Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
The idiots in that thread bloviating about at Will employment are whatā€™s wrong with social media.
someone posts something that sounds great but is wrong and everyone runs with it.
Only that but saying you worked for ā€œa monsterā€ and ā€œthatā€™s what you getā€

political affiliation is not a fireable offense and in fact may be a protected class in some states.
He might be able to prove that he was fired for a protected status. Good for him on fighting back!
Iā€™ve replied to like 4 of her emails that I Will never vote for another Republican again and that she can get fucked lol
Sent this to Rona and her RNC.
Patriots are law abiding citizens. Round up the socialists who infiltrated our ranks! Screw the Republican Party! Take me off your mailing list. You are all traitors to the American people. PATRIOT PARTY! Take me off your list!!
In response to this:


What Iā€™m about to tell you is of the utmost importance.

Violence has no place in our politics. Period. I wholly condemned last weekā€™s senseless acts of violence, and I strongly reiterate the calls to remain peaceful in the weeks ahead.

Those who partook in the assault on our nationā€™s Capitol and those who continue to threaten violence should be found, held accountable, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Let me be clear: Anyone who has malicious intent is not welcome in Washington, D.C. or in any other State Capitol Building.

The peaceful transition of power is one of our nationā€™s founding principles and is necessary for our country to move forward. Now is the time to come together as one nation, united in the peaceful pursuit of our common democratic purpose.

Our Founding Fathers established a Nation of laws, not a Nation of anarchy. And, the Republican Party is the Party of individual freedom, liberty, entrepreneurship, innovation, and the American Dream, not the hateful violence we witnessed last week.

God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

Not at all ridiculous. It is a fact.

That's why some will only acknowledge the 1611 KJV Bible as the only true Bible for the English language. It's not that there aren't truths to be had in some other versions, it's only that it has been carefully preserved and remains unchanged for over 400 years and was painstakingly translated from the original Greek and Hebrew texts. Other versions have been altered under the guise of making them easier to read, or for the overt purpose of removing things, adding others, or changing the meanings of some things altogether.

A good book to read in this regard to this is New Age Bible Versions by Gail Riplinger.

King James Version
Isaiah 14:12 -- Only place in the Bible where Satan is named.
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Revelation 22:16 -- Jesus claiming the moniker of morning star.
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

New International Version
Isaiah 14:12 -
How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
Revelation 22:16
I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.

And so with a subtle (though really not so subtle) change, the Bible is twisted to suggest that it was Jesus who was cast out of Heaven, while at the same time, all traces of the grand deceiver Lucifer himself are wiped from the scene.

There are many other examples across many versions. At the time of the writing of that that, the author felt the New International Version might be the most heavily doctored version of the Bible.

A strange oddity that I just discovered. In trying to recollect and compile this information, I had to get out Duck Duck Go because Google is deprioritizing things in the search. Their guidance tries to take you to a wiki page where we are assured that modern day Bible scholars now understand that Lucifer isn't really Satan's name.
Like I said, ridiculous to the point of being goofy.

The 1611 KJV translation has been revised several times, the last being in the late 1800s. You wouldn't even recognize the 1611 version as English. The Bible that you think you're reading as the 1611 KJV isn't from 1611 -- it's from the late 1800s.

Some modern translations, like the NIV have weaknesses, and part of that is in the method applied to the translation technique. I had a friend years ago that was involved in translation for the NIV and he told me not to buy it.

My preference is the ESV or the NASB, both of which employ the same method of translation as the translators used in 1611, which is word for word from the original Hebrew and Greek.

The KJV also used inferior and newer texts when translating. We have since found much older copies, that most of the newer translations use.

Finally, do you know what the Hebrew word "helel" literally means? According to Strong's Concordance it means "the morning star" or the day star. The NIV is very accurate in its translation.

The Nelson Study Bible gives us this bit of interesting info: Lucifer in Hebrew literally means ā€œDay Star,ā€ or the planet Venus. The poetic language of this verse describes the aspiration of this brightest star to climb to the zenith of the heavens and its extinction before the rising sun. This is an apt summary of the failed goal of the king of Babylon (v. 4) who wanted to grasp universal and eternal domination. Tertullian, Milton, and others have linked this passage to the career of Satan on the basis of Luke 10:18, but the text does not specifically make this connection.

The old Criswell Study Bible asserts: This is widely considered to be a description of the fall of Satan. Although there are parallels between this passage and what we know elsewhere of the origin of Satan (cf. Ezek 28:12, note; Luke 10:18; 1 Tim 3:6), the one in view here is the king of Babylon (v. 4). Satan can be in view here only typologically. He was already in heaven, an attendant of God, when he fell through conceit (cf. v. 13).
Like I said, ridiculous to the point of being goofy.

The 1611 KJV translation has been revised several times, the last being in the late 1800s. You wouldn't even recognize the 1611 version as English. The Bible that you think you're reading as the 1611 KJV isn't from 1611 -- it's from the late 1800s.

Some modern translations, like the NIV have weaknesses, and part of that is in the method applied to the translation technique. I had a friend years ago that was involved in translation for the NIV and he told me not to buy it.

My preference is the ESV or the NASB, both of which employ the same method of translation as the translators used in 1611, which is word for word from the original Hebrew and Greek.

The KJV also used inferior and newer texts when translating. We have since found much older copies, that most of the newer translations use.

Finally, do you know what the Hebrew word "helel" literally means? According to Strong's Concordance it means "the morning star" or the day star. The NIV is very accurate in its translation.

The Nelson Study Bible gives us this bit of interesting info: Lucifer in Hebrew literally means ā€œDay Star,ā€ or the planet Venus. The poetic language of this verse describes the aspiration of this brightest star to climb to the zenith of the heavens and its extinction before the rising sun. This is an apt summary of the failed goal of the king of Babylon (v. 4) who wanted to grasp universal and eternal domination. Tertullian, Milton, and others have linked this passage to the career of Satan on the basis of Luke 10:18, but the text does not specifically make this connection.

The old Criswell Study Bible asserts: This is widely considered to be a description of the fall of Satan. Although there are parallels between this passage and what we know elsewhere of the origin of Satan (cf. Ezek 28:12, note; Luke 10:18; 1 Tim 3:6), the one in view here is the king of Babylon (v. 4). Satan can be in view here only typologically. He was already in heaven, an attendant of God, when he fell through conceit (cf. v. 13).
The 1611 text has NEVER been changed and never will be. That's why it's specifically referred to as the 1611 text. Beyond that, I'm not going to debate you.

I try not to get hung up on versions really, I know you mean well and I see no sense in being divided. Just when your version and my version diverge, I will defer to mine. :)
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The next 8 days in Q proofs. Interesting that the shot heard round the world is the day after the inauguration. View attachment 1339View attachment 1339

Was just thinking, has probably been thought of before. 1/21, Shot heard around the world. What if that's a referring to JFK files being declassified? Or even more Biblical, declassing the JFK file and also revealing Junior is alive.
The 1611 text has NEVER been changed and never will be. That's why it's specifically referred to as the 1611 text. Beyond that, I'm not going to debate you.

I try not to get hung up on versions really, I know you mean well and I see no sense in being divided. Just when your version and my version diverge, I will defer to mine. :)
You should defer to the original 1611 version, not the one you read. Of course, it would be next to impossible to understand the original 1611 version.


No translation is perfect, including the KJV. I choose to defer to the original Hebrew and Greek.
You should defer to the original 1611 version, not the one you read. Of course, it would be next to impossible to understand the original 1611 version.

View attachment 1343

No translation is perfect, including the KJV. I choose to defer to the original Hebrew and Greek.
When you defer to the original Hebrew and Greek, do you defer to the Antiochal Texts? Or to the more recently discovered "older and more authentic" Alexandrian texts?
The 1611 text has NEVER been changed and never will be. That's why it's specifically referred to as the 1611 text. Beyond that, I'm not going to debate you.

I try not to get hung up on versions really, I know you mean well and I see no sense in being divided. Just when your version and my version diverge, I will defer to mine. :)

Well, the Khazarian Mafia (the Cabal, as we say) has been around since roughly 100 AD. Just saying. They've been in power for a long, long time. Much longer than the 1611 version has been in circulation. Anything is possible at this point for me.
Email from today this is part 1. I random spaced out the email to try to help make it easier to read and keep track of where you're at. There is no rhyme or reason as to where I broke it up

Anyone feeling nervous? I already know the answer as I met with one of our fellow readers wanting to be thrown a bone to feel better about the current situation. Even my wife gets nervous about this stuff when she isn't rage driving. All I can do is repeat what I have said. The military is NOT there to comfort you.
They are there to get a job done and make sure there are as few casualties as possible. Your "feels" are MEANINGLESS. Lets be real, it's also selfish. You want something for you to make you feel better. Notice the repeated word. YOU. It's not about you directly, but it is about you in the big picture perspective. ALL the military and intel guys say that this is a test of your faith, and to relax, pray, and watch the show unfold.

Charlie Ward keeps saying fear is YOUR worst enemy so don't give in. With that said, it is interesting that ALL the people I trust the most, and we're talking about a dozen or so, are saying the same things. The one message they want us to ALL understand that is while their intel they are giving IS reliable, what is not reliable are predictions about WHEN events will happen. NONE of them can stress that enough. Some of you are digging dirt on Simon Parkes questioning his reliability. Sorry, the UK gov't purposefully ran a smear campaign on him to tarnish his reputation. They did this over the course of YEARS. Plus, he NEVER tries to take credit for himself, isn't trying to convince us he is telling truth as he says we are free to disbelieve, and doesn't use emotion to try to rally you to his side. More importantly, since I have followed him he has NEVER been wrong. In fact, when people said the Pope had been arrested, he said his sources said the Vatican was dark, the roads blocked etc. but he hadn't been told about him being arrested so he is truly relaying info he has been given. Don't forget we were told not to trust Trump because he was a democrat, and has there been a day since 2017 where Q ISN'T attacked, including from people on our side?

Scott McKay said in a video today that they are not disclosing an information that they weren't given explicit permission to reveal. Plus, all three have independently said they were told to be on call 24/7 for a consult call from Trump himself at any moment. Why wouldn't I listen to these guys? Trump is. They have NOTHING to gain by telling us that info. They are completely putting their credibility and reputation on the line. NONE are glory seekers and seem happy to play from the sidelines. And what is interesting is NONE of these people have the same contacts. There are only a handful of people if that many who know the entire plan. The people below them are given compartmentalized info, and our sources are in touch with those people which is why we need to listen to every one of them to get the big picture because each person is only handed one piece of the 100,000 piece puzzle. Charlie Ward says his sources tell him action is "imminent".

Scott McKay says they aren't just waiting to fire until they see the whites of their eyes, they are waiting until they can smell the garlic on their breath. Simon Parkes said he had heard we could expect to SEE events today, but that was changed to this weekend. Adjust YOUR EMOTIONAL expectations accordingly. There is a rumor out there that they might wait until Pedo Joe is inaugurated then arrest him. A few things about this. First of all, the inauguration will be invalid with the dissolving of the US corporation. It's like being named the new CEO of Blockbuster video. It doesn't exist. So even IF they did have a sham inauguration, it would be meaningless. However, I don't think they will wait until then for one reason. People like my parents, sister and in laws will go to their grave saying Trump staged a coup even if Pedo Joe and Nazi Pelosi went to their homes and personally confessed to ALL their crimes. You CANNOT give him even the veneer of legitimacy for a single minute. Plus, if the military actually thinks he is the new Commander in Chief, who is to say they stop listening to Trump unless they are fully informed? That just seems WAY too risky when there are other options. The Joint Chiefs of Staff sent a memo out yesterday saying Pedo Joe would be inaugurated on the 20th and be the next Commander. No chance, and Trump knew these people were cabal traitors. He purposefully changed the military hierarchy putting these guys about 20th in the chain of command effectively neutering them. Yes, that includes Milley. The question then becomes why the delay? Several reasons.

First of all, YOUR safety has been and always will be a top priority. What is happening right now is Pantifa leaders all across the country are being rounded up. One of our fellow readers said her son works at an airport in Smyrna and patriot Sec'y of Defense Miller landed there for 3 hours with a fleet of dark Tahoes showing up to do some business then leave. Trump spoke at the Alamo yesterday, but no one knew he would be there until he arrived unannounced. The point is there are ops taking place day and night, and many of them are related to keeping us safe from riots and invasion. The other reason for the delay is, according to a bunch of people, the deep state KNOWS they have lost, and the top level is in negotiations for their surrender. No, I am not talking about the Fuhrer (Obama), Nazi Pelosi, etc. She is third tier, and the Fuhrer and Clintons are second tier. They still take their orders from someone. Even Satan's spawn Soros might be second tier. I am talking about the TRUE leaders who give the orders, and that are the banking families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. Names we don't know. Supposedly Bill is a Rothschild and Hillarnazi is a Rockefeller.

These negotiations are HIGHLY complex as these people own the UN, the World bank, most rulers across the country. the BiS, etc. These are the global overlords, and Q has directly referenced them saying they took one of the ruling families out three years ago. Those negotiations would involve documents to transfer HUGE amounts of power and wealth, public disclosures, and involve face to face meetings. In other words, nothing quick. They do say that the elite are being told if they stall, negotiations will be taken off the table, and the guillotines will be rolled out instead.

Another reason for the delay is two fold. The spec ops guys are going around the country taking the servers that the courts refused to let Trump have access to. Is that why Miller stopped in Smyrna? He was supposed to be there an hour and was there for three. As they get new information, they are entering the new information into the quantum supercomputer and choosing the new course of action. The last reason for the delay is they are trying NOT to do the days of darkness or the EAS. Why? Because they don't want to scare people. Imagine this. You are a liberal full of hate in your heart and cancer in your soul. You are sitting in your parents' basement as a grown 40 year old man self identifying as a cactus with a raging case of syphilis posting on your iPad the evils of capitalism, generalized Trump hate and fighting to make sure you don't have to go back to work because of covid while wearing your Che shirt and drinking a half caff grand vente caramel latte with unicorn sprinkles paid for by your gov't check. You are online gloating about Pedo Joe winning, orange man bad, and talking about how proud you are of your self identifying boyfriend because he was able to bench 50 pounds the other day even though he had to be spotted, and ran out of breath walking to the mail box, but he is woke and wears nothing but pink and eats soy burgers for every meal. Then everything goes blank. No comms at all. Then you hear an EAS saying Pedo Joe has been arrested, confesses, and so on. Your entire bitter hate filled gloating world has been SHATTERED. They want the transition to be as "normal" as possible. What I have heard is the Trump team is negotiating to find a network who will carry the message untouched with no editorial hoping they can avoid using the EAS. The problem with that is if Newsmax agrees to it, my lib family will NEVER listen to it.

The message has to be carried on MSCNNABCBS. In other words, the message needs to get to the libs. For that reason I still believe they will have to use the EAS. But, the companies that carry and operate the EAS are all liberal and will likely not carry it which means they have to use the Giant Voice military system, but you have to be ready for that. What is interesting is when the blackouts happen WE will be aware and able to communicate because we prepared in advance. THEY will be in full panic. In other words, there are a TON of operations taking place simultaneously, but the bottom line is we are in COMPLETE control.
Mike Adams said some of his sources said Trump has surrendered. THIS is why I don't trust Mike Adams. There is no chance in hell that would EVER happen which means his credibility, and the credibility of his sources are now suspect. If Trump surrenders, he knows he is signing a death warrant for himself and possibly his family. Tell me WHY he would surrender when the military is at his hand along with ALL the facts and truth. Trump has said he never would concede, and is a fighter by nature. They set up the greatest sting in the history of the world, a plan in the works since 1963, and he surrenders?

Mike Adams really can be stupid. I keep telling you the truth ALWAYS wins, even if it takes years. 80% of people believe the fact that the CIA was behind 9/11, The truth wins. The fact that the media keeps censoring Trump can be used to justify the use of the EAS. What is happening is the deep state is being exposed at ALL levels, and the silent war is now out in the open. All of the most trusted sources spoke yesterday, and I still haven't reviewed all of what they said because they are only posting in video format which slows me WAY down. I can read an article in 30-60 seconds and get all relevant info. I cannot screen a video the same way. The reason I listen to them in double time is because I can't listen to them in quintuple time. In no particular order, some items of interest. Almost ALL of them agree the woman shot in the neck at the capitol wasn't shot. Especially the military guys who say they have seen gun shots to the neck pointing out they are a gory bloody mess, not a small trickle of blood from the side of her mouth from a fake blood pack.

The entire event was staged to frame MAGA nation for the impeachment they are doing right now. Nazi Pelosi made a GENUINE effort to get the nuclear codes taken from Trump and given to her. THAT is an act of sedition and will be used against her. What we are hearing is she was doing that at the request of China who wanted the codes to be sure that there would be no US retaliation when they attacked Taiwan because they are that angry Trump recognized them. Pedo Joe has promised to give Taiwan to China. Charlie Ward found it amusing that Trump is too dangerous to be on Twitter but has the nuclear codes. We are also hearing the laptops are the icing on the cake and thoroughly incriminating. How stupid are these people? We were told a huge military command center has been set up in Mexifornia, and ARMED troops are being reported everywhere, and they are doing drills prepping for actual combat.

Not just riot control. Some things they said they heard but cannot confirm include the British Royal family has been taken down and told that they can keep their legacy intact if they cooperate. They say they heard Nazi Pelosi was arrested at the Canadian border. Before you blow that off, she has NOT been seen in two days and had a Pro Tempore replace her the past two days during the impeachment! SOMETHING is going on with her because she would NEVER give up the gavel for even 30 seconds. I have yet to see her today when I looked at the video feed for all of 15 seconds. Did you know she appointed Swalwell of China spy Fang Fang fame as the House impeachment manager, and I am sure her China rulers told her to do that. There is discussion among the sources that even the impeachment is one giant show orchestrated by Trump to show the country the level of evil and resistance Congress will go to so America can see it all. I am suspect, very much so. I think they view this as their Hail Mary chance to stop Trump. Lets talk misc politics for a second.

Cocaine Mitch is pleased with how the impeachment is going. Liz Cheney is the House republican chair and is voting to impeach Trump just making it clear who is on the enemy list and who is not. It was pointed out that on the day of the betrayal, only 11 people were allowed on the floor at any one time which means there wasn't a legal quorum and the vote is technically invalid, but of course so is the entire election. The rules and law do not apply to these people. Dems are now attempting to abolish the electoral college. They would get destroyed in a pure general election. Pence surprisingly did not support using the 25th amendment to remove Trump. Not sure why because that would be the fastest way to remove him. The Dept of Injustice and FBI are going all out to find those who "stormed" the capitol after doing absolutely nothing about the election, and everything else we know about. One of the guys who was prominently featured was arrested, brought into court in TX and released showing us all it was a set up.

Dude is a known Pantifa member. Trump approved declaring a nat'l emergency in DC lasting until the 24th which allows them to bring in more Nat'l Guard members who will then be taken over by Trump. The NG is 100% loyal to Trump. Cryin' Schumer said they can't let Trump stay in office one more day. I wonder why. HIS panic over the thought of Trump being in office a single day should give you COMFORT and realize they are NOT in control. These people are also fearing US as he got a verbal beat down yesterday that was awesome. Their desperation is everywhere. They are also showing us their evil side. An anchor for PBS was (reluctantly) fired after he said they should throw Molotov cocktails at Trump supporters and take their kids. Another lib media member called for mass arrests and the "scrubbing" of Trump supporters. YouTube perma-banned Trump. AIG cancelled Curt Schillings insurance based on his social media profile. Do you understand how many companies are going to face mass fines or criminal charges after all this? Good grief. Amazon agreed to help Pedo Joe push for a nat'l $15/hour minimum wage which would kill all small businesses and their competition. Libs across the country are on line bragging about how they turned in conservative "friends" and relatives for going to the Trump rally which is apparently now a crime. I still am angry at Trump for absolutely screwing over his most loyal fans who are now being punished for supporting him. The CEO of Parler said he receives death threats every day just for having a platform where we used to be able to freely speak. How long have I said that inside every liberal is an inner tyrant, and how long have I said every liberal has hate in their heart and cancer in their soul. The proof is overwhelming. The number one selling book on Amazon is "1984', but NO liberals are reading it. One person reminded us that dems stormed the capitol building in WI and occupied it for a month with the approval of dems.

Twitter got blasted by the few remaining conservatives after Twitter criticized Uganda for censoring people during an election. I cannot wait to see Jack get the gallows. CNN's monopoly on TV's at airports came to an end thank goodness. I wonder what their real numbers will be now. Some virus and misc news, then a discussion about where we go after we reclaim what was stolen. The NFL play off ratings are in the toilet. MLB MIGHT be learning as they said they won't do temperature checks or require vaccines to attend games. Now that some libs think Pedo Joe is taking over, all of a sudden they are anti covid. Cuomo said they have to open up and save the economy of NY. His plan? Celebs. Seriously. He wants to save the arts and plans to bring in America hating uber libs to "recruit" people back to the arts. The arts? All your businesses left and your top priority is the arts? NYC is DONE.

Most businesses left long ago along with the wealthy, and the rest closed permanently. They will be a shell of what they used to be, and the businesses won't return after being in MUCH more business friendly states. His brother is going berserk after being reminded he asked us this summer where it says protests were supposed to be peaceful. The UK is having "unprecedented" levels of mental health issues thanks to the lockdowns. This is basically state mandated solitary isolation like they do to torture prisoners. The EU is wanting to create a vaccine passport to be able to travel there. The HSBC bank is threatening to close people's accounts if they don't wear masks, this on the same day that yet ANOTHER study showed masks don't work and make it worse. I keep asking WHEN will science take over? Fascist Fauxci said we don't have to worry about people without symptoms (since the study of 10 MILLION Chinese proved this), but the CDC said on the same day the greatest risk is people without symptoms.
A huge cache of CIA UFO documents was released. 2021, the year alien contact is disclosed. That brings us to discussing 2021 post Trump's victory. ALL source are saying Trump will be the last president of the corporation of the US and will be the first president of the new republic. Remember this book from the 1800's? ALL the sources agree we will be going to NESARA/GESARA. They claim EVERY country has already signed onto it YEARS ago, and the charter keeps changing to be updated for modern times, but is ready to go. They all agree there will be a new currency that is quantum based and backed by gold. I keep hearing ALL debt will be wiped out, and people are reporting on line that they are going to pay off debts like home mortgages to be told that is has already been paid in full. They have been testing the quantum currency for years now. Lin Wood basically validated we would be going to NESARA as on one of his last Parler posts. Scott McKay had a very bold claim. He said that they found C4 explosives on JFK Jr's plane's fuselage a week before his plane went down, and they decided to fake his death so that he could become Trump's predecessor. He is insistent on that. Summary, enormous AWESOME things are coming. Until then you HAVE to trust the plan. Look at the things planned for Trump's next term. They are working on those as well right now.

This is a good time to go back to Q. Q's most active posting period was this week in January 2018. At that time much of it made no sense. If you go back and read those posts using your 2021 eyes, they seem prophetic. Look at his posts from this date in 2018. Some highlights. "PATIENCE. THERE IS NO ESCAPE. THERE ARE NO DEALS. TREASON AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS". And, "THE HUNT CONTINUES. WE SEE ALL. WE HEAR ALL. PRISON. DEATH. RED_ RED_". And "We are FIGHTING for LIFE. We are FIGHTING for GOOD. We are at WAR. Do you trust the MILITARY. Do you TRUST the Chain of Command? Have FAITH. We are IN CONTROL.". How about "CHECKMATE". Then "Targeted kills. Power out.... Public awakening". Or "Goodbye @Jack (Dorsey of Twitter)". He promises we are safe and even more next week. Those posts made little sense in 2018 and make perfect sense for now. One side note. The intel guys say Trump will be inaugurated in March. Just from a practical stand point, it would be VERY difficult to do by next week given the arrests and education of the sheeple that is going to be needed between now and then. Images: traitors, media, 2021, the look, morons, full Nazi, media, Apple, dem logic, the script
Was just thinking, has probably been thought of before. 1/21, Shot heard around the world. What if that's a referring to JFK files being declassified? Or even more Biblical, declassing the JFK file and also revealing Junior is alive.

Possibly, and all these 1/21 theories are picking up speed, past couple days,

Part I cannot understand, yet - why 21st, after 20th,
and not 19th / 18th, Before the 20th, .....

On the surface, after 20th is soooo much riskier, of course,..... eh?

Why is this growing theory picking up so much momentum, about the 21st and after being sworn in,
Need to wrap my head around this,
wonder what people think.....
You can't debate me because you are wrong. Read and learn something for a change.

Once it changes its no longer the 1611 text. That doesn't mean the 1611 text suddenly disappeared or no longer exists.

This is where you too can own your own copy of the 1611 text of the KJV Bible.

Beyond this, we're going to have to agree to disagree. I'm not going to clutter this thread any further with our debate.
Once it changes its no longer the 1611 text.

This is where you too can own your own copy of the 1611 text of the KJV Bible.

Beyond this, we're going to have to agree to disagree. I'm not going to clutter this thread any further with our debate.
Then your KJV Bible is no longer the 1611 text.
Does that set off anyone elses antiChrist alert system, or is it just me?

The FEMA video someone sent out earlier (FEMA starts at 19 minute mark) makes the most sense to me as we currently stand, think this needs to be discussed more if it hasnā€™t already.....catching up
I agree and think the further declarations of emergency that went out today for several more states plays a part.
Like I said, ridiculous to the point of being goofy.

The 1611 KJV translation has been revised several times, the last being in the late 1800s. You wouldn't even recognize the 1611 version as English. The Bible that you think you're reading as the 1611 KJV isn't from 1611 -- it's from the late 1800s.

Some modern translations, like the NIV have weaknesses, and part of that is in the method applied to the translation technique. I had a friend years ago that was involved in translation for the NIV and he told me not to buy it.

My preference is the ESV or the NASB, both of which employ the same method of translation as the translators used in 1611, which is word for word from the original Hebrew and Greek.

The KJV also used inferior and newer texts when translating. We have since found much older copies, that most of the newer translations use.

Finally, do you know what the Hebrew word "helel" literally means? According to Strong's Concordance it means "the morning star" or the day star. The NIV is very accurate in its translation.

The Nelson Study Bible gives us this bit of interesting info: Lucifer in Hebrew literally means ā€œDay Star,ā€ or the planet Venus. The poetic language of this verse describes the aspiration of this brightest star to climb to the zenith of the heavens and its extinction before the rising sun. This is an apt summary of the failed goal of the king of Babylon (v. 4) who wanted to grasp universal and eternal domination. Tertullian, Milton, and others have linked this passage to the career of Satan on the basis of Luke 10:18, but the text does not specifically make this connection.

The old Criswell Study Bible asserts: This is widely considered to be a description of the fall of Satan. Although there are parallels between this passage and what we know elsewhere of the origin of Satan (cf. Ezek 28:12, note; Luke 10:18; 1 Tim 3:6), the one in view here is the king of Babylon (v. 4). Satan can be in view here only typologically. He was already in heaven, an attendant of God, when he fell through conceit (cf. v. 13).

You left out the most important piece.

The KJV is a translation of the LATIN Vulgate, not the older Greek.

The 1611 text has NEVER been changed and never will be. That's why it's specifically referred to as the 1611 text. Beyond that, I'm not going to debate you.

I try not to get hung up on versions really, I know you mean well and I see no sense in being divided. Just when your version and my version diverge, I will defer to mine.
A huge cache of CIA UFO documents was released. 2021, the year alien contact is disclosed. That brings us to discussing 2021 post Trump's victory. ALL source are saying Trump will be the last president of the corporation of the US and will be the first president of the new republic. Remember this book from the 1800's? ALL the sources agree we will be going to NESARA/GESARA. They claim EVERY country has already signed onto it YEARS ago, and the charter keeps changing to be updated for modern times, but is ready to go. They all agree there will be a new currency that is quantum based and backed by gold. I keep hearing ALL debt will be wiped out, and people are reporting on line that they are going to pay off debts like home mortgages to be told that is has already been paid in full. They have been testing the quantum currency for years now. Lin Wood basically validated we would be going to NESARA as on one of his last Parler posts. Scott McKay had a very bold claim. He said that they found C4 explosives on JFK Jr's plane's fuselage a week before his plane went down, and they decided to fake his death so that he could become Trump's predecessor. He is insistent on that. Summary, enormous AWESOME things are coming. Until then you HAVE to trust the plan. Look at the things planned for Trump's next term. They are working on those as well right now.

This is a good time to go back to Q. Q's most active posting period was this week in January 2018. At that time much of it made no sense. If you go back and read those posts using your 2021 eyes, they seem prophetic. Look at his posts from this date in 2018. Some highlights. "PATIENCE. THERE IS NO ESCAPE. THERE ARE NO DEALS. TREASON AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS". And, "THE HUNT CONTINUES. WE SEE ALL. WE HEAR ALL. PRISON. DEATH. RED_ RED_". And "We are FIGHTING for LIFE. We are FIGHTING for GOOD. We are at WAR. Do you trust the MILITARY. Do you TRUST the Chain of Command? Have FAITH. We are IN CONTROL.". How about "CHECKMATE". Then "Targeted kills. Power out.... Public awakening". Or "Goodbye @Jack (Dorsey of Twitter)". He promises we are safe and even more next week. Those posts made little sense in 2018 and make perfect sense for now. One side note. The intel guys say Trump will be inaugurated in March. Just from a practical stand point, it would be VERY difficult to do by next week given the arrests and education of the sheeple that is going to be needed between now and then. Images: traitors, media, 2021, the look, morons, full Nazi, media, Apple, dem logic, the script

Thanks for the reports, anyone else read them in a context like 24 and Jack Bauer being a hero

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