Cancer - hope for those with the worst kinds (copied from tMB)

Post #772 from osumark

Just received this. GT on the rivals board was cured of cancer, and he told a friend about fenbendazole. This is the text GT received this morning.

Per radiologist evaluation of my CT scan monday: inflamed lymph nodes have markedly decreased in size. One that measured 16 mm in overall dimension now barely perceptible. Others have generally decreased by 50% or more. The report also states "no gastric mass lesion is seen." Yippee!!
Treatment will continue in 3 week intervals with another scan after three treatments to hopefully see continued reductions or disappearances of affected nodes.
My sincere thanks to all for your thoughts, prayers and support. Hopefully by the time i beat this it will stop raining every weekend and carts will be off the path.
Post #789 from osumark


Just found out my grandmother has uterine cancer and apparently it’s very aggressive. What should I do?

Start on regiment 7 days a week for a month

Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Perfect E by Wellness works is great. If Wellness works is only available from a pharmacist, there are other cheap sources you can google.

Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable., and

CBD oil (1-2 droppers-ful [about 1-2mls] under the tongue, 7 days a week) oil

Panacur C-
1-gram a day 7 days a week.

Follow this regiment for 30 days and you have a chance.
Post #790 from osumark


I've mentioned a guy recently named Mike, he has done a lot of research on fenbendazole and menbendazole. He's also done a lot of other cancer research. This guy has helped cure his brother and sister in law of their cancer. So if you've given up on your cancer treatment, Mike is worth a call. He is absolutely brilliant.

update from bigbee67 in post #810

I have posted several updates ITT on a customer of mine who started the regimen after I told him about the wormer. Here's what he emailed me today:

"I am doing great
Did PET/CAT scan in Nov and tumor is shrinking
I feel great, leveled off at 160 pounds, down from 215
No pain, lots of energy and tumor has not spread anywhere else in my body.
So you are going to have to put up with my CANTANKEROUS disposition for many years to come my friend."
Update from our own @Nape in post #819

My father-in-law was just diagnosed yesterday with small cell lung cancer. He is 78 years old. I just sent him Dr. Dave's phone number. He has an appointment with his oncologist and pulmonary specialist Monday to determine the stage of the cancer as well as their plan going forward.

Thanks for this lifeline!!!!!!! tMB is amazing.
An update on my father-in-law...........he has been on the CBD/dewormer regimen since September.

His oncologist did a genetic marker test of the tumor. While waiting on the results my f-i-l made the decision that if the results come back and the method of treatment was going to be radiation and chemo he was going to refuse the treatment. The results showed the markers necessary for immunotherapy to be effective. He started Keytruda treatments in October. With that being said, his health at that time was tenuous. He could barely stand up after sitting, had hardly any energy to walk around, and was obviously in a very bad place. That fact was hard to believe since I was playing golf with him regularly before his diagnosis in August.

After over 3 months of Keytruda and 4 months of CBD/dewormer he is in an amazing place. He goes to the casino 3-4 days a week, plays gin at his country club 2-3 days a week, comes to see his grandson during his 3x weekly golf instruction sessions, and is probably as healthy as he has been in 20 years. He has a CAT scan next week to see how the tumor has been reacting to the treatment. If all is well he will high tail it to their place in Naples soon thereafter.

I am forever grateful for this thread, the knowledge and information reaped from the thread, and for Dr. Price for following up with me to check on everything. tMB certainly is an amazing community!
Post #893 from C13Moridin

Diagnosed my mother with colon cancer back in April 18. After resection and PET scan, determined it was anaplastic stage 4 widely metastasized (liver/kidney/lung and nodes as far as supraclavicular chain (4cm)). Initial CEA was 3800. Was given <12 months. Read this article and researched as much as I could, then started her on the treatment detailed above. Proud to say her last labs showed a CEA of 9 and last PET scan was negative. Her oncologist calls her his miracle

I understand where you’re coming from. I want people to know the risks as well. I don’t want them blindly taking medication. So as CP said, if you hear of side effects like you mentioned with Vit E, let us know. I want to be completely honest with people and tell them Vit E could cause Prostate cancer. I’ve told people this isn’t 100%, it could work and absolutely could not. I tell people I don’t want to get your hopes up, but it is hope where no hope has been given.
So question for you. If I am recommending this treatment to someone who was diagnosed with terminal Prostate Cancer, does he still take the Vitamin E regimen? Seems counter-productive to take Vitamin E if it can cause the disease he's trying to rid. Or does the Vit E in this scenario and dosage work for the intended purpose without the ultimate side effect? Just curious.

Id take the regiment without the vitamin E. If you have any other questions feel free to call me
Post #929 from TheWrldsBst#26

Anyone here with family members with cancer should look into keto diet, cancer cells feed off glucose which on a regular diet (high carb-high sugar) your body also uses glucose for energy, on keto your body uses fat for energy and not glucose so theoretically you stop feeding cancer cells.

Carbs-sugar-excess protein= glucose- cancer cells feed off glucose..


Here’s an article if you’re interested

A paragraph from that article

“Western cultures today enjoy a diet rich in the delicacies that our ancestors did not consume on a regular basis such as grain, sugar, and starch. Research continues to show that sugar is the main source of fuel which feeds cancer and contributes to an inflammatory environment.Sugar essentially increases the risk for cancer and disease.”

Here’s a brain cancer survivor who went keto and hasn’t seen his cancer come back since
Post #1010 from pokefan24/7

I’ll bump it now. Received a call Thursday from the dad of a friend of mine. When I heard this spring he was battling stage 4 prostate cancer that had metastasized to his bones, I sent him Joe’s Blog, and convinced him to join the fb page, my cancer story rocks. After taking Joe’s regimen for 19 weeks, he informed me that his MRI and bone scan now show all clear. This makes the 5th person that I know personality that is all clear after taking Joe’s protocol. Message me if you wish.
Post #1022 from wmo767

If any of you read the all the info about the regimen you will find that the only concern is about the vitamin E which in high doses can do liver damage.

Taking the regimen as a preventative is generally an 8 to 10 week time period and you can help yourself by taking milk thistle as a way to protect your liver.

Medical research indicates that 500mg of Fenbendazole per day is safe for human consumption. The panacur C is 220 mg of Fenbendazole.

If you are interested in prevention have a hematologist run a complete blood panel. That will tell you if you have any cancer cells running around in your body. Had one last year and am doing another next week strictly as a precaution.
Post #1061 from osumark


I have been alluding to this for some time, but it is finally here. The very impressive medical research foundation OMRF ( has agreed to help all of us with clinical review of the FZ protocol from our participants on the www.mycancerstory.rocksblog, the www.facebook/groups/mycancerstoryrocksFacebook group page as well as from hundreds from my personal email correspondence. I also intend to notify similar groups run by Tamera Fields in case she decides to participate.

Please be aware, however, that in order to have integrity of data and processes, OMRF will not proactively reach out to patients, but rather patients will be required to contact OMRF. To aid in this, all of us need to reach out to our known worthy cases and remind them that if we would like themto be included in the study (and we would greatly appreciate their participation), they need to contact OMRF at:

Matt Slief

405-271-7221 a dedicated line just for this project

Also, it is very important to remind everyone that participation will require:

1. A signed consent to participate

2. Signed releases for medical records from all appropriate providers, including all medical, path, imaging, medications etc. This will be an authorization to use or share protected health information for research purposes.

Matt Slief will get you those forms once you contact them.

Please Note: This is NOT a clinical trial, but a retrospective review and audit of each of our unique cases. You will not be asked to take any medicine or change what you are already doing.

I will personally go through my own notes and remind individual people to contact Matt Slief at OMRF, but I am most certain that I will inadvertently miss some. Please reach out to any known cases you think would be pertinent to this all-important study. You are part of this effort and I believe you will be proud.
Post #1082 from rooney

An update from SE Ohio...

The fellow that I referred to in a post a few weeks ago that was told to go home and make arrangements with stage 4 carcinoma of the abdomen started the regimen and appears to be cancer free!
Post #1096 from pokefan24/7

I think it has usually taken a minimum of 12-20 weeks to see any significant progress. Some begin to feel better fairly soon, however.

My friend’s dad that had stage 4 prostate cancer tested all clear after 19 weeks in the regimen. My other friend with cancer in his lymph nodes was clear after 12 weeks. Of course this was when the tests were administered so it likely occurred a bit sooner.
Post #1103 in response to a question about getting the stuff

Have a co-worker with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer in May. I told him about this back in June and he researched it like crazy. Began taking the vitamins and dog dewormer soon after. He recently told me that he is having a harder time getting the dewormer now because everyone is out of it. Of course, second hand markets have it available at considerable mark-up.

prosense brand at Walmart. Or safeguard at local pet stores.
Post #1160 from osumark

Hey @osumark, hearing any efficacy differences between mebendazole and fenbendazole? I’ve read the limited literature out there but want your opinion.

For some reason MBZ doesn’t work. Sorry for the late reply, I don’t get notifications from Rivals for some reason.
Great thread. I've read about this in various places.

My Dad had colon cancer. He was treated initially with chemo and then radiation. One of the drugs they gave him was a pill Vets used. My cousin is a Vet. Dad spoke with him and was told that the $500/pill he was taking could be sold at the Vets for $2/pill but my cousin could not send him any. After a year on chemo and radiation, my Dad literally shit his tumor down the toilet. He said he felt it leave. 2 days later he had a colonoscopy and the MD saw where the cancer was but it had gone away. I saw photos of before and after. Could have been the same drug.

But, of course, this will be embargoed from people at the $2 price once Big Pharma gets it relabeled as a cancer drug which they can change thousands for. FBPharma!

My Dad passed away 9 years ago due to COPD. After his passing and reading about this treatment, I called my cousin and asked about the pill. Unfortunately, he didn't remember the name but did remember the conversation about it with my Dad.
Post #1186 from pokenrally

My dad has informed everyone he can about this. I think he has to be up to nearly ten people that are now cancer free after he got them on the protocol. It's insane.
Great thread. I've read about this in various places.

My Dad had colon cancer. He was treated initially with chemo and then radiation. One of the drugs they gave him was a pill Vets used. My cousin is a Vet. Dad spoke with him and was told that the $500/pill he was taking could be sold at the Vets for $2/pill but my cousin could not send him any. After a year on chemo and radiation, my Dad literally shit his tumor down the toilet. He said he felt it leave. 2 days later he had a colonoscopy and the MD saw where the cancer was but it had gone away. I saw photos of before and after. Could have been the same drug.

But, of course, this will be embargoed from people at the $2 price once Big Pharma gets it relabeled as a cancer drug which they can change thousands for. FBPharma!
That's awesome. So glad to hear that the cancer is gone for him!
Post #1197 from osumark

I got a text from a friend today with metastasized prostate cancer, Metz to Heart, liver, kidneys, stomach & urinary track and in bones at T 8 spine, sternum, right shoulder and sacrum (tailbone area)

Post #1215 from osumark, in response to people saying trust the experts, not tMB

Please see traditional oncologists asap and keep informed of the medical options available to your mother even if you plan to try fighting cancer with vitamins and dewormers.

Im stopping by this thread again to plead with people that might read this, things in the cancer world happen fast. There isnt always time to try multiple treatment regimens and the best course of action in 2020 is to listen to the advice of the medical professionals who spend their lives figting this group of diseases.

You will hear many different opinions if you ask laypeople what is the best thing to do when tragedy such as cancer happens unexpectedly... THEY DO NOT HAVE YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS BEST INTEREST IN MIND.

There are real, proven, scientific medical approaches backed by empirical data in clinical settings that can save the life of the person close to you and its not going found on the mainboard.
Click to expand...
Glad you said this and I want so badly for everything in this thread to be true but as somebody with a 31 year old wife battling a rare neuroendocrine tumor we can’t afford to take any chances on experimental treatments. I would love for a cure to be as easy as some supplements and a dog dewormer but I don’t think it is that simple.

It isn’t that simple. 99% of the people who are trying this regiment are people who have gone the traditional medical treatment route and oncologists have told them there is nothing more they can do. Around 50% of those people now have NSD (no sign of disease) 50% of the people who were told to go home and die are alive. We tell everyone to do what your doctor says until they can’t help you anymore. We have a few people who use it, that doctors have declared them cancer free and then the cancer come back who have decided no matter the cost will never do chemo again. I have Buried to many that The doctors said there was no cure for their type of cancer, Who wouldn’t try it or wouldn’t try it until it was too late. I lost a great friend from prostate cancer, one month before I found out about This protocol. That circumstance cost me to put my life on the line to tell people there might be hope. I know it won’t cure everyone, But I know many times it is giving people extra months days and years and also a little hope. I live in a town of about 1000 people one of the guys in town ended up with pancreatic cancer, on this dog Dewormer He lived two years. He ended up dying from cardiac arrest and his doctor told him his pancreatic cancer was in remission. I know it doesn’t make sense to a lot of people in the medical field, but they’ve known about the use of dewormers and they’ve done very little with it. The actual human dewormer man Menbendazole Has gone up 500% in cost, Patient number two Joe Tippens, Has caused the medical community to open their eyes again to dog dewormers, this most likely wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for and Joe Tippens Desire to get the word out to everyone.
Post #1232 from pancreek1

Please re-read the blog as updates are coming regularly at . Any successes need to be reported to matt-slief And most importantly, there are new sections on dosages and a new section coming soon on some changes to the protocol. The facebook page is run by volunteer mods who require that you be a patient or a direct caregiver, that you answer all of the questions and give the password from the blog. As the password was disclosed here, I will have to change it again. We can't have people in the FB group that have not read the blog. Keeping riff-raff, crazies and MLM people off of a FB group like that is a full time job. And speaking of full time jobs, I am about to be forced to hire full time people as I can't keep up with the hundreds of emails and requests per day. That means I will now be forced to attempt at least a modicum of monetization, not to make money, but to cover overhead.
Post #1245 from our old friend @MeridianOSU , though we haven't seen him for a while.

I dip in and out of this thread so ZFG if already posted. A person who beat testical cancer and colon cancer plus other family members have beat cancer tipped me on this. If it can help somebody here is what he gave me|

Order Out smart tour cancer 3rd edition on Amazon. Pyotocel and Paw Paw are important. Call 330-634-0008 and ask for Dr Cassidy or Dr Nancy.
Yeah, probably similar to ivermectin and other treatments. Sad
That was my first thought when I read about the OSU guy. It wasn't Ivermectin because my cousin is livid about Fauci and their bullshit and would have remembered if that was the pill. I believe it was Fendendazole. My cousin is very much into RFKjr's book.
That was my first thought when I read about the OSU guy. It wasn't Ivermectin because my cousin is livid about Fauci and their bullshit and would have remembered if that was the pill. I believe it was Fendendazole. My cousin is very much into RFKjr's book.
I just meant that the gov't would make it harder to get the Fenbendazole, like they did with ivermectin, if it gets too mainstream.
Thanks for posting this. I followed this on tMB too. What a weird coincidence that I actually just mentioned the thread to my mom yesterday. There’s an 8 year old at our church who has a tumor in his spinal column. It shrank with chemo and then came back 6 months later. It has now grown with his last two MRIs. The parents are trying to decide if he should get a biopsy of the tumor (but it runs serious risks due to it being on the spinal column) to learn more about it or continue to try different treatments, not knowing if they are the best for his particular situation. I’m devastated for the family. They got back from their Make a Wish trip and found out a week later the tumor has grown again. The mom is in healthcare and I don’t think she’d listen to any of this but I’m keeping it in my back pocket if things take a turn for the worst.

And praying for the best news for you @LVRebel.
Thanks for posting this. I followed this on tMB too. What a weird coincidence that I actually just mentioned the thread to my mom yesterday. There’s an 8 year old at our church who has a tumor in his spinal column. It shrank with chemo and then came back 6 months later. It has now grown with his last two MRIs. The parents are trying to decide if he should get a biopsy of the tumor (but it runs serious risks due to it being on the spinal column) to learn more about it or continue to try different treatments, not knowing if they are the best for his particular situation. I’m devastated for the family. They got back from their Make a Wish trip and found out a week later the tumor has grown again. The mom is in healthcare and I don’t think she’d listen to any of this but I’m keeping it in my back pocket if things take a turn for the worst.

And praying for the best news for you @LVRebel.
Thats just horrible. So sad. Prayers going out to them.
Post #1282 from ScutFarkus

Update on pancreatic cancer guy I know. Stage 4. First scan, all tumors except 1 on pancreas shrank. Second scan, all tumors shrank. Got 3rd scan end of July. Tumors in lungs, liver & bone still shrinking. Tumors in pancreas grew a little. A week prior to last scan, he started taking double dose every day. He'll continue this until next scan in September.
Post #1364 from jpenrod86

I'm sure it has been talked about in this thread but people are at the end of the rope if here so I'll throw it out again.

I have heard stories of 3+ day fasts helping people. Preferably 7. Just a bodily reset
Post #1364 from jpenrod86

I'm sure it has been talked about in this thread but people are at the end of the rope if here so I'll throw it out again.

I have heard stories of 3+ day fasts helping people. Preferably 7. Just a bodily reset
In response to this one, I may need to create a new thread (or search to see if there is on already) on fasting. I've been reading and watching some videos about fasting and it's affect on the body. Really amazing stuff.
In response to this one, I may need to create a new thread (or search to see if there is on already) on fasting. I've been reading and watching some videos about fasting and it's affect on the body. Really amazing stuff.
Is that your personal comment? or copied from the MB?

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