Biblical Prophecy Thread

Even the 1000 years will not be entirely peaceful. It is clearly prophesied that there will be another rebellion during that time.
I’d love to see some verses to support this wrong posit.

“It will be impossible for any person to repent during the 1,000 years because there will not be a person alive on the earth. The righteous will all be in heaven. All the wicked will be laying dead upon the earth. Revelation 22:11, 12 makes it clear that the case of every person is closed before Jesus returns. Those who wait to accept Christ until the 1,000 years begin will have waited too long.”
Revelation is far from the only book on the subject. Taken together with the rest of the Bible, it's clearly a 7 year period.

Daniel tells us it is 7 years, and in the middle of the 7 years, 42 months, the abomination will take place, the A/C will reveal himself, break the agreement with Israel, and he'll kill the 2 witnesses. John records this in Rev. 11, after the seals have been broken, and the trumpet judgements have taken place. Jesus mentions this abomination in Matt. 24:15, after he tells of the plagues mentioned in Rev. 6. He mentions a # of terrible plagues, and but then says in 24:21, it's the time of great tribulation. Which is why many refer to the 7 years at The Tribulation, and the last half of the 7 years as the Great Tribulation.
Ahhhh Here is my Brother in Christ.
I’d love to see some verses to support this wrong posit.

“It will be impossible for any person to repent during the 1,000 years because there will not be a person alive on the earth. The righteous will all be in heaven. All the wicked will be laying dead upon the earth. Revelation 22:11, 12 makes it clear that the case of every person is closed before Jesus returns. Those who wait to accept Christ until the 1,000 years begin will have waited too long.”
It was foretold that some people do survive in their original bodies to make it too the 1,000 year period of Yashua but must now get into heaven by works and not faith. I do not recall the specific scripture for this but I believe it's in Revelations.
I’d love to see some verses to support this wrong posit.

“It will be impossible for any person to repent during the 1,000 years because there will not be a person alive on the earth. The righteous will all be in heaven. All the wicked will be laying dead upon the earth. Revelation 22:11, 12 makes it clear that the case of every person is closed before Jesus returns. Those who wait to accept Christ until the 1,000 years begin will have waited too long.”

There will be a huge # of people who survive the tribulation. Maybe a small % of the earth's population, but, for example, the 1/3rd remnant of Israel that will be saved at the very end, as mentioned in Zech 13. Millions of people, plus the gentiles who are judged as sheep.

The judgment of Sheep & Goats Matt: 25:31-32 will separate those who supported Israel from those who did not. Those who did not will be turned into hell, those who did will continue to live on planet earth. They're still human beings, there's no indication that they get a new body at this point.

Christ will rule in the Millennium with a "Rod of Iron" or "rod of his mouth" as mentioned in Isa 11. Meaning a theocracy, where he'll punish sin. If sin weren't possible, then there would be no need of a rod. Zechariah 14 says that if people don't keep the feast of tabernacles (pay homage to Christ in Jerusalem), then he'll cut off their rain. So it's not really debatable whether people will sin, they will. And if they sin, they'll be given the opportunity to repent. If there were no opportunity, Jesus wouldn't put a plague on them, he'd kill them.

Believers will not all "be in heaven". They will return from heaven with Christ at his second coming, and will reign with him. I believe that means believers will manage what will soon be a gigantic population, everyone will have a job or responsibility. The advantage of being a believer at this point is two-fold: you can't sin, you're in a glorified body, which means you can not only be with Christ in Jerusalem, but you can also go to Heaven and be in the presence of the father. People on earth, still bound in sinful flesh, will not be able to do that yet.

Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. - Rev 20:6

Once Christ returns, the earth will be restored to an Edenic condition. People will live long lives. Some may live the entire 1000 years. Isaiah 65 tells us a lot about this time, in addition to Revelation. If someone dies at 100 years old, they'd die as a child. Isaiah says a person's life would be more like a tree, and we know trees can live hundreds of years.There won't be sickness or disease. Child bearing will be easy, so the population will explode. By the end of the millenium, there will likely be billions of people. Unfortunately, a good # of those people will rebel at the end of time when satan is loosed from his prison.

I think scripture is saying that believers' "ruling" is that they'll rule the population during this time. Not with a rod of iron, that is Christ's job. But rather to lead, manage, encourage and evangelize the people on earth to be believers as well. To make sure they keep the Feast of Tabernacles, and to prepare them for the day when Satan is unleashed for the final time.

How someone worked for Christ in their mortal life will determine what their status is in this next life. If they were faithful, they'll have a position of greater authority. So the faithful believer who spent his life in service to God might be, for example, the leader of a country (Isaiah, Zechariah, etc make it plain that there will be "nations" at this time). On the other hand, the selfish Christian who did very little for God may find himself in charge of only a small # of people, perhaps a local mayor to use terms we know. Jesus mentions this in his "talents" parable. If not directly, undeniably in principle.
See? ETNVol took the time to write out a well-thought rebuttal and you ignored it.

I am curious to know what whacked out cult you belong to who taught you this crap you espouse.

Sounds like Jehovah Witness nonsense.

I’m a Christian. I have ETN on ignore but I read it’s post. It is 100% correct and backed by scripture. You aren’t.

The original post I clipped sounded more like you. I posted in jest.

Still waiting on your verse showing another rebellion during the 1,000 years.

Lastly, attach me or quote me so I know you are referencing me.
whether the final rebellion occurs toward the end of the 1000 years or just after it is of no matter to me... but if it makes you feel better, then yes, the rebellion will occur after it. There will be those who are willing to join a rebellion during the 1000 years... they just need a leader to organize them.

Your assertion that there will be no one alive on earth to join the rebellion is pure hogwash.

Again, what is the source of your dogma? If it is not the JWs, then who is it?
whether the final rebellion occurs toward the end of the 1000 years or just after it is of no matter to me... but if it makes you feel better, then yes, the rebellion will occur after it. There will be those who are willing to join a rebellion during the 1000 years... they just need a leader to organize them.

Your assertion that there will be no one alive on earth to join the rebellion is pure hogwash.

Again, what is the source of your dogma? If it is not the JWs, then who is it?
I don’t think read comprehension is your strong suit. Again, I posted it as being just like your post - 100% wrong. As you have now admitted.

I’m a non-denominational Christian. I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and acceptance of Jesus is the only way to heaven.

Fun discussion.
whether the final rebellion occurs toward the end of the 1000 years or just after it is of no matter to me... but if it makes you feel better, then yes, the rebellion will occur after it. There will be those who are willing to join a rebellion during the 1000 years... they just need a leader to organize them.

Your assertion that there will be no one alive on earth to join the rebellion is pure hogwash.

Again, what is the source of your dogma? If it is not the JWs, then who is it?

Dr. Andy Woods is one of my favorite bible teachers. He's a theologian and an ancient Hebrew expert. He can be as dry as powder, because he's all facts and very little of his personality comes through in his teaching.

He has a series on Revelation, which he titles just by #s. But on his message for the final rebellion, he said (paraphrasing) "If I had a title for this message, it would be 'What's wrong with us (mankind) anyway?', given that these future men will live in a near-perfect world, will have no sickness, no war, every prayer answered by Christ, and yet they'll still rebel against him, proving beyond any argument man's hopeless depravity apart from spiritual reclamation by Christ."
In the King James Bible, there is no person or singular being who is "the" "Antichrist". John did not even capitalize it. There are other versions that have words changed and moved slightly, but the King James, it is not, and "antichrist" is refered to as an adjective, not a noun at all.

It is my belief that this is an attempt to have those "faithful" look for a sign of the second coming, which we are specifically told not to, as Jesus lets us know that he is coming back, and to be ready at all times.................if you are looking for some sign, it is likely that you will not be ready.

Most will not be.

Another mechanism of deception is the "rapture", this doctrine is only 200 years old and leads more away who will be looking for signs.

I have agrued this before, and do not wish to again. Agree or disagree, it is up for you to decide.
Does God honor the prayers of a person who is not a believer? Only if that prayer is reaching out to him in faith.

If an unbeliever asks God for the truth, God will get it to him. I believe that no one will stand before God on at the Great White Throne and be able to tell God that "You never gave me a chance". However, no, they cannot within their believe system reach God. Any other belief system, no matter how well-meaning, is from the Devil. There's only 2 places a faith or religion can originate, from God, or from the devil and his angels. So any religion that is not Christianity is by default a false religion. Jesus said "No man cometh unto the father, but by me." Christianity is exclusive (as are islam and Judaism). Jesus made it plain there aren't multiple ways to God, only one.

A missionary I once heard said he was in India in a remote village of only a few hundred people, and as soon as he spoke to them the first time, a man came running up to him afterwards to embrace him and thank him. He said he'd been talking to God his whole life, waiting for an answer, waiting for someone to come and tell him the truth of God. God eventually honored and answered that prayer, because it came from a heart seeking him.

As someone pointed out above, there have been many stories and reports of muslims (especially in Iran) having visions or dreams of Jesus and then becoming a Christian. I suspect this phenomena is explained by the Apostle Paul, who said God doesn't leave himself without witness. If there is no witness in places where the gospel has all but disappeared, God will have a witness, even if the witness is God himself. In America, we don't see this phenomena because, even with our society falling apart, the gospel is everywhere. If there's anyone who hasn't heard it, it's only because they've purposely avoided it.

Most scholars I've read agree that Hebrews 9:27 was specifically a refutation of reincarnation. I've heard that verse - " is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement" - used by people in all sorts of contexts, when it's purpose is to say we only get one life on this side of the veil, not many. So the idea of reincarnation is contrary to Christianity. I'm no expert, but I think the supposed purpose of reincarnation is that a person lives life after life until they finally get it right, whatever that means. OTOH, what Christianity is based on is that you're not perfect, you can never be perfect, yet God demands perfection, so we can be given that perfection by putting our faith in one who was. If we do that, then his perfection is imputed to us.
How so?

Say a child that lives in a radical Muslim state that oppresses Christianity to the point of genocide, he 'knows' Christianity exists and has some sense of the religion but can't study it and make his own conclusions due to said oppression, is he doomed?

What about Pacific islanders isolated from other cultures? Their doomed too?

North Koreans?

I can't perform the mental gymnastics to doom them from knowing eternal life with the all-knowing, all-loving creator Christianity proposes him to be.

I went to Catholic school for five years and am very glad to have had the experience. It showed me firsthand what is wrong with Christianity overall. The problem is that it's based on belief. And the idea that God punishes a wrongdoer forever has, no doubt, kept many people in line socially but what actual basis is there for such an idea? Christianity's refutation of reincarnation (from what I've come to understand, that began in the year 553 A.D.) has created the monstrous notion that God gives us one chance and one chance alone to make ourselves worthy of being with Him: If we fail, He (Whom we are told loves us more than we could possibly imagine) will burn us in Hell for all of eternity with time thrown in. That is a complete and utter contradiction. But Christians simply wag their heads when I tell them that. For decades I've listened to them doing their best to justify the concepts of “God's wrath” and His “vengeance,” etc. I was forced to ask them if God didn't love us with an unimaginable ardor? “Yes,” they say, He loves us with much intensity, but that if we refuse to do as He says, we will be “cast into Hell.” The idea is absolutely irrational. I ask them, “Aren't we God's children?” “Yes,” they answer. I say, “Do you know what we call human beings who hurt or torture children? We call them 'monsters.' We lock them up! Psychiatrists tell us that they're mentally deranged. How can you justify the actions of a God Whose behaviour matches that of a such people? That isn't rational.” In response I'll hear answers such as, “What seems irrational to us is rational to God!” Etcetera. I've heard it said that the words of the Bible are inescapable and unequivocal. Perhaps. But one has to know what those words mean to begin with. Hebrews 9:27 does not refute reincarnation ~ it simply refers to what happens to us during one of our incarnations. “But after this, the judgment” refers to the consequences of our actions of this particular incarnation. Reincarnation explains why one child is born to wealthy parents and another is born to a starving mother in Bangladesh and ends up dying within a few weeks. Jesus said that John The Baptist had been Elias in a past life, but He said that they didn't recognize him. But Christians don't like that, and they don't understand that their radical concept of God only reflects their own vindictiveness. Their God is “all just.” If that is the case, how do they continue to rationalize eternal punishment? Does it not occur to any of them that the only sin worthy of eternal punishment would be an eternal sin? And of course, no one can commit an eternal sin ~ can they? A corrupt tradition cannot stand. It will fade. During the 1960s the musician John Lennon made a sardonic remark about Christianity. He said that the Beatles were “more popular than Jesus.” He didn't says that they were better. Only more popular. And he was correct. Kids didn't want to go to church. They wanted to listen to rock & roll. True? Yes. But the Christians rose up violently and publicly burned Beatles records. (which only fueled The Beatles popularity). If what Lennon said upset them, they could just as well have said, “Oh, come on!” And let it go at that. But look at what happened. That is what happens when people do not have faith in what they're doing. And it is due to such behaviour that Christianity is under attack today. Christianity is its own worst enemy. Lennon also said that Christianity would fade away. He was correct about that as well. Modern Christianity is slowly going away ~ not becoming “stronger than ever!” as some want to believe. If membership in the Christian churches is growing (I do not know if that is the case because I do know that many have left modern Christianity over the past several decades), it means little as long as the doctrines they teach remain at odds with what the Bible originally meant. During the 1940s, a Hindu teacher from India rightly stated that “original Christianity has been lost and forgotten.” All too true. And disturbing. Jesus said that those whom He was teaching saw but did not see ~ they heard but they did not hear. And they didn't understand. That describes today's Christian traditions with all their drama, their music, their costumes, and their ever-present threat of being sent forever to a dark realm where God's children are roasted alive for all of Eternity ...
Pancho, no, you don't really learn anything about Christianity in a Catholic school. I can't argue that this "modern" christianity is at odds with scripture, because generally speaking, that's true. Except it's not real Christianity, it's a false religion intent on making people feel good about themselves, rather than dealing with their immortal soul.

There is nothing wrong with true Christianity. Our opinions on it, are irrelevant. It's God's plan, not ours. He makes the rules. If you think you can make your own rules, you'll eventually find out those rules are about as relevant as your take on eternal punishment.

The notion of eternal punishment outside of Christianity did not arise with the catholic church. It arose with Christ and his apostles (and the prophets before that). Paul's writings, John's writings pre-date anything Catholic. It's unequivocable and undeniable. They wrote it over and over so that no one would be without excuse: eternal. I don't have to rationalize anything, God's word is what it is. My rationalization of it or lack thereof changes nothing.

Rejection of Jesus Christ is an "eternal sin". If you reject him in this life, you will get no other chance. As a tree falls, so shall it lie. In spite of all the hindus and John Lennon and the reincarnation fairy tale.

Christianity is not "going away", Lennon could write a thousand song hoping for it and it wouldn't change. God has already decreed that's an impossibility, that he will never be without a witness. What we are seeing is a shrinking of the church (and by church, I mean true Christianity). Is that a sign of the end of Christianity? No, it's a sign of the end of time. God warned us in multiple places in his word that there would be a great falling away at the end. I believe it's undeniable we're witnessing it now, and it's going to get worse.
Pancho, no, you don't really learn anything about Christianity in a Catholic school. I can't argue that this "modern" christianity is at odds with scripture, because generally speaking, that's true. Except it's not real Christianity, it's a false religion intent on making people feel good about themselves, rather than dealing with their immortal soul.

There is nothing wrong with true Christianity. Our opinions on it, are irrelevant. It's God's plan, not ours. He makes the rules. If you think you can make your own rules, you'll eventually find out those rules are about as relevant as your take on eternal punishment.

The notion of eternal punishment outside of Christianity did not arise with the catholic church. It arose with Christ and his apostles (and the prophets before that). Paul's writings, John's writings pre-date anything Catholic. It's unequivocable and undeniable. They wrote it over and over so that no one would be without excuse: eternal. I don't have to rationalize anything, God's word is what it is. My rationalization of it or lack thereof changes nothing.

Rejection of Jesus Christ is an "eternal sin". If you reject him in this life, you will get no other chance. As a tree falls, so shall it lie. In spite of all the hindus and John Lennon and the reincarnation fairy tale.

Christianity is not "going away", Lennon could write a thousand song hoping for it and it wouldn't change. God has already decreed that's an impossibility, that he will never be without a witness. What we are seeing is a shrinking of the church (and by church, I mean true Christianity). Is that a sign of the end of Christianity? No, it's a sign of the end of time. God warned us in multiple places in his word that there would be a great falling away at the end. I believe it's undeniable we're witnessing it now, and it's going to get worse.

I am so thankful that God is so merciful! He offers forgiveness through His son Jesus.

Everyone should repent!!! He is merciful!!

It is the best deal ever offered Humanity!!

Repent and believe!!
I am so thankful that God is so merciful! He offers forgiveness through His son Jesus.

Everyone should repent!!! He is merciful!!

It is the best deal ever offered Humanity!!

Repent and believe!!

I'm going to give all my money to Kenny Copeland. Once I've donated enough money he will be able to tell that I'm saved and will let me sit closer to the front where all the real Christians sit.
I'm going to give all my money to Kenny Copeland. Once I've donated enough money he will be able to tell that I'm saved and will let me sit closer to the front where all the real Christians sit.

No, if you give all your $$ to Kenneth Copeland, the only thing that will happen is you will be poor and he will be richer.

Of all the charlatans who get rich off the poor, he may be the worst.
Pancho, no, you don't really learn anything about Christianity in a Catholic school. I can't argue that this "modern" christianity is at odds with scripture, because generally speaking, that's true. Except it's not real Christianity, it's a false religion intent on making people feel good about themselves, rather than dealing with their immortal soul.

There is nothing wrong with true Christianity. Our opinions on it, are irrelevant. It's God's plan, not ours. He makes the rules. If you think you can make your own rules, you'll eventually find out those rules are about as relevant as your take on eternal punishment.

The notion of eternal punishment outside of Christianity did not arise with the catholic church. It arose with Christ and his apostles (and the prophets before that). Paul's writings, John's writings pre-date anything Catholic. It's unequivocable and undeniable. They wrote it over and over so that no one would be without excuse: eternal. I don't have to rationalize anything, God's word is what it is. My rationalization of it or lack thereof changes nothing.

Rejection of Jesus Christ is an "eternal sin". If you reject him in this life, you will get no other chance. As a tree falls, so shall it lie. In spite of all the hindus and John Lennon and the reincarnation fairy tale.

Christianity is not "going away", Lennon could write a thousand song hoping for it and it wouldn't change. God has already decreed that's an impossibility, that he will never be without a witness. What we are seeing is a shrinking of the church (and by church, I mean true Christianity). Is that a sign of the end of Christianity? No, it's a sign of the end of time. God warned us in multiple places in his word that there would be a great falling away at the end. I believe it's undeniable we're witnessing it now, and it's going to get worse.
The Church isn’t shrinking, certainly not on a global level.

We are being pruned in the USA. I believe God is preparing us for the spiritual battle and figuring out who are his Caleb & Joshua’s vs the other 10.
The Church isn’t shrinking, certainly not on a global level.

We are being pruned in the USA. I believe God is preparing us for the spiritual battle and figuring out who are his Caleb & Joshua’s vs the other 10.

I hope you are right. What I see is the deaths of old saints is outpacing the birth of new believers. We can only guess at how many new believers are in Iran, India, China.

The % of Christians in the US is nothing resembling what it was say 50 years ago. What % of America would you think is really Christian now? I'd say no more than 10%.

I was listening to Glen Beck when Ireland voted to legalize abortion in 2018, and he was talking to an Irish man. The guy said you have a strong anti-abortion faction here in America, because you still have a Christian church, but in Europe there is no group of people working to staunch abortion. He said the reason is there is almost no Christian church left in Europe.

Maybe the new Christians who must live in secret such as in China outpaces the dearth of Christians in the west. The dwindling of true believers is why some preachers use the word "remnant". I was listening I think to MacArthur the other day, and he was using it. I don't like that word applied to the church, because every time it's used in scripture, it refers to Israel. But it's understandable why they do.
I hope you are right. What I see is the deaths of old saints is outpacing the birth of new believers. We can only guess at how many new believers are in Iran, India, China.

The % of Christians in the US is nothing resembling what it was say 50 years ago. What % of America would you think is really Christian now? I'd say no more than 10%.

I was listening to Glen Beck when Ireland voted to legalize abortion in 2018, and he was talking to an Irish man. The guy said you have a strong anti-abortion faction here in America, because you still have a Christian church, but in Europe there is no group of people working to staunch abortion. He said the reason is there is almost no Christian church left in Europe.

Maybe the new Christians who must live in secret such as in China outpaces the dearth of Christians in the west. The dwindling of true believers is why some preachers use the word "remnant". I was listening I think to MacArthur the other day, and he was using it. I don't like that word applied to the church, because every time it's used in scripture, it refers to Israel. But it's understandable why they do.
Text from a friend in India two weeks ago.

Held gathering for Harvest.

43, 456 Gospel shares
11,003 professions of faith
258 baptisms
228 new gatherings started.

I get these types of texts every other month.
I believe prophecy is the best way to prove Yahweh's existence and the validity of the scriptures.

I believe we're at 2,100 prophecies fulfilled out of 2,500 now or somewhere in that ballpark. We're potentially about to enter the tribulation as soon as this year which means we're about to complete the rest of the prophecies fairly quickly. Does anyone have the entire list of prophecies? Atheists like to say it's just blind faith. I argue that a true believer's faith is based on the confirmed evidence with the prophecies, artifacts, science, and even down to our very DNA. It's impossible for a human or group of humans to have all these prophecies come to fruition over a 6,000-year period unless they were divinely inspired. The theory of evolution needs more blind faith than Christians do to believe in scripture. Evolution has not only been disproven many times as there are no examples of a change of kind today. They even tried with tiny bacterial organisms because they reproduce faster than anything else so they essentially can go through the equivalent tens of thousands of years of human reproduction, but they never ever have a result of a change of kind because the bacteria is still just bacteria.

A.) Prophecies:

1.) Fulfilled Prophecies.pdf (

B.) Artifacts: The next thing I would use to prove the bible is artifacts. Artifacts can prove the historical scriptures are legitimate.

1.) Ron Wyatt Archeology The Ark Of The Covenant Audio Cleaned & Video Stabilized 2012 - YouTube

2.) How did Ron Wyatt find the Ark of the Covenant? Full Story. - YouTube

3.) The REAL Noah's Ark FOUND by Archaeologist Ron Wyatt! - Short Documentary - YouTube

4.) Ron Wyatt Sodom & Gomarrah Documentary - YouTube

5.) Red Sea Crossing | Proof of Moses Miracle | Chariots and Blade is thought to belong to Egyptian Army - YouTube

6.) 9 Discoveries that Confirm the Bible | Proof for God - YouTube

C.) Archaeologists Find Biblical Site — Leaves Jesus Doubters Silent - YouTube

8.)Jesus Christ-The Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries: Digging for Truth Episode 140 - YouTube

C.) Biblical Science: medicines, the environment, shape of the earth, (level with a dome as all civilizations knew before fake NASA), and DNA.

Our very own DNA is absolute proof of not only intelligent design, Yahweh's mark/name is coded within are very DNA. Also, everyone knows to have a software program or website or AI robot to work properly it needs to be designed by a creator. Our DNA i1.) s which is the building blocks of what makes us human. There is no example within the natural world of these coding sequences being performed out of nothing. This is so obvious that even the mainstream scientists are saying this, but they go on to start their own conspiracy theories and say these are aliens and not Yahweh. But then we go back to the fact that Yahweh is spelled out in our own DNA. They can't refute this.

1.) : 3,000-year-old Hebrew text ( Sefer Yetzirah) the book of creation, shows you how to read messages within DNA. This video originally was taken down from jewtube after gaining millions of views. It's back up now but is being suppressed with only 9,000 views.

1. The Bible and Science | Is the Bible from God - YouTube

2.) Science Proves Biblical Truth of Christ (

3.) BEFORE WE KNEW - BIBLICAL SCIENCE & Some Facts | WatchmanReview (

4.) Science Confirms Biblical Creation - Dr. Jason Lisle - Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Media Ministry (
6.) flat earth proof in the bible
7.) Government confirms flat earth with a dome

The odds of intelligent life forms being created out of nothing or a big bang (should destroy but not create) is 0%.
I understand where you're coming from as there are many books removed from the bible during the Roman Empire around 300 AD in which Constantine removed many books like Jasher, Jubilees, etc etc. Also, some of the English translations are not precise or 100% correct either as I have found that out in many instances which is how I figured out Cain was the son of the devil and not Adam. For instance, in Genesis that Eve was Beguiled but the actual real translation should have been seduced.

If you don't know your arguments and the scriptures that don't add up to you then there's no reason you can't show several examples within 10-15 minutes. If you want to prove your message, you must use some kind of evidence to support your claims. If you don't do this, you unfortunately won't be able to convince anyone.

What convinced me the bible is divinely inspired is the fact that over 80% of the prophecies have come to fruition. There's a 0 percent chance any human or group of humans could have done this. Also, there are ample major artifacts for many of the historical stories that have been discovered. There's no way Egyptian chariots could've accidentally been deposited within the red sea unless the parting of the seas actually happened. Noah's ark was found within the Ararat mountains in Turkey as stated in the bible and was exactly the dimension mentioned within the bible.

There's too much concrete evidence to just throw out the bible as some man made religion. However, the religions themselves that claim to be Christian but many are deceiving people as they're not preaching true Christianity which is why I practice my faith in private. I don't trust man when practicing my faith.
Does anyone have anything to add to my complete destruction of the fake black Jackass Israelites? I have about 5 pages of material so far but I'm attempting to include as much scriptures, archeological, theological, historical evidence to destroy this satanic fake cult on as many groups as I possibly can.

Here's a video on what these POS say in the streets. Could you imagine if white people said this shit. They would be burned alive.
I believe prophecy is the best way to prove Yahweh's existence and the validity of the scriptures.

I believe we're at 2,100 prophecies fulfilled out of 2,500 now or somewhere in that ballpark. We're potentially about to enter the tribulation as soon as this year which means we're about to complete the rest of the prophecies fairly quickly. Does anyone have the entire list of prophecies? Atheists like to say it's just blind faith. I argue that a true believer's faith is based on the confirmed evidence with the prophecies, artifacts, science, and even down to our very DNA. It's impossible for a human or group of humans to have all these prophecies come to fruition over a 6,000-year period unless they were divinely inspired. The theory of evolution needs more blind faith than Christians do to believe in scripture. Evolution has not only been disproven many times as there are no examples of a change of kind today. They even tried with tiny bacterial organisms because they reproduce faster than anything else so they essentially can go through the equivalent tens of thousands of years of human reproduction, but they never ever have a result of a change of kind because the bacteria is still just bacteria.

A.) Prophecies:

1.) Fulfilled Prophecies.pdf (

B.) Artifacts: The next thing I would use to prove the bible is artifacts. Artifacts can prove the historical scriptures are legitimate.

1.) Ron Wyatt Archeology The Ark Of The Covenant Audio Cleaned & Video Stabilized 2012 - YouTube

2.) How did Ron Wyatt find the Ark of the Covenant? Full Story. - YouTube

3.) The REAL Noah's Ark FOUND by Archaeologist Ron Wyatt! - Short Documentary - YouTube

4.) Ron Wyatt Sodom & Gomarrah Documentary - YouTube

5.) Red Sea Crossing | Proof of Moses Miracle | Chariots and Blade is thought to belong to Egyptian Army - YouTube

6.) 9 Discoveries that Confirm the Bible | Proof for God - YouTube

C.) Archaeologists Find Biblical Site — Leaves Jesus Doubters Silent - YouTube

8.)Jesus Christ-The Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries: Digging for Truth Episode 140 - YouTube

C.) Biblical Science: medicines, the environment, shape of the earth, (level with a dome as all civilizations knew before fake NASA), and DNA.

Our very own DNA is absolute proof of not only intelligent design, Yahweh's mark/name is coded within are very DNA. Also, everyone knows to have a software program or website or AI robot to work properly it needs to be designed by a creator. Our DNA i1.) s which is the building blocks of what makes us human. There is no example within the natural world of these coding sequences being performed out of nothing. This is so obvious that even the mainstream scientists are saying this, but they go on to start their own conspiracy theories and say these are aliens and not Yahweh. But then we go back to the fact that Yahweh is spelled out in our own DNA. They can't refute this.

1.) : 3,000-year-old Hebrew text ( Sefer Yetzirah) the book of creation, shows you how to read messages within DNA. This video originally was taken down from jewtube after gaining millions of views. It's back up now but is being suppressed with only 9,000 views.

1. The Bible and Science | Is the Bible from God - YouTube

2.) Science Proves Biblical Truth of Christ (

3.) BEFORE WE KNEW - BIBLICAL SCIENCE & Some Facts | WatchmanReview (

4.) Science Confirms Biblical Creation - Dr. Jason Lisle - Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Media Ministry (
6.) flat earth proof in the bible
7.) Government confirms flat earth with a dome

The odds of intelligent life forms being created out of nothing or a big bang (should destroy but not create) is 0%.

can u make theses vids shareable?
I am not insulting you, I am giving continued opposition to a Bible thread that is not in the bible. It is a teaching that if you were to go back 200 years, they would have no idea what you were talking about...............that and "the antichrist".

If you do not want to argue your point, or do not think it to be worth the trouble, no problem, but as long as there is BS, I am going to call it.
Dude you sure are interrupting a very good thread through your BS arguments. How about you calm down you are either opposed to Christ or just a callous fool. Either way, you are a disruption and not appreciated and have no comparison in Scripture knowledge to that of Catfish of ETNVol. If you want to learn something stay onboard, as this is an important thread to many of us. But your constant foolish arguments based on your looseleaf interpretations is just baseless and done out of bad faith altogether.

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