Yeah i'm skeptical too.I would agree that "we" are to be vanquished, perhaps, but space force to repel Jesus, good luck....
the US military has a hard time shooting down a fucking weather balloon.............Yeah i'm skeptical too.
Random thought: ya know those billions of vanished crabs up near Alaska,....did you know that crab shell is a precursor for manufacturing artificial graphite.
Foundry - Lexicon
Graphite is used to produce Graphene materials—the "2-dimensional" shit that has startling properties which can basically enable various methods of interaction with lower "dimensions"—seriously weird shit that has been discovered.
(*Have near on a hundred legitimate scientific documents saved, if you-or anyone wants to take a look)
i realize this is going to seem a bit far fetched and have just spent 3+ hours unsuccessfully looking for the sources i'd previously found-to post here, regardless however i'll speculate anyway,...what if the submarine capable nations have been covertly harvesting certain crustaceans—possibly using advanced ROVs & Crawlers, &/or Trundler Subs, etc.
Deep Trekker Utility Crawlers
Deep Trekker utility underwater crawlers are designed to work in tough underwater environments. Learn more about our crawler innovations here!www.deeptrekker.com
Apparently natural mined forms of Graphite is superior to the artificial stuff overall—buttt, there are also certain specialized uses for the artificial G which is said to be superior to the natural G.
(Eg; nuclear power systems on the Virginia & Columbia class subs)
View attachment 172842
The Navy Is Arming Nuclear Subs With Lasers. No One Knows Why.
Nuclear reactors can easily power laser weapons, but what’s the target?www.popularmechanics.com
Whether an "alien" invasion scenario will be fabricated or not, obviously i couldn't possibly know, although if international military intelligence were aware of perhaps a legitimate scenario possibly being imminent-then it would be prudent to "aquire" requisite materials for advanced HELs weapons systems.
Ever read the ancient texts from India?
There's what seems to describe laser weapons being used during some ancient battles between airborne vehicles.
Again, this is all just a random idea—and merely one of many.
Well sheit mate, if you mean the retarded "oriental spy balloon" . . . . what's the fuckin point of sending it up and immediately shooting it down. . . .the US military has a hard time shooting down a fucking weather balloon.............
Oh yeah, those people are either lying or just plain ignorant, because such notion is completely and utterly preposterous for several reasons.I know people in the service today that I have quoted as:
"we can win a nuclear war with russia and china"