Vaccines for viruses like C19 are almost always about reducing severe infections. In the article, is says that the Pfizer shot is still o er 98% effective against severe infections, like it always has been.Oops Pfizer decreases to 64% effective at stopping spread of new strains of covid, not 94%.
Ministry data said to show Pfizer shot blocks majority of serious Delta cases
Figures reportedly indicate vaccine less effective against contagion from variant, but hospitalizations remain low; officials said weighing use of Moderna for 2nd dose for over
Oops Pfizer decreases to 64% effective at stopping spread of new strains of covid, not 94%.
Ministry data said to show Pfizer shot blocks majority of serious Delta cases
Figures reportedly indicate vaccine less effective against contagion from variant, but hospitalizations remain low; officials said weighing use of Moderna for 2nd dose for over
Do I understand this? UNC actually created this controversy by hiring this person that has been proven wrong by historians? Given that she can’t (or won’t) discern facts from her desired alternate fantasy, why hire her at all? I don’t care if it’s tenure, 5-year contract, or a handshake agreement.
Damn, Nature. You scary.
I'll have some later! Happy Fourth !
and her ass is amazing from the right!
In military now till Nov...wondering what options are
I want no part of the vaccine