Cancer - hope for those with the worst kinds (copied from tMB)

Is that your personal comment? or copied from the MB?
My personal comment. I tried to put the post # from tMB to show which ones were copied from other people, versus mine.

That's pretty much the end of tMB thread, so unless there's new stuff added over there, I won't have any more copy and pastes from that particular board.
Post #1 from OSUmark on tMB

A year and a half ago there was a post on the Okstate Rivals board stating, if you know anyone with cancer message @Cowboy76.

@Pancreek1 who you are about to read his story messaged @Cowboy76. I now know people taking this drug right hoping to be one of the many cures of cancer. $2 per dose.

So today I was told by my oncologist at MD Anderson that I am the FIRST patient in their entire history to have small cell lung cancer metastasize throughout my entire body (I was covered in the cancer from head to toe in hundreds of tumors/lesions, including my neck, both lungs, stomach, liver, pancreas and my tailbone), that then went on to have 4 consecutive quarters of "all clear" PET scans.

Back story:

I was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer on Labor Day 2016. I missed the entire 2016 footballl season as I endured heavy chemo and radiation on my left lung where a tumor the size of my fist was there (and had no symptoms....found literally by accident). In the process, they caused pneumonia and the radiation angles (6 of them) all fried my esophagus. Instead of a feeding tube I decided to get hydration from IV and literally live off of my fat stores. Started at 190lbs and by the time my esophagus healed, I weighted 128bls and looked like I had escaped Auschwitz in WWII. (The people that saw me at last yr's extreme camp can attest to my brute strength 130lbs of skin on bones)

In January 2017, a PET scan showed the unthinkable. The small cell lung cancer had metastasized to my entire body. The survivability of widely metastatic small cell is 0%, with a median/mean survival of 3 months. I was literally sent home from MD Anderson in Houston and told there was nothing else they could do for me and I had less than 3 months to live.

The day after I returned to Edmond, Cowboy76 posted an innocuous and generic post on this very Corral forum that simply said, "If you have cancer or know someone who does, give me a shout, I have some interesting news". I've known David and his kids for years so I reached out to him.

He told me a story of a lady at Merck Animal Health (Vetmed division) doing cancer research on mice and discovering quite by accident that a decades old "off patent" animal (cattle, dogs, cats, goats, pigs, etc) dewormer was batting 1.000 in killing all kinds of cancers......and that the lady doing the research had been diagnosed with late stage brain cancer and decided to self prescribe the stuff to herself....and she was all clear a matter of 6-8 weeks later.

Dr. Dave shipped me a supply of the dog dewormer and, having just been told I had only 3 months to live, I started taking it to his suggested dosage. I started taking the dewormer in the 3rd week of January 2017.

Subsequently, My PET scan in first week of May 2017 (3.5 months later) showed that I was all clear. So did the scans in September 17 and January 2018. Today in Houston, my oncologist at MD Anderson walked in the room and said, "In January 2017, we kicked you out of here because there was nothing else we could do for you. Today I'm kicking you out of here because we only serve people with cancer here."

As a backdrop, MD Anderson is now convinced it was the dog dewormer. And I am the first patient in their history to survive the depth of what I had. And MD Anderson, Johns Hopkins and the Univ of Oklahoma all have research projects on the category of intestinal dewormers. MD Anderson and Univ of Oklahoma are directly related to my story.

And because my story has spread so far and wide, I am fielding approx 20 calls per week and have new success stories (so far 4 in all kinds of cancers), and I know Cowboy76 also has additional success stories other than me.

So, faith matters. Prayers matter. Positive thinking and attitude most definitely matter.

And whodathunkit!!!! I spent $1.2M at MD Anderson and was saved by a $5.00 per week OTC dog medicine recommended to me by an OSU grad large animal veterinarian in W. Oklahoma, and DISCOVERED by the bond of OSU fans getting together on-line to cuss and discuss OSU sports, non sports and politics on an open Orange forum called the Corral.

Thanks to Dr. David, Thanks for all of the prayers and I am determined to help as many people as possible hear this story. To that end, I am available to discuss.

“He used the Pancur c 1 milligram tab for 3 days then 4 days off and used the following everyday.

Tocotrienol form of Vitamin E (800mg per day)

Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day), and

CBD (25mg per day) oil

He took all of this for 10 weeks.”
Thanks for bringing this over here! Sorry about the news for you
@LVRebel some great videos from Dr Thomas Seyfried on the benefits of fasting re cancer treatment. Also Dr Jason Fung discusses this in some of his videos. Thank you for starting this thread, prayers and best wishes to you!

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