I’ve been in lab diagnostics for about 15 years now. Everything she said is accurate. I’ve been telling anyone that would listen that COVID infection rates are, and have been since day one, complete BULLSHIT!
I wholeheartedly agree. Everything about Covid stinks. It is a bad virus and has culled some fairly sick old people. But it rarely affects young people. Who knows how many have caught it and how many have died from it.
How many people had it and didn’t get tested b/c it wasn’t that bad. How many false positives were their (tons b/c a PCR test should max out around 25 cycles). You are amplifying the mRNA exponentially to where any bit of Covid test specific Protein/mRNA/etc. is detected. Just b/c you are positive doesn’t mean you are infected or infectious. Of note, you will find that PCR tests should not be used for making a diagnosis of an infection. Remember it’s just virus genetic material from somewhere/anywhere. It doesn’t mean it’s entered enough cells and replicated enough to cause an infection.
The numbers are a total sham. Who knows how many people really died b/c of Covid. Really sick people would have died from something anyway. (The average age of Covid deaths as calculated by the cdc is almost exactly they same age as male and female life expectancy in the US). How many people didn’t get chemo or go to the ER or get regular health care maintenance? How many people committed suicide, died from etoh or drugs or became addicted. How many people developed psych conditions that would not have. How many less accident deaths or flu deaths were there. How many extra murders were there?
If you have no soul it is a simple calculation. What was the average age of death for all comers this year vs the recent past and how many excess deaths were there compared to the recent past with adjustment for an increase in population? And how do these numbers compare to the swine flu year.
But what is the psychosocial price of the lockdown and lies. What is the price of no school or school lunches for the poor - how much further behind will they be compared to the average kid? What is the effect on kids being stuck in their house all day. What is the cost of teaching our kids to be in fear constantly. What is the cost of a lack of social interactions on our kids? What is the cost of less earning potential over a child’s lifetime? What is the cost of shitting on our economy, not paying rent, unemployment, skipping a year or two of college. What is the cost of deteriorating our trust in all our gov’t institutions. We will be seeing the psychological and financial ramifications for the next 18 years.