inescapable blanket of persistent surveillance to make this real.

It's coming.
Standing or not, Roberts will not allow the President to challenge the outcome of the election. I doubt any of that argument will even be allowed to be heard. I've been saying for a while, without military stepping in, BDD's days are numbered. I have no faith in the Judicial or Legislative branches of our government to lead the country through this time. If their corruption is not checked, I fear we are headed for dark days.
Roberts may not be around when all said and done. He may already be in handcuffs.
View attachment 1523
Screenshot taken from 4chan

I don't think that's 4chan. 4chan is green and black text and everyone is anonymous. I checked his Telegram account and the post about the bell on JFK's boat is there and has the view count and timestamp on it, but the other's below it are gone. TIFWIW

He posted today a quote from Sun Tzu and a picture of Barron Trump saying that he is the smartest Trump #TrumpCard
"Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive; and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came." Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865.

According to Michael Vlahos, the expert on civil wars, the actual Jacobins are always a small group that want war. But it's the sense of inevitability that it's coming which filters through the general population that sets the stage for the inevitable spark.

I haven't talked much about living through 1968 and the horrors of political assassinations, riots and burned cities, every campus in America looking like Berkley and culminating in me being drafted along with thousands of boys my age. I really thought that if we were going to have a civil war that was the time. Somehow, with the control big tech, education, Hollywood and the media and the Dems have now, the present day feels more ominous. Pray for peace.
Glad to see you here, Brother. Look forward to more of your input.
It doesn’t matter. Joe isn’t in charge and even if he was, he’s just as extreme. Listen to his latest speeches.
True. And I don’t feel sorry for the dirtbag at all bc he’s a slime-bucket of a creep, but he’s being blackmailed & controlled from multiple directions. He’s doing & saying whatever he’s told or else.

If he were acting independently, I don’t believe he’d be anywhere near this extreme. Doesn’t matter though, he’s made his own bed.
For the first time in the history of the world, we have the personalized tech and the central infrastructure to accomplish this.

When Starlink and competitors make worldwide internet ubiquitous, we will have the inescapable blanket of persistent surveillance to make this real.

It's coming.
Does the AntiChrist have to be a person? Maybe it’s AI? Charming, seductive, evil, . . .
BTW, the (removed due to continued AV notification) sent my antivirus software into fits. I never opened the link...just having it appear or typing its name set off the "trojan" warning.
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Pompeo letting everyone know there are no coincidences.

Last tweet from Gov’t account 17 words and his next tweet from personal account comes 17 minutes after.
How much time do these people spend every day coming up with this shit? Between all the symbolism & signals built into speeches, tweets, pics, etc they must have an entire team devoted to it.

I’m sure they’re ready for this to be over too cause it’s gotta be exhausting.
How much time do these people spend every day coming up with this shit? Between all the symbolism & signals built into speeches, tweets, pics, etc they must have an entire team devoted to it.

I’m sure they’re ready for this to be over too cause it’s gotta be exhausting.
It’s crazy, it’s obvious they are trying to get as much of the public to wake up before they drop the hammer

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