Garbage? This is straight from Jesus Christ himself who called them the sons of the Devil and the Synagogue of Satan. O ye of little faith.Please start your own thread if you want to spew this garbage. Don't pollute this thread with it.
They will be revealed during the tribulation. They will rebuke the anti-Christ. There are many various groups of people claiming to be the Jews of the old testament but the real Hebrews will not be revealed until the tribulation.Who are the real Jews in your opinion?
Also, this isn’t the first time the Euphrates has dried up. Not saying it isn’t the one of prophecy just saying it’s happened before and for some significant time.
Who are the Talmud Jews?
Some people stop at the Khazars, or you can trace them back to the Edomites. However, I argue, you can trace them back to the Garden of Eden. This isn't something your every day church will ever teach.
there will be no rapture"
The Antichrist and his worldwide government will hunt both new Christians and Jews alike, seeking to slaughter all of them."
I hope you mean the Jews or the biblical Hebrews from the bloodlines of Moses and not the one's masquerading as Jews today. The one's in Israel are the one's who Jesus called the son's of the devil and the Synagogue of the devil. They crucified him. Their Talmud insults and says many terrible things about Yeshua and gentiles. These are fake Jews they are the Khazars of Babylon who adopted Judaism as their religion. Some have traced their lineage back to the fallen angels and Nephilim. This is why they're psychopaths and have no concerns for human life. They own the IMF and all central banks, and the governments (corporations) are their puppets. Their god is the devil. That's why they push satanism on their TV programming and movies. Yet on the other hand they say Yahweh doesn't exist with lies, pseudoscience and mockery.
I interpret the scriptures as pre trib rapture. The Church hasn't been raptured yet, the covenant hasn't been enforced yet, the final kingdom of man hasn't ruled yet. Also, It makes logical sense to me since I don't see believers being punished with non-believers. Rev Ch 1 is what John has seen. Rev ch 2-3 is the church age (church mentioned 19 times) Rev 4 and 5 is the future/rapture . At the sound of the trumpet, he is taken up to heaven. From this point on he has a heaven's view of what will take place after the church age. Rev CH6-19 the church is not mentioned once dealing with the tribulation since the church isn't a part of the tribulation. Rev Ch 20 the millennium the 1,000 years of Yeshua, the earth will be as it was within the Garden of Edan. We will have perfect bodies and I believe we will be consuming a fruit-based diet, not age, and there will be no killing at all. Ch21 and Ch22 New heavens and Earth as well as eternity.
We're not in the 7 year trib as many youtubers believe. They put too much emphasis on the Shemitah cycles, jubilee years, and blood moons. However, if you just read the bible and go by sound doctrine you will find this to not be the case. but we're very close at this moment in time because the church hasn't been rapture1d while living in times with many signs of end times being near. If we were living within the 7 year trib then the anti-Christ would've already been revealed. People who are focusing on wa(iting for the anti-Christ to be revealed mid trib are focusing on the anti-christ and not Yeshua.
Read (Geneva bible (1599)
1 Thessalonians 4: 17: Trumpet call of Yahweh and all the deceased will be risen up first and receive their glorified bodies. We will be risen up next.
2 Thessalonians 2:1-8: Taken up before the anti-Christ is revealed.
1 corenthians 15:51-52 It's a mystery and it will happen in a twinkling of an eye and our corruptible and aging bodies will be replaced with our new glorified bodies and meet them in the air and be with Yeshua forever. Encourage each other with these words. If we were supposed to go through part or all of the trib before the rapture it would be very tough to encourage anyone that we must suffer first. THE RAPTURE COMES FIRST before the 7 year tribulation. The 7 year tribulation is for the salvation of the Jewish nation.
At this time, I am focusing on preparing, adherence to the law, increasing my faith and doing as many good deeds as possible for rewards in the afterlife. The best deeds I can practice is to perform healing the sick, casting out demons (which is something all Christians should be doing), and planting seeds into people enough to give them a path to becoming saved potentially since I cannot do it for them. The bible lays out a template of how to heal others and cast out demons with the combination of prayer, fasting and saying in Yeshua Hamashiach's name. Using Hebrew has more power to it. If I fail to heal someone with the power of the word I then would resort to using the Jose Silva mind control method. This is very powerful for not only healing yourself and others, but the methods assist you self-development in intellect, ESP, and even remote viewing (I do not practice this as I believe this is a form of witchcraft). His book is free online, and his audiobooks are on YT.
I personally struggle daily in attempting to be sinless daily not by actions but by thoughts. I'm learning to be of the spirit and not of the flesh as stated by Paul in Romans. If I can master living in my spirit I believe it's possible to be righteous even though there were very few biblical people deserving of this term. Every day is it's a battle, the very fact that I'm alive in this flesh decaying body makes me a liability as I can potentially fall victim to my own fleshly desires and potentially damn my soul.
I believe over 80% of biblical prophecy has come true and more is coming to fruition every year. The Euphrates River is nearly completely dried up now and once this occurs the fallen angels will wipe out a third of the population. We're at a point where Yeshua spoke about wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, nations vs nations, all happening at large scales right now.
The Fake Jews aka Khazars of Babylon worship the Devil. Yeshua calls them son's of the devil and the synagogue of Satan. Their bloodline doesn't go back to Moses, it goes back to the fallen angels. This is why they're psychopaths and have no remorse for taking human life and completely destroying this entire earth. The real Hebrews will not reveal until end times. Everyone else is just adopting the name of the religion. The Talmud is where they speak all kinds of evil against Christians, mother Mary, Yeshua and gentiles. Read the Talmud which is man made and not divinely inspired.
'Who are the real Jews in your opinion?
Also, this isn’t the first time the Euphrates has dried up. Not saying it isn’t the one of prophecy just saying it’s happened before and for some significant time.
there will be no rapture
Here's quotes from official Jewish Publications or rabbis
We're getting into the nitty gritty here also do check out those statements:
Jews started to call themselves Hebrew and Israelites in 1860".... Judaica Encyclopedia 1971
"Esau-Edom is modern Jewry"...1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol 5 pg 41
"It is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew"...Jewish Almanac 1980 pg 3.
"Judaism is not the religion of the bible" Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser, Judaism and the Christian Predicament, 1967 pg 59
Garbage? This is straight from Jesus Christ himself who called them the sons of the Devil and the Synagogue of Satan. O ye of little faith.
Read the Talmud see what they say about Jesus, Mother Mary and the gentiles.
Not my theory, just sound biblical doctrine and from the so-called Jews themselves.So the Ashkenazi Jews/khazars/edomites are the descendants of Esau/Basemath, Alholibamah, and Adah?
Just trying to make sure I’m following your theory.
His quote has everything to do with it and to believe otherwise is intellectually dishonest.No, Jesus' quote has nothing to do with that. As I asked before, please keep your crap out of this thread, start your own.
His quote has everything to do with it and to believe otherwise is intellectually dishonest.
This is a freedom of speech platform, and I can post whatever I want. Not only that I was asking the OP a question to ensure he hasn't been deceived by the children of the devil which i wouldn't want any Christian to be deceived. If you have a problem with me helping my fellow Christians, then I suggest some genuine introspection.
You didn’t answer the question and neither did the quote. I’m well aware that all Jews are Israelites but not all Israelites are Jews.
Scripture talks about the lost ten but doesn’t say Judah and Benjamin would be lost.
I must say that your posts are intriguing'
Here's quotes from official Jewish Publications or rabbis
We're getting into the nitty gritty here also do check out those statements:
Jews started to call themselves Hebrew and Israelites in 1860".... Judaica Encyclopedia 1971
"Esau-Edom is modern Jewry"...1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol 5 pg 41
"It is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew"...Jewish Almanac 1980 pg 3.
"Judaism is not the religion of the bible" Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser, Judaism and the Christian Predicament, 1967 pg 59
"I've found one that can see" Movie They LiveI must say that your posts are intriguing
I’m open to new ideas. I’ll check it out.
I already answered this question earlier in the thread. I said the lost tribes of Israel would be revealed within the tribulation. My focus is on pointing out the to people that the children of the Devil are not part of the original 12 but are the seed of the devil.
I know there are the black Israelites and Ethiopians who claim to be one of the original 12. I honestly have no idea and don't really care.
As for the Euphrates River being temporarily dried up in the past that may have been for anthropogenic causes and was temporary while this time it may be permanent.
or if your understanding of it is wrong............I will do so if you understand that concept and are open to a discussion..........but leading from a point of authority is not the way........what say you?That's only if the scripture is false. Please elaborate on why there is no rapture.
On the subject of the thing that some do not consider, is that these signs just say that they happen, not how, or how many times. Such as the parting of the waters, or the great flood. No matter how they happened, they happened, that is the most important thing.The Euphrates drying has revealed man made caves, structures, etc. so it was dried for a long enough time they felt safe to build.
Benjamin and Judah were never to be lost according to scripture. Just the 10 that made up the kingdom of Israel that divided itself from Judah and Benjamin. God divorced the 10. So we should know where the two that make up Judah are at.
The third wife of Esau (father of the Edomites) was the daughter of Ishmael who was promised becoming a great people but a bunch of jackasses.
On the subject of the thing that some do not consider, is that these signs just say that they happen, not how, or how many times. Such as the parting of the waters, or the great flood. No matter how they happened, they happened, that is the most important thing.
Yeah. Pretty sure nearly every generation of Christian’s has thought the end times would occur in their lifetime.
Yeah. Pretty sure nearly every generation of Christian’s has thought the end times would occur in their lifetime.
there is no tribulation.........................."big name Christians vs normal Christians"..............HAHAHAHADo you mean in terms percentage of Christians alive or just having a few big names that believed it? Even if that were true that doesn't take away from the validity of the prophecy's all lining up to this generation as being the beginning (not the end).
Not only do I see many big-name Christians but normal everyday Christians and even atheists are saying this is end times which makes me laugh. If we're not within 10 years of the tribulation that would be more shocking to me than seeing a pig fly.
Agree 100% on your first two points.I agree with this but a decade or even two ago I could not imagine a society without cash. Or how it could only be possible to participate in society with a mark. Or how people with half a brain would allow such a thing to happen. Or how our government would allow its citizens be subjected to such restrictions.
The Covid hysteria changed all of that. It is all crystal clear now.
People get frustrated with @Cincinattus91 and @ETNVol for their distrust of Trump. I get it. But there is no denying that if you believe in God and the Bible it is an absolute certainty that no man will save this country from the inevitable.
You didn’t answer the question and neither did the quote. I’m well aware that all Jews are Israelites but not all Israelites are Jews.
Scripture talks about the lost ten but doesn’t say Judah and Benjamin would be lost.
I listened to all of Revelation on an audible book of the New Testament yesterday.there is no tribulation.........................."big name Christians vs normal Christians"..............HAHAHAHA
Unfortunately it's a Hegalian Dialectic (two sides of the same coin, two wings of the same corrupt bird). The right and left are conrolled by the children of the devil in the fake Jews and have been for some time. The US in DC that's masquerading as a government is nothing more than a corporation like Burger King. This has been the case since the Act of 1872 after Abe was assassinated.Agree 100% on your first two points.
It's a bit off topic for this thread but I agree with you on @Cincinattus91 and @ETNVol . They have both caused me to pause and realize that Trump may good and on the up and up but also realize that he could be just another puppet, or someone who was too full of himself to realize his mistakes and not willing to admit he was wrong. I think people want to believe that Trump was this white knight coming to save America and anything that challenges that idea also challenges something that had so much promise and would force them to be wrong and also realize that the system is destroyed and cannot be repaired.
The optimist in me hopes that our country can be saved and if Trump leads that, I'm all for it. The realist in me also realizes that no one is coming to save us (other than Christ's return) and it's up to me to fight for me and build a community of like minded people around me.
Only if you don't read the bible.there is no tribulation.........................."big name Christians vs normal Christians"..............HAHAHAHA
Right. I wasn’t discounting anything. The amount of spiritual warfare that is blatantly out there for us to see is insane. Ephesians 6:12 is my favorite verse and it looks very clear to me.
I was just pointing it out. We won’t be able to predict anything. Only our Father knows.
I listened to all of Revelation on an audible book of the New Testament yesterday.
It sure read like there is a tribulation. I know there is some controversy over the Rapture.
You know those in the past that have tried to decode, and preach they were right..............all have in common with each other?Predict? No. But see what's going on in the world and how it relates to scripture and know the 2nd coming is near? For certain. What would be the point of "watching", as we're told to do numerous times w/respect to the end, if it weren't possible to know the season?
The Bible makes certain technology statements. Statements that made it impossible for the 2nd coming to happen in past generations. For example, the mark. There is no way the mark could've been truly implemented in the low-tech societies of the last 2000 years. But now? We can see the formation of such a system, right before our eyes. Also, Revelation makes mention of 2 witnesses who will be in Jerusalem during the 1st half of the Tribulation, 2 witnesses that are a torment to the world. When those 2 witnesses are killed by the anti-christ, the world will see it and celebrate. Until recently, watching something happen on the other side of the world was an impossibility. Now, it's so common we think nothing of it.
The biblical signs are strong that we're near the end. But even if you set those aside for a moment and consider what's going on in the world, I think it's hard to argue that mankind will continue. Consider neural implants that Musk is dreaming of. He claims we're close. Does anyone want to be hooked into a computer network? Have a hackable brain? Like the kill-shots, govt's will try to eventually make it mandatory. Same with DNA tech. To say nothing of nuke technology that could decimate the planet if only one lunatic launched a very small # of bombs. Either Christ will return soon, or God will do something earth-shaking, such as reset the world's technology as he did in the flood.
Predict? No. But see what's going on in the world and how it relates to scripture and know the 2nd coming is near? For certain. What would be the point of "watching", as we're told to do numerous times w/respect to the end, if it weren't possible to know the season?
The Bible makes certain technology statements. Statements that made it impossible for the 2nd coming to happen in past generations. For example, the mark. There is no way the mark could've been truly implemented in the low-tech societies of the last 2000 years. But now? We can see the formation of such a system, right before our eyes. Also, Revelation makes mention of 2 witnesses who will be in Jerusalem during the 1st half of the Tribulation, 2 witnesses that are a torment to the world. When those 2 witnesses are killed by the anti-christ, the world will see it and celebrate. Until recently, watching something happen on the other side of the world was an impossibility. Now, it's so common we think nothing of it.
The biblical signs are strong that we're near the end. But even if you set those aside for a moment and consider what's going on in the world, I think it's hard to argue that mankind will continue. Consider neural implants that Musk is dreaming of. He claims we're close. Does anyone want to be hooked into a computer network? Have a hackable brain? Like the kill-shots, govt's will try to eventually make it mandatory. Same with DNA tech. To say nothing of nuke technology that could decimate the planet if only one lunatic launched a very small # of bombs. Either Christ will return soon, or God will do something earth-shaking, such as reset the world's technology as he did in the flood.
If you haven’t, you should watch this. Thought it was a pretty good documentary the drawing parallels from genesis to the New Testament and the second coming of Christ.Predict? No. But see what's going on in the world and how it relates to scripture and know the 2nd coming is near? For certain. What would be the point of "watching", as we're told to do numerous times w/respect to the end, if it weren't possible to know the season?
The Bible makes certain technology statements. Statements that made it impossible for the 2nd coming to happen in past generations. For example, the mark. There is no way the mark could've been truly implemented in the low-tech societies of the last 2000 years. But now? We can see the formation of such a system, right before our eyes. Also, Revelation makes mention of 2 witnesses who will be in Jerusalem during the 1st half of the Tribulation, 2 witnesses that are a torment to the world. When those 2 witnesses are killed by the anti-christ, the world will see it and celebrate. Until recently, watching something happen on the other side of the world was an impossibility. Now, it's so common we think nothing of it.
The biblical signs are strong that we're near the end. But even if you set those aside for a moment and consider what's going on in the world, I think it's hard to argue that mankind will continue. Consider neural implants that Musk is dreaming of. He claims we're close. Does anyone want to be hooked into a computer network? Have a hackable brain? Like the kill-shots, govt's will try to eventually make it mandatory. Same with DNA tech. To say nothing of nuke technology that could decimate the planet if only one lunatic launched a very small # of bombs. Either Christ will return soon, or God will do something earth-shaking, such as reset the world's technology as he did in the flood.
ok and how do you know that has not already happened? Most say the tribulation starts at the "Rapture", which is 7 years from the return of Christ.........which no one is suppose to know the time.................?The tribulation starts "when the dragon sends out his round angels over the earth"