So according to your own logic, how do you explain the name for nations and Gentiles in the original Hebrew are the same?
I.) Explain what happened to Namaan, Nebuchadnezzar? Explain what precisely?
II.) Gentiles and Nations are the same and explain Matthew 28.
These twelve Yeshua sent out after instructing them: “Do not go in the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter any city of the Samaritans; but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Matthew 10:5-6)
Still speaking in the language of sheep and shepherding from Matthew 9:36, He told His disciples to go to the “lost sheep of Israel.”
So the original Torah or old testament was written in Hebrew then the new original old testament was written in Greek (all white Eruopean languages btw) Then eventually it was translated into old English and now modern English. Along the way new words were added that don't belong, books were added that don't belong, books were removed that do belong, intentional mistranslations were added, and thousands of mistakes were made along the way (nearly 3,000 for the KJV) and the many other versions do not fare much better.
Gentile is a made up word as it was never used once in the Hebrew old testament or the Greek new testament. There is no such word in the Hebrew or Greek language.
Not Nations I meant race. Not logic just what the original meanings were. The meaning was changed to nations of Gentiles.
Gentile is a Latin word and was first used in the Latin Vulgate by Jerome .
The original meaning of the word Gentile created around the 4th century AD and means same clan or race of the Israelites. The meaning of this word changed after 1,000 AD all of a sudden it means non JEW. So we have the wrong word and the wrong meaning. Not my logic just factual based off historical context. So the original meaning of gentiles does make sense as the Israelites had dispersed into Europe as described within the Apocrypha within 2 Esras. Where did the apostle's go to? To their kinsman their own people the lost sheep of Israel to the Europeans and obeyed CHrist's command to go only to the lost sheep of Israel. The Nations are the lost sheep of Israel the Nations that YHWH promised Abraham's seed would become.
As stated Yashua states he only came for the children of Israel. Matthew 15:24 CNT " Then replying he said: I have not been sent but to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. This is why it's implied that all nations means Nations of the House of Israel which is precisely where they went. They didn't go to South America, Africa, Western Asia, India, etc They only went to the locations where the lost sheep were located at that period of time.
Christ's ministry was all about bringing his lost sheep into the flock and reconciling with his wife who were the lost sheep the Israelites.
I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. (John 10:16)
Yashua repeatedly says he is the bridegroom meaning he is YHWH who will eventually remarry us. So Yashua only came for one specific people and he sent out those apostles to those Israelites.
Now the other prophecy fulfilled is christ's death did indeed enable the Adamic race the Adamites to receive salvation. (Rev 1:17 -18)
By the time of Christ the Adamic races had declined and been replaced by the Israelites. The seed of Abraham had inherited the Adamic world so Christ came for the Israelites. YHWH had married Israel but Israel turned to Idolatry and he divorced her yet promised reconciliation and remarriage so Christ came for Israel. Lastly when YHWH put divorced Israel out of the promise land they became the lost sheep wondering without their shepherd so Christ came for Israel.
34 Jesus answered, “Can you make the friends of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? 35 But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; in those days they will fast.” (Luke 5:34-35)
The original text before all the purposeful mistranslations had Yashua tell the apostles to go to the nations and tribes of only the lost sheep. It would make no logical sense for Yashua to say he only came for the lost sheep then to tell the apostles to speak the good news the gospel to the non adamic races. This is where we must use discernment and research previous translations and misinterpretations to deceive the masses.
Also, it would make no logical sense either for the bible to say go to all the nations of the non Israelites or Adamic races when they cannot be saved. That's a waste of time. Also, it makes no logical sense for them to be instructed to go to all the nations of the non Israelites and only go into Europe and Asia Minor. You see they attempted to use new words and change the meanings of the words to fool the low IQ masses or the lazy people in most cases. The only one
III.) Twisting Nathaniel's words:
Nathaniel and his DNA testing is a piece to the puzzle for people to determine who they are from. His opinion or mine for that matter is irrelevant as to who receives salvation and the promises as it's clear as day within the bible but does take a bit more understanding, and research after all the mistranslations, lost books, added books, new words, words taken out etc. So his main purpose to date is to demonstrate that if you're a pureblood European like Scottish, Irish, British, etc then you can trace your line back to Jacob back to Abraham, etc. LT is the line of Abraham. The line of the House of David was traced up to the Scottish and Irish.
More information on why Adamites are the only race that can receive Salvation and why Israelites are the only ones that can receive the gifts/promises of YHWH and why the non Adamic races are doomed from birth and how the house of David will last forever.
1.) Adamkind down to the Israelites are instructed to only eat from (mate, sex with make babies) with their own race and not non Israelites. Only Adamkind to the Israelites received the breath of life the spirit for immortality and only they can be saved. The tree of Knowledge is the non Adamic races no spirit, fallen angels, giants, devil, Cain, etc.
2.) Throughout the bible not only in genesis, YHWH instructs the Israelites to only eat from the tree of life and mate with their kind. The punishment is no salvation for their offspring. In the new testament Yashua uses parables many times to explain the same thing with the wheat and tares or weeds, Sheep and Goats, etc.
3.) YHWH is a white nationalist supremacist sepratist male schovanist. This is why he wiped out all flesh on the face of the earth but spared NOAH as his generations were perfect. However on of the wives were not of pure blood. Just reading the bible and interpreting for the masses to understand with proper historical context and proper translations would be offensive for a vast majority of people who believe in this multiculturalism and modern political belief systems. These bastard races are not a part of YHWH's original creation which is why he hates them and gives them no salvation/spirit. The Israelites are descendants of YHWH in his image. The angels and all other entities are creations without a spirit and are pure evil. This the EU nations for so long kept kicking out Esau from their Nations, this is why they protected their nations and divided the tribes and didn't race mix. This is why they kept women in check for thousands of years. We eventually founded America with 13 colonies to represent the 13 tribes of Israel to come together in a new land to represent new Israel and have our new language in English both prophesized. We kept the women in check to ensure they didn't corrupt the seed line and because they are supposed to serve us. Marriage was never a part of religion or government it was a natural bonding between spirits after eating of the fruit and we are supposed to stay together after this bond or soul tie happens.
4.) This is why YHWH kept the blood lines pure from Adam to Noah to Shem to David, to Yashua.
5.) This is why The genealogies listed in the bible contained separate blood lines for Adam and the devil's seed from Cain. Then he tracked separate Seeds from Jacob and Esau (mixed with Canaanites and Jews have proven to have 50% Canaanite blood).
6.) only had one law to not race mix or lose their immortality on earth and that's what happened with the original sin, Adam and Eve lost their immortality which is why the ages of man went from nearly 1,000 years down to 100 or so over time.
7.) House of David lasting forever as YHWH promised.
And your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you. Your throne shall be established forever.” ’ ” The house of David eventually became the Scottish and Irish.
8.) The laws, commandments, kind with kind, promises, salvation all go to the Adamites and even more so the Israelites and even more so the Judeans and the most worthy of all was the House of David who's Kingdom shall have no end. Everyone else in the bible and in our reality are NPC's they don't matter they were created to be destroyed and have no meaning or purpose after their flesh is expired.
I can go much deeper with scripture, context, original translations, and using historical examples from multiple races and cultures to help people understand this.
White European pureblood Israelites can receive the promises and gifts and have the seal of YHWH. Adamites have a spirit/soul to be saved, the non Adamite bastards have no possible chance for salvation as they received no spirit or immortal essence to save them.
The corrupted churches will not teach the truth of the bible, nor will a majority of the influencer biblical preachers.