Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Even K-State football doesn’t draw shit in the KC area compared to KU basketball. And the future revenue streams will have more of a basketball component than now when they wrestle the NCAA basketball tournament away from the NCAA like they did with football. FOX and ESPN understand that and are going into the next round of negotiations with the conferences right now. Even with shit football we still blow away K-State in revenue generation. Get football going and we go from a good middle of the road asset to a top 4 asset in the B1G.
Whatever you gotta tell yourself to make you feel good. Kansas basketball doesn't move the needle for shit, hahaha.
Wray has always struck me as a DS go along to get along classic bureaucrat

and here his nervous hand gestures, cracking voice a d overall mannerisms told me he's clearly lying or concealing

that POS org needed a change agent when Comey was fired , and it got the exact opposite
He just admitted he stopped firing people to keep them obligated to work with Durham. He is just like RR as the guy the Swamp trusts right up to the point he helps Durham put them all in prison.
Whatever you gotta tell yourself to make you feel good. Kansas basketball doesn't move the needle for shit, hahaha.
If you can’t see the 4 16-team conferences and the playoff/tournament/TV revenue implications in a future without NCAA control . . . OK. But the networks do and they are calling the shots. Once OU and UT make the move, there are few pieces on the board that make any sense and KU basketball is one of them. Or don’t believe that. I don’t give a shit. We’ve been 3rd in the Big12 in revenue consistently for years with bad football. If you don’t see the immediate value and the huge upside with an improving program, I can’t help you. But you don’t matter . . . ESPN and FOX Sports do.
What are OSU’s options?

SEC? Nope
B1G? Not qualified
PAC? Not qualified and can’t use OU to drag them over an exemption
ACC? Nope
I’d say:

1. B1G 75%
2. PAC 25%

You speak as if KU is this illustrious program that everyone wants and it should be a no-brainer.
I give you credit for the academics and congrats. OSUbhas drastically improved in this area especially in terms of Academic research. I just don’t think that is as important this go around. I don’t see another Super Conference realignment coming anytime soon, so these conferences are making moves.
I have heard that both OSU and KU could go as a packaged deal, but who knows. I do know that OSU is one of the Top 15 winningest programs over the past 10 years and that means alot. Also, don’t discount our Wrestling program. That carries more weight than you would think in the B1G.
First off it’s not DNA, it’s an RNA virus. What the vaccine has is the mRNA that codes for the S1 subunit of the spike protein. The shedding, I believe is the part of the spike unit that is in excess or able to expel from the areas of body that have been making the spike protein. I’m not sure what happens to the spike protein other than it is taken up by monocytes (white blood cells) so they can be destroyed. I have seen the graph where the lipid nanolayer ends up in weird locations (ovaries) but I don’t know if that is true - or if any of the spike protein is produced in these weird locations. From what I have seen, the vaccine makes most of these spike proteins locally(muscle) and surrounding lymph nodes. Lymph nodes play a significant part in immunity so it makes sense that it would end up there.

One thing I have read in humanized mice, they injected their respiratory pathways with just the spike protein and saw lung inflammation and micro vascular damage, this is likely due to an immune response with cytokines and other immune modulators causing damage. So its not just the virus infecting and replicating that causes damage but even part of the virus can cause damage. There is not evidence in humans of this (yet).

I’ve read of the shedding but have not investigated it much so I don’t know if it is theory, or a scare tactic, or insignificant issue or a major problem.

Hope this helps
That made more sense than the 3 videos I watched on it. THank you Doc.
Talcum X sure proves race baiting is lucrative

Funny thing I saw the other day on why the black community put up with his pretend black ass. He married a black woman and he is rich and he treats her well. Black women admire him for staying by his woman even after he got rich so they won't put up with black dudes pointing out he's a phony.... This was from a Thicc black chick.
Just ordered another 1000 rounds of 9mm. Also trying a new local meat farmer's wares this evening. I really believe it's going to get ugly as the man tries to put their foot down on freedom again. Time to hit the Costco or Sam's for more asswipe.
I don't think people realize how bad the trucker shortage is and how lots of stuff is starting to be out of stock. Here in Louisville garbage pickup is being missed here and there due to driver shortage. Now something like that doesn't make that big a wave as long as they pick it up next week but what happens when they miss several areas for 2 or 3 weeks in a row? Now do food and spare parts... Waste Management is starting people at $24/hr with a $3000 hire on bonus and can't fill spots.
If you can’t see the 4 16-team conferences and the playoff/tournament/TV revenue implications in a future without NCAA control . . . OK. But the networks do and they are calling the shots. Once OU and UT make the move, there are few pieces on the board that make any sense and KU basketball is one of them. Or don’t believe that. I don’t give a shit. We’ve been 3rd in the Big12 in revenue consistently for years with bad football. If you don’t see the immediate value and the huge upside with an improving program, I can’t help you. But you don’t matter . . . ESPN and FOX Sports do.
KU basketball means absolute dick to the Big 10, if you can't see that then you're blinded by your hope that Kansas basketball means anything to a major conference. The big 10 doesn't give 2 shits about Kansas basketball.
I’ve been in lab diagnostics for about 15 years now. Everything she said is accurate. I’ve been telling anyone that would listen that COVID infection rates are, and have been since day one, complete BULLSHIT!
I wholeheartedly agree. Everything about Covid stinks. It is a bad virus and has culled some fairly sick old people. But it rarely affects young people. Who knows how many have caught it and how many have died from it.

How many people had it and didn’t get tested b/c it wasn’t that bad. How many false positives were their (tons b/c a PCR test should max out around 25 cycles). You are amplifying the mRNA exponentially to where any bit of Covid test specific Protein/mRNA/etc. is detected. Just b/c you are positive doesn’t mean you are infected or infectious. Of note, you will find that PCR tests should not be used for making a diagnosis of an infection. Remember it’s just virus genetic material from somewhere/anywhere. It doesn’t mean it’s entered enough cells and replicated enough to cause an infection.

The numbers are a total sham. Who knows how many people really died b/c of Covid. Really sick people would have died from something anyway. (The average age of Covid deaths as calculated by the cdc is almost exactly they same age as male and female life expectancy in the US). How many people didn’t get chemo or go to the ER or get regular health care maintenance? How many people committed suicide, died from etoh or drugs or became addicted. How many people developed psych conditions that would not have. How many less accident deaths or flu deaths were there. How many extra murders were there?
If you have no soul it is a simple calculation. What was the average age of death for all comers this year vs the recent past and how many excess deaths were there compared to the recent past with adjustment for an increase in population? And how do these numbers compare to the swine flu year.

But what is the psychosocial price of the lockdown and lies. What is the price of no school or school lunches for the poor - how much further behind will they be compared to the average kid? What is the effect on kids being stuck in their house all day. What is the cost of teaching our kids to be in fear constantly. What is the cost of a lack of social interactions on our kids? What is the cost of less earning potential over a child’s lifetime? What is the cost of shitting on our economy, not paying rent, unemployment, skipping a year or two of college. What is the cost of deteriorating our trust in all our gov’t institutions. We will be seeing the psychological and financial ramifications for the next 18 years.
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Can you please explain this chart? Am I to assume that the lipid build up in these areas are what’s responsible for the inflammation and other side effects? Thanks in advance.
I don’t know if it means anything. I don’t even know if it’s true. But it is saying that the lipid nanolayer that the virus is packaged in somehow is transported to some areas more than others. Does it even have mRNA still in it? Likely not.

It is probably something circulating to scare people into thinking that since it goes to the ovaries, it will cause massive infertility in those that get the vaccine. And there have been complaints of changes in menstruation cycles, frequency, and volume.

There is so much both good and bad info out there that always be very careful what you believe. It’s an information war and we all lose in the end. Except the meme war. The left can’t meme.
what led me to believe that was engaging them in conversations and their collective reactions to me (a non-doctor) questioning them on their assertions… It pissed them off that I was asking questions they couldn’t answer - and it pains them to admit we know about the same level of info, yet they are a medical doctor and I am not…
The problem is if you don’t trust the cdc, the head of the NIAID, the NIH, your state and county health dept, the upper levels of your hospital system and the prestigious journals, the science - then what do you believe? There is a strong psychological component to not wanting to face the reality that those institutions don’t give a shit about anyone. They play politics as much as Nancy, Joe, or McConnell. In general I still maintain faith that up until the last few years the good greatly outnumbered the bad, and intentions were genuine with regards to actually taking care of patients/people.
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K-State fan? LOL

No, just laughable how you bring in ku sports as if they are worth a shit. The big 10 commissioner has to be thinking “man with the SEC adding OU and Texas, we better go out and add the worst football program in division 1 to make a splash, but at least Lawrence is adding an airport terminal and is close to KC “

if you do want to bring up kstate, at least they realize they’re flyover country and not a wannabe cal Berkeley of the Midwest. There are only two teams remaining in the big 12 that have had continued success in the big 12.

In the last 10 years, OSU has the second most wins in the big 12 with kstate in 3rd. If you wanna go back 20 years, It’s kstate second followed by OSU. Both programs have a better athletic department and their facilities blow KU out of the water. No power 5 conferences want those two individuals schools either as they will not add additional TV money to the conference.
The problem is if you don’t trust the cdc, the head of the NIAID, the NIH, your state and county health dept, the upper levels of your hospital system and the prestigious journals, the science - then what do you believe? There is a strong psychological component to not wanting to face the reality that those institutions don’t give a shit about anyone. They play politics as much as Nancy, Joe, or McConnell. In general I still maintain faith that up until the last few years the good greatly outnumbered the bad, and intentions were genuine with regards to actually taking care of patients/people.

I don't know how anyone cannot trust the CDC--they are rock solid

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