Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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DOJ and media


Just saw this bastard next to one of my trash cans as I was rolling it out to the street. I could not get her in time. But rest assured she will be dead by the morning
View attachment 31612
Mission accomplished! It’s amazing what you can do with Windex and a flyswatter. The nest and spider are toast
View attachment 31616
Now back to the regular scheduled program
Funny thing about black widow spiders. They return to where they were the previous year. Their webs are very distinct. Seeing them is the first clue to be on guard.
I'm in a discussion about the vaccine, and was just sent this relatively short article in the spoiler.

Does anyone have any good response to it? I need to be able to defend my argument well in this instance, and would appreciate any help anyone could give.

These people are essentially as far from red pilled as possible so nothing that seems conspiracy-ish will have a prayer - this includes data on vaccine deaths and side effects unless it comes from a "reputable" source.

Much appreciated, thank you!

The unnecessary death march of the unvaccinated​

COVID-19 vaccines have proved wildly effective. For various reasons, millions remain unprotected.​

Last month, COVID-19 killed 130 people in Maryland, all unvaccinated. At least 160 children and adults at a Texas church summer camp tested positive for coronavirus; only six of those infected were vaccinated. Hospitals in Springfield, Mo., are so overwhelmed with cases among the unvaccinated that they’ve run out of ventilators and are transferring some patients to other parts of the state.
President Biden is begging Americans to “please get vaccinated now.”
“It works, it’s free, it’s never been easier,” he said Tuesday. “It’s never been more important. Do it now for yourself and the people you care about — for your neighborhood, for your country. It sounds corny, but it’s a patriotic thing to do.”
COVID-19 vaccination rates have stalled. Appeals to patriotism won’t work. Incentives ranging from gift cards to “vax lotteries” have failed. In Massachusetts, less than half of those eligible for the state’s first “VaxMillions” lottery on July 26 have registered.
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If saving your own life and the lives of loved ones isn’t enough incentive to get vaccinated, then free weed, as Washington state has promised residents who get vaccinated by July 12, was never going to make a difference. After all the progress made, a needlessly prolonged pandemic puts everyone at risk — including those who’ve already submitted to the needle’s pinch.


Respect the Delta variant, but don’t fear it — unless you’re not vaccinatedMasking indoors in the age of the Delta variant
According to a Georgetown University study, five clusters with low vaccination rates, most of them in the South and Midwest, are fueling new COVID-19 cases. About 15 million people live in these areas where the fully vaccinated rate is a dismal 28 percent of all people. Nationwide, the vaccination rate is 48 percent — better, but not great.
Scientists fear the unvaccinated clusters could be breeding grounds for even deadlier COVID-19 variants.
“We know that if you give the virus the opportunity to circulate and replicate, you give it the opportunity to generate more variants,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, told CNN.
That’s already happened with the highly contagious Delta variant responsible for many of the recent cases. “The 2020 version of COVID-19 on steroids” is how Andy Slavitt, a former senior adviser to Biden’s COVID response team, described the variant. “Fortunately, unlike 2020, we actually have a tool that stops the Delta variant in its tracks: It’s called a vaccine.”
Why people aren’t getting vaccinated varies. Among Black and Latinx people, rates have improved but still lag. Based on centuries of racist mistreatment that continues to this day, medical mistrust remains an issue. Even more important is access. Failing to put an emphasis on disproportionately affected communities, early rollouts didn’t meet people where they are in their communities, such as offering hours to accommodate inflexible work schedules.
Rapper Juvenile is trying to encourage some of his fans to get vaccinated. Teaming up with BLK, a dating app, he retooled his hip-hop classic “Back That (Thang) Up” into a pro-vaccine anthem, “Vax That Thang Up,” with Mannie Fresh and Mia X:
Girl, you looks good, won’t you vax that thang up
You’s a
I reject the premise of the article. It’s all fluff and there is no data to support vaccination. What do Juvenile and aids have to do with covid vaccination?

This shot has not been approved by the FDA; it’s under a very questionable emergency use authorization (it’s questionable because there are treatments for covid available and that makes an EUA not allowed). What is the argument for participating in a vaccine trial for an vaccine technology that has never been widely used before that is supposed to prevent a sickness with a 99.9% recovery rate for the majority of the population? Oh wait, they dont even claim the vaccine prevents the disease, it just makes it not as bad.

Next, the vaccine provided very little benefit to the general public.

“Unreported absolute risk reduction measures of 0.7% and 1.1% for the Pfzier/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, respectively, are very much lower than the reported relative risk reduction measures. Reporting absolute risk reduction measures is essential to prevent outcome reporting bias in evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine efficacy.”

If that’s not enough, the 16k+ deaths and permanent disabilities in the US is what worries me. Not to mention the MIT study that says VAERS only catches about 10% of the actual adverse reactions because there is no organized or mandatory reporting.

if you want more look up Dr. Peter McCullough and watch some videos of him talking about covid, treatments and the vaccines.[/spoiler]
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2 Weeks! Labor Day!

I'm puzzled as to why anyone here still believes there is an actual Durham investigation.
Well your position is certainly warranted. However, the recent developments that the gang of eight were being spied on is interesting. Also, John Solomon, one of the last remaining journalists in the US with integrity, said there would be indictments. But yeah…Durham is a long shot and more than likely a shiny object that’s being dangled in our faces.
Well your position is certainly warranted. However, the recent developments that the gang of eight were being spied on is interesting. Also, John Solomon, one of the last remaining journalists in the US with integrity, said there would be indictments. But yeah…Durham is a long shot and more than likely a shiny object that’s being dangled in our faces.

Durham's budget is like a little over a million a year. Mueller's was 20 times that, Durham doesn't have the budget to do much. Not to mention Merrick Garland has to approve anyone he indicts
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