Your Race - Left Understands - Do You?

Everything I stated is factual (other than perhaps the NPC's do not believe that's racist and that's just the Edomite/Canaanite owned media pushing this to the NPC as a form of brainwashing to change their minds over time.
How about some links to your rather inept facts. Where are you getting your inane information from? Let me guess, Kingdom Identity beliefs.

Note: The Resister's logo is also on that web link, bottom right corner.
Everything I stated is factual (other than perhaps the NPC's do not believe that's racist and that's just the Edomite/Canaanite owned media pushing this to the NPC as a form of brainwashing to change their minds over time.

I may not be following everything going on due to having some people on ignore. If you think I am saying you are not factual, it is because Nathan Bedford Forrest was not an Edomite.

OTOH, both Forrest and later William Simmons (who led the rebirthing of the Klan) were Freemasons and their rituals were tied to Freemasonry. Here is an old clip of Jimmy Venable, the head of the KKK in his day and was the last surviving Klansman that was knighted when the KKK was rebirthed:

By the time of David Duke the KKK had its own political message and the talking points were co-opted by right wing Republicans. Duke lost control of the Klan when he tried to sell the membership list to Bill Wilkinson. Wilkinson took control of the KKK, but was outed as being an FBI informant. I'm not sure how he sunk the KKK. There wasn't a lot of media fanfare about it at the time. All I remember of the era is that there were several major factions of the KKK and they were at war with each other.

The one thing that right wing Republicans can't divorce themselves from is that the Republicans embraced KKK talking points from the era of David Duke and Bill Wilkinson. If you look at the issues Ronald Reagan embraced, he believed in what the KKK was offering. Reagan opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, opposed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (calling it "humiliating to the South"), and ran for governor of California in 1966 promising to wipe the Fair Housing Act off the books. "If an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house," he said, "he has a right to do so."

Politicians have tried to divorce themselves from the bad reputation of the Klan, but that is how the left stays in power. For example, Trump told the people he didn't know David Duke:

That was total bullshit.

Politicians like the message and they solicit support from the same political demographic. I didn't like the individual David Duke. He was into self promotion and was / is (?) a blue collar version of Donald Trump. Bill Wilkinson was an FBI informant. I disagree with the leadership of Trump, Duke and Wilkinson - I didn't even end up supportive of Reagan after he Pearl Harbored gun owners. The facts still remain: all the factions these men played to were and to this day ARE one and the same. You just need a better leadership - free of Freemasonry / Edomite influence and not afraid of the bedwetting liberals and agent provocateurs.
How about some links to your rather inept facts. Where are you getting your inane information from? Let me guess, Kingdom Identity beliefs.

Note: The Resister's logo is also on that web link, bottom right corner.

If you say it's untrue then what are your sources to prove it's untrue?

I've never heard of that site until you showed me it. I agree with the jist of his research but have some very notable disagreements for sure. I give Kudos for the Resister for actually putting forth a valiant effort in research and attempting to find truth and pass on this information.

Your ignorance is merely blinding your belief system. If you simply accept reality as it's presented to you by the mainstream then you end up in your unfortunate situation. It's not that you're ignorant in that you know nothing it's that you perhaps know incorrect things and perceive them to be truth therefore have become ignorant in the truth. This is common for most NPC's. The one correct thing you did was actually ask a question to see where the information came from whereas in your first comment you made the false assumption to assume everything is not true because you accept your world view but perhaps may be slightly open to alternative ideas and I hope this is a true statement.

I'm going to bed but I'll give you some of the sources that I can recall before recharging my batteries.

I love using the Jewish sources because you cannot refute Jewish sources as that would be antisemitism. I also have source from black people so they can't cry racism. If anything if they do not accept these sources as credible sources that makes them antisemitic and racist. I enjoy beating them at their own game.

I use the books and quotes authored by my favorite Edomite/Canaanite Albert Pike, Jewish Encyclopedia (1925) and Almanac (1985) , for the bill (not fully passed so once it's passed I should've said). '

Elisabeth Donnan, Four Volumes: "Documents Of the History of the Slav trade to America Washington DC. 1930,1934

Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth and Disbandment, written and edited by Walter L. Fleming, incorporating earlier material by J.C. Lester

Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth and Disbandment,

Jews Selling blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews ( 100's of News paper articles of Jews selling blacks) Complied by black Americans.

Jewish Encyclopedia: "The Cotten plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews and as a consequence, slavery found it's advocates among them.

1830 census of USA: 75% of Jews owned black slaves :

1.) Jewish scholar Lord Rabbi Johnathan sacks: "Jewish Merchants routinely possessed enormous numbers of slaves temporarily before selling them off. If a slave auction fell on a Jewish festable, it was postponed due to lack of buyers and seller.
2.) Robert Herbert Bloom " The slave trade was one of the most important Jewish activities.
3.) Black Dr. Toni Martin (professor of African History). " Jews have been involved in the African Slave trade and a variety of slave trades for a very long period of time. They dominated slavery and the slave trade in mid evil times. It's a fact the Jews were the principal slave traders in the world for several hundred years from Russia to Western Europe to Indiana and China.


End of discussion, do you accept these facts from the black and Jewish sources? If not you're a racist and antisemite. ;)
The original KKK was started by Nathan Bedford Forrest who was a Freemason. That iteration of the KKK died out and was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain in Georgia in 1915. That KKK was started by a Methodist preacher (notice that the Methodists still use the fiery cross as their symbol). Tax problems led to its demise and it pretty much folded up. Everything Klan related fell into the hands of the general public, the trademarks and patents having fallen into the public domain.

By the 1970s the KKK would be taken over by former Nazi David Duke and lost its connection to Freemasonry. Duke would be busted for trying to sell the Klan membership lists to Bill Wilkinson, a competing Klan faction. As far as I know, Thom Robb is the voice of the Klan today.

Still, the political message of the 1970s (insofar as describing the issues) are the same, identical talking points the Republican right is promoting today. The big difference is that of possible solutions. The proposed solutions to societal woes are those that were promoted by Bill Clinton.

The greatest example is that the left said Ronaeht0. Reagan's message on societal issues was the same as the KKK. In those days, Reagan and Bush debated ways to regulate guest workers and when Bill Clinton became president, Clinton was calling the foreigners "criminals" and proposing a fence (a precursor to the nutty wall idea). It was just after 9 / 11 that the left successfully conned the right into taking up the left wing mantra on immigration and claiming it as their own.

Reference: God's of the Lodge and morals and Dogma (Albert Pike).

Just like the NAZI party is a Jewish creation as is the KKK. In fact the NAZI party is first mentioned in the letter of the three world wars by Albert Pike in the late 1800's before ethe existence of the NAZI party. He was the man behind the start of the Civil war. He conspired for the assassination of Lincoln and fled the country after the assassination. He was given a full pardon by Lincoln's predecessor and that president was impeached due to this pardon but saved his skin by one vote. He was the most powerful and influential free mason in history, a Southern Civil war General, Luciferian, Author, etc. He created the KKK before the man you displayed was even born. Many of the white movements over the last several hundred years have been Edomite controlled movements as controlled opposition. If you just look at what those movements lead to they all lead to more power, control of the Jews and used as fuel to push that the white race is evil. Any legitimate white movements are instantly destroyed easily and there is never going to be a movement that lasts ever. The game is already over the Edomites won the game. The only qay to qin is to not play their game and opt out of their system completely.

The freemasons itself was created by the Edomites and even the symbol is basically the Satanic Edomite "star of David" but just more style. These are Luciferians. He calls himself the light and the morning star. The G stands for Gnosis the religion of knowing.

You have to go much further back.

Albert Pike (Edomite/Canaanite Jew) the most influential free mason in history. The KGC Knights of the Golden Circle was a masonic organization dedicated to establishing a golden circle of territories between Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, the Southern states, which would officially sanction slavery. He was associated with the KGC and created several groups from it, including the KKK. While he was sovereign grand commander of the Scottish Rite free Mason, Albert created his own office of Chief Justice of the KKK. This was at the location of his statue in Judiciary square in Washington DC. He's responsible for inflaming racial tensions that were the official cause of the US civil war. The American Civil Qar was about who would control the money supply of the US and that slavery was a secondary issue in the conflict.

Pike went on to write the three world wars where he pretty much laid out precisely how the three world wars would go and so far the first 2 were to a T that his letter described in the late 1800's. IN his book Morals and Dogma he admits Lucifer is the God of the Masons.

Pike invented the 33rd degree of free masons in 1833. K=11 and 11x3=33.

3 world wars letter from Pike in 1871 which was in a museum in the early 1900s but has been removed.
If you say it's untrue then what are your sources to prove it's untrue?

I've never heard of that site until you showed me it. I agree with the jist of his research but have some very notable disagreements for sure. I give Kudos for the Resister for actually putting forth a valiant effort in research and attempting to find truth and pass on this information.

Your ignorance is merely blinding your belief system. If you simply accept reality as it's presented to you by the mainstream then you end up in your unfortunate situation. It's not that you're ignorant in that you know nothing it's that you perhaps know incorrect things and perceive them to be truth therefore have become ignorant in the truth. This is common for most NPC's. The one correct thing you did was actually ask a question to see where the information came from whereas in your first comment you made the false assumption to assume everything is not true because you accept your world view but perhaps may be slightly open to alternative ideas and I hope this is a true statement.

I'm going to bed but I'll give you some of the sources that I can recall before recharging my batteries.

I love using the Jewish sources because you cannot refute Jewish sources as that would be antisemitism. I also have source from black people so they can't cry racism. If anything if they do not accept these sources as credible sources that makes them antisemitic and racist. I enjoy beating them at their own game.

I use the books and quotes authored by my favorite Edomite/Canaanite Albert Pike, Jewish Encyclopedia (1925) and Almanac (1985) , for the bill (not fully passed so once it's passed I should've said). '

Elisabeth Donnan, Four Volumes: "Documents Of the History of the Slav trade to America Washington DC. 1930,1934

Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth and Disbandment, written and edited by Walter L. Fleming, incorporating earlier material by J.C. Lester

Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth and Disbandment,

Jews Selling blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews ( 100's of News paper articles of Jews selling blacks) Complied by black Americans.

Jewish Encyclopedia: "The Cotten plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews and as a consequence, slavery found it's advocates among them.

1830 census of USA: 75% of Jews owned black slaves :

1.) Jewish scholar Lord Rabbi Johnathan sacks: "Jewish Merchants routinely possessed enormous numbers of slaves temporarily before selling them off. If a slave auction fell on a Jewish festable, it was postponed due to lack of buyers and seller.
2.) Robert Herbert Bloom " The slave trade was one of the most important Jewish activities.
3.) Black Dr. Toni Martin (professor of African History). " Jews have been involved in the African Slave trade and a variety of slave trades for a very long period of time. They dominated slavery and the slave trade in mid evil times. It's a fact the Jews were the principal slave traders in the world for several hundred years from Russia to Western Europe to Indiana and China.

View attachment 216842

End of discussion, do you accept these facts from the black and Jewish sources? If not you're a racist and antisemite. ;)
You claimed they were facts, it is your onus to show that they are indeed factual. You provide a lot of logical fallacies in your comment.

I'm glad you like using "Jewish" sources, Albert Pike was not Jewish, he was Scottish and is known for writing conspiracy theories and myths. SMFH

Correct, the Bill has not passed yet.

You at least listed your sources, the problem is they don't back up your claims:
In the end the KKK was created by the Edomites/Canaanites aka Jews. It's used as a 4 D chess move to blame whites for racism like they blame whites for Slavery which was actually the Jews that brought the blacks (enslaved by their own black people) in their slave ships and owned more slave plantations and slaves per capita than whites by 10x.

Due to new antisemitism laws one goes directly to jail and you do not pass go or collect 200 bucks for stating these facts. See bill HR. 6090 Antisemitism Act.
Please don't tell me you are getting your info from the Nation of Islam’s 1991 book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume One, or Leonard Jefferies.

Your mis-interpretations and false claims are pointed out. Maybe you should go back and re-evaluate your 'facts', since you don't seem to comprehend your sources very well. imjusayn
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Reference: God's of the Lodge and morals and Dogma (Albert Pike).

Just like the NAZI party is a Jewish creation as is the KKK. In fact the NAZI party is first mentioned in the letter of the three world wars by Albert Pike in the late 1800's before ethe existence of the NAZI party. He was the man behind the start of the Civil war. He conspired for the assassination of Lincoln and fled the country after the assassination. He was given a full pardon by Lincoln's predecessor and that president was impeached due to this pardon but saved his skin by one vote. He was the most powerful and influential free mason in history, a Southern Civil war General, Luciferian, Author, etc. He created the KKK before the man you displayed was even born. Many of the white movements over the last several hundred years have been Edomite controlled movements as controlled opposition. If you just look at what those movements lead to they all lead to more power, control of the Jews and used as fuel to push that the white race is evil. Any legitimate white movements are instantly destroyed easily and there is never going to be a movement that lasts ever. The game is already over the Edomites won the game. The only qay to qin is to not play their game and opt out of their system completely.

The freemasons itself was created by the Edomites and even the symbol is basically the Satanic Edomite "star of David" but just more style. These are Luciferians. He calls himself the light and the morning star. The G stands for Gnosis the religion of knowing.

You have to go much further back.

Albert Pike (Edomite/Canaanite Jew) the most influential free mason in history. The KGC Knights of the Golden Circle was a masonic organization dedicated to establishing a golden circle of territories between Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, the Southern states, which would officially sanction slavery. He was associated with the KGC and created several groups from it, including the KKK. While he was sovereign grand commander of the Scottish Rite free Mason, Albert created his own office of Chief Justice of the KKK. This was at the location of his statue in Judiciary square in Washington DC. He's responsible for inflaming racial tensions that were the official cause of the US civil war. The American Civil Qar was about who would control the money supply of the US and that slavery was a secondary issue in the conflict.

Pike went on to write the three world wars where he pretty much laid out precisely how the three world wars would go and so far the first 2 were to a T that his letter described in the late 1800's. IN his book Morals and Dogma he admits Lucifer is the God of the Masons.

Pike invented the 33rd degree of free masons in 1833. K=11 and 11x3=33.

3 world wars letter from Pike in 1871 which was in a museum in the early 1900s but has been removed.

I've done quite a bit of research on the Freemasons due to the allegation that they founded and controlled the United States from its inception. History simply doesn't bear out the allegation.

Albert Pike joined the Freemasons in 1840; Nathan Bedford Forrest was born in 1821 making your statements inconsistent with history:

While Freemasons ARE anti-Christs, they were NOT the primary founders of America; had little influence on the drafting of the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States. While they had some influence, it was not as great as conspiracy buffs contend AND it marginalizes the intelligence of the rest of the White race in early America.

Pike was raised in a Christian home, having been born in the states. Forrest was in his 40s when he started the Ku Klux Klan. Pike joined the Klan; he didn't start it. I'm sure Pike influenced it and, yes, the Freemasons were / ARE KKK supporters (those affiliated with the old Jimmy Venable faction). I know that for a fact because Venable was a high ranking Mason. I know that because I heard the words that came from his own mouth on more than one occasion.

It does the Whites a great disservice to make claims we can't back up with history and it marginalizes the work of great men who did really great things that set them apart from those who practice evil.
If you say it's untrue then what are your sources to prove it's untrue?

I've never heard of that site until you showed me it. I agree with the jist of his research but have some very notable disagreements for sure. I give Kudos for the Resister for actually putting forth a valiant effort in research and attempting to find truth and pass on this information.

Your ignorance is merely blinding your belief system. If you simply accept reality as it's presented to you by the mainstream then you end up in your unfortunate situation. It's not that you're ignorant in that you know nothing it's that you perhaps know incorrect things and perceive them to be truth therefore have become ignorant in the truth. This is common for most NPC's. The one correct thing you did was actually ask a question to see where the information came from whereas in your first comment you made the false assumption to assume everything is not true because you accept your world view but perhaps may be slightly open to alternative ideas and I hope this is a true statement.

I'm going to bed but I'll give you some of the sources that I can recall before recharging my batteries.

I love using the Jewish sources because you cannot refute Jewish sources as that would be antisemitism. I also have source from black people so they can't cry racism. If anything if they do not accept these sources as credible sources that makes them antisemitic and racist. I enjoy beating them at their own game.

I use the books and quotes authored by my favorite Edomite/Canaanite Albert Pike, Jewish Encyclopedia (1925) and Almanac (1985) , for the bill (not fully passed so once it's passed I should've said). '

Elisabeth Donnan, Four Volumes: "Documents Of the History of the Slav trade to America Washington DC. 1930,1934

Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth and Disbandment, written and edited by Walter L. Fleming, incorporating earlier material by J.C. Lester

Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth and Disbandment,

Jews Selling blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews ( 100's of News paper articles of Jews selling blacks) Complied by black Americans.

Jewish Encyclopedia: "The Cotten plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews and as a consequence, slavery found it's advocates among them.

1830 census of USA: 75% of Jews owned black slaves :

1.) Jewish scholar Lord Rabbi Johnathan sacks: "Jewish Merchants routinely possessed enormous numbers of slaves temporarily before selling them off. If a slave auction fell on a Jewish festable, it was postponed due to lack of buyers and seller.
2.) Robert Herbert Bloom " The slave trade was one of the most important Jewish activities.
3.) Black Dr. Toni Martin (professor of African History). " Jews have been involved in the African Slave trade and a variety of slave trades for a very long period of time. They dominated slavery and the slave trade in mid evil times. It's a fact the Jews were the principal slave traders in the world for several hundred years from Russia to Western Europe to Indiana and China.

View attachment 216842

End of discussion, do you accept these facts from the black and Jewish sources? If not you're a racist and antisemite. ;)
Your comment contains several factual inaccuracies and misleading statements. Here is a detailed rebuttal:

  1. Use of Jewish and Black sources: Using sources attributed to Jewish or Black authors does not inherently validate the claims made within those sources. Scholarly credibility and accuracy must be evaluated on the basis of evidence and context, not the identity of the author.
  2. Albert Pike: Albert Pike was a Confederate general and Freemason, but there is no credible evidence linking him to the statements you attribute to him. He did not author any works that support these claims about Jewish involvement in slavery.
  3. Jewish Encyclopedia and Almanac: The Jewish Encyclopedia and Almanac do not contain the claims you referenced. These sources are reputable scholarly works and should not be misrepresented.
  4. Legislative bills and documents must be interpreted within their full context. Merely referencing a source without specific details or quotes does not substantiate any claim.
  5. Elisabeth Donnan's "Documents of the History of the Slave Trade to America": Elisabeth Donnan's work is a well-respected historical source, but your interpretation of it needs specific references and context. Broad, generalized statements do not accurately represent the nuances of historical documentation.
  6. Ku Klux Klan books: Citing sources related to the Ku Klux Klan, an organization known for its racist and violent history, does not lend credibility to your argument. Their materials are not considered reliable or objective historical evidence.
  7. "Jews Selling Blacks": This compilation is not a recognized academic source and should be critically evaluated for bias and accuracy. Scholarly consensus does not support the claim that Jews were the principal slave traders.
  8. 1830 Census: The assertion that "75% of Jews owned black slaves" is not supported by historical data from the 1830 census or any credible historical research.
  9. Quotes: The quotes attributed to various scholars and historical figures are either taken out of context or misrepresented. For example, claims about Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and Robert Herbert Bloom are fabricated and do not reflect their actual research or statements.
In conclusion, while it is essential to explore diverse perspectives, the sources and claims you provided lack credibility and are not supported by reputable historical research. It is crucial to rely on accurate, well-documented evidence when discussing historical events.

No further discussion is needed unless new, credible evidence is presented.
If you say it's untrue then what are your sources to prove it's untrue?

I've never heard of that site until you showed me it. I agree with the jist of his research but have some very notable disagreements for sure. I give Kudos for the Resister for actually putting forth a valiant effort in research and attempting to find truth and pass on this information.

Your ignorance is merely blinding your belief system. If you simply accept reality as it's presented to you by the mainstream then you end up in your unfortunate situation. It's not that you're ignorant in that you know nothing it's that you perhaps know incorrect things and perceive them to be truth therefore have become ignorant in the truth. This is common for most NPC's. The one correct thing you did was actually ask a question to see where the information came from whereas in your first comment you made the false assumption to assume everything is not true because you accept your world view but perhaps may be slightly open to alternative ideas and I hope this is a true statement.

I'm going to bed but I'll give you some of the sources that I can recall before recharging my batteries.

I love using the Jewish sources because you cannot refute Jewish sources as that would be antisemitism. I also have source from black people so they can't cry racism. If anything if they do not accept these sources as credible sources that makes them antisemitic and racist. I enjoy beating them at their own game.

I use the books and quotes authored by my favorite Edomite/Canaanite Albert Pike, Jewish Encyclopedia (1925) and Almanac (1985) , for the bill (not fully passed so once it's passed I should've said). '

Elisabeth Donnan, Four Volumes: "Documents Of the History of the Slav trade to America Washington DC. 1930,1934

Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth and Disbandment, written and edited by Walter L. Fleming, incorporating earlier material by J.C. Lester

Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth and Disbandment,

Jews Selling blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews ( 100's of News paper articles of Jews selling blacks) Complied by black Americans.

Jewish Encyclopedia: "The Cotten plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews and as a consequence, slavery found it's advocates among them.

1830 census of USA: 75% of Jews owned black slaves :

1.) Jewish scholar Lord Rabbi Johnathan sacks: "Jewish Merchants routinely possessed enormous numbers of slaves temporarily before selling them off. If a slave auction fell on a Jewish festable, it was postponed due to lack of buyers and seller.
2.) Robert Herbert Bloom " The slave trade was one of the most important Jewish activities.
3.) Black Dr. Toni Martin (professor of African History). " Jews have been involved in the African Slave trade and a variety of slave trades for a very long period of time. They dominated slavery and the slave trade in mid evil times. It's a fact the Jews were the principal slave traders in the world for several hundred years from Russia to Western Europe to Indiana and China.

View attachment 216842

End of discussion, do you accept these facts from the black and Jewish sources? If not you're a racist and antisemite. ;)
Here's a fun fact, you can't even get peoples names correct. It's not Robert Herbert Bloom, it is Rabbi Herbert Bloom, and he never stated what you claim.

I'm guessing this is where your info is coming from:

It's Prof. Tony Martin (male) Black Islamist, not Dr. Toni Martin (female) White Doctor.

If it's on the internet, it must be true. SMFH
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Reference: God's of the Lodge and morals and Dogma (Albert Pike).

Just like the NAZI party is a Jewish creation as is the KKK. In fact the NAZI party is first mentioned in the letter of the three world wars by Albert Pike in the late 1800's before ethe existence of the NAZI party. He was the man behind the start of the Civil war. He conspired for the assassination of Lincoln and fled the country after the assassination. He was given a full pardon by Lincoln's predecessor and that president was impeached due to this pardon but saved his skin by one vote. He was the most powerful and influential free mason in history, a Southern Civil war General, Luciferian, Author, etc. He created the KKK before the man you displayed was even born. Many of the white movements over the last several hundred years have been Edomite controlled movements as controlled opposition. If you just look at what those movements lead to they all lead to more power, control of the Jews and used as fuel to push that the white race is evil. Any legitimate white movements are instantly destroyed easily and there is never going to be a movement that lasts ever. The game is already over the Edomites won the game. The only qay to qin is to not play their game and opt out of their system completely.

The freemasons itself was created by the Edomites and even the symbol is basically the Satanic Edomite "star of David" but just more style. These are Luciferians. He calls himself the light and the morning star. The G stands for Gnosis the religion of knowing.

You have to go much further back.

Albert Pike (Edomite/Canaanite Jew) the most influential free mason in history. The KGC Knights of the Golden Circle was a masonic organization dedicated to establishing a golden circle of territories between Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, the Southern states, which would officially sanction slavery. He was associated with the KGC and created several groups from it, including the KKK. While he was sovereign grand commander of the Scottish Rite free Mason, Albert created his own office of Chief Justice of the KKK. This was at the location of his statue in Judiciary square in Washington DC. He's responsible for inflaming racial tensions that were the official cause of the US civil war. The American Civil Qar was about who would control the money supply of the US and that slavery was a secondary issue in the conflict.

Pike went on to write the three world wars where he pretty much laid out precisely how the three world wars would go and so far the first 2 were to a T that his letter described in the late 1800's. IN his book Morals and Dogma he admits Lucifer is the God of the Masons.

Pike invented the 33rd degree of free masons in 1833. K=11 and 11x3=33.

3 world wars letter from Pike in 1871 which was in a museum in the early 1900s but has been removed.

You disappeared from this conversation, but I wanted to share some things with you about Albert Pike. Check out this link:

Pike, by birth was not a Canaanite, but rather raised as a Christian. The Bible has this to say about proselytes like Pike:

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves." Matthew 23: 15

Once a White Christian has been converted to an anti-Christ view, they become twice as bad as the Canaanite / Edomite / Kenite / Pharisees. And it will be that branch of evil that gives you a bastardized version of events that will cause well meaning people to spread a narrative that is easily dispelled. There is a conspiracy between good and evil; however, those espousing evil use political guerrilla warfare that have our people presenting the narrative in a way that is unsustainable and leads people to poke fun at the viewpoint. I think the link will straighten that out for you.

If the Posterity of the founders and framers of the Constitution are to survive they will have to learn how to share information and unite. I feel the same way toward a lot of those organizations as Trump claimed to feel about the people who attended the big rally in Charlottesville. There are a lot of good people among them. That is not an endorsement of their leadership.
I've been saying this for years - white people and countries are being over run by us shitskins and nignogs, and as crazy brained as I am, I'm still one of the 'nicer' ones that didn't turn full mode murderous crazy.
The first half of that is partially accurate although the way you've framed it is disingenuously generalized.

While the second half of the above quote...😂is just fuckin' stupid since ya have literally mentioned wanting to murder all humans in several other posts.

The amount that non white parents abuse their kids? This is why so many of them end up criminally insane and unsuccessful.
As a non-criminally insane & relatively successful "white" man who was abused by his "white" parents, and has 2 criminally inclined vicious siblings who were also abused, I can assure ya that things are not all black & white and easily generalized.

I am simply non criminally insane and unsuccessful.

The ones like me who are born in the west and unable to function due to daddys abuse - what help do we get? Nothing but handouts.
I suspect whoever you are, you're not what you have been presenting so far at all, however regardless, being "born in the west and unable to function due to daddys abuse - what help do we get? Nothing but handouts." –is a shameless cop out, typical of those possessed of common victimhood delusions.

An individual reaches adulthood when they become fully responsible for their-self.

If a 40yo still blames daddy for their own situation in their own life, well then unfortunately that 40yo has not truly developed into an adult yet.
How though? I got bullshit avoidance personality and cannot leave my house or do anything without support from others.
Brah, it was around about two or three weeks ago you first began asserting these claims of having "got bullshit avoidance personality".

You'd never once mentioned it before a few weeks ago which is when— in a private message—I revealed to you, my own real condition being AvPD.

To my surprise, after logging in a couple days later, what did I find...😂...gott dang Mungri fuckin' bouncin' about all over the place gleefully claiming-(amongst numerous other things)-bloody AvPD too. Jfc wtf bruz?!

Nigga it is genuinely excruciatingly challenging living with this condition, though I do not allow it to control my life, at least not anymore and this condition wasn't always as severe as it eventually became during my mid-twenties and led to discovering what the mcfuck was actually happening after voluntarily seeking help from qualified mental health professionals.

They weren't much help beyond giving me a starting point to work off of. Mainly they just wanted to get me hooked on big pharma drugs for life.

After initially taking their chemical concoctions and only getting worse, I inevitably refused to take that shit and astonishingly they then disqualified me from receiving mental health services at all... until submitting to taking their fuckin' drugs.

I still declined in preference for talk therapy alternatives yet the ministry of health also still refused and in the end I sought out & paid for therapeutic options on my own.

I had absolutely no support of any kind from anyone, not even my own family, infact they individually & as a group proactively went to great efforts to inhibit me.

Of course I still do have great difficulty functioning in public nowadays, and particularly for extended periods, although this simply does not stop me from doing the shit I need to get done in public anyway.

I will admit that I wasn't always as able to manage my condition as effectively, however there came a point years ago where I began realizing critical truths, such as that there are very few people willing to help others and all people have issues of some sort, though most aren't even aware or actively conceal their shit behind shiny facades.

More importantly I realized that only one individual bears responsibility for one's own shit and that is of course one's-self alone.

As an adult, it is a complete and utter waste of time waiting around expecting others to come along and assume one's own disregarded responsibilities.

Ya have to support yourself, as to do otherwise is illogical, irrational, unreasonable and just insanely foolish.

No one will help me - think of it this way - any woman in my position would get help. There are endless 'womens shelters' yet none for men, why is this?
Why? Because "western" societies have long been and still are being deliberately subverted.

Destroyed from the inside.

We wouldn't need a fraction of these pseudo-"support" organizations like so called "womens shelters", were our core societal foundations not largely gone now.

I could never have survived on the streets, I was only able to get my own place at age 34, already too late to do or manage anything for myself,
Ya wouldn't know whether or not you'd survive street life unless experiencing it.

I have. Though it definitely wasn't easy. However I came out of it stronger and far more capable.

I am useless, and no one will ever help me, western society will only go 'Oh poor you, heres all your free gibs, don't worry, we gotchu'. I hate this.
Maybe you're right....

...Or maybe you're just not yet ready to help yourself.
To me its a cult symbol. but one mans cult is anothers church. Heres an idea, how about we christians have no symbols let the truth represent us. Maybe use the bible as a symbol?
I actually like the mustard seed!
One mans cult is a cultist's cult.

Christianity, in all forms, just like it's Abrahamic desert cult siblings, and all other mortal crafted pseudo-"spiritual" ideological collectives, are simply cults.

Neither our creator nor the anointed have ever depended upon matter bound ideologies spellcrafted by mere mortals of old.
Within this thread is a conversation seems to be a side discussion that I'm not sure how to approach and remain relevant to the topic. We all have our versions of the truth. What was mainstream Christianity is today considered a cult.

Regardless of what one may call it, America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. The first immigration law in the United States (enacted only weeks after the ratification of the Constitution) limited citizenship to "free white persons." Interracial marriages were outlawed and voting was limited to land owning males. Virtually every state constitution (if not all of them ) contained some acknowledgement and / or standard that dealt with the Christian faith. For example, the 1776 state constitution of Virginia (where Thomas Jefferson was from) contains this:

"SEC. 16. That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other."

The twin pillars of race and religion constitute the values of our Republic NOT the form of government. It is a disingenuous argument to create a straw man position that Christian nation means form of government. It is not. The United States never was and is not a theocracy; it was merely founded on Christian principles. Mainstream has tossed those principles away and today your citizenship is predicated upon the requirement that you pledge fealty to a democracy and proclaim your commitment to the universal equality of man (with an exception to those who identify as being Jewish).

The issue for me is that when we stuck to the original blueprint initiated by the founders of this country and the framers of the Constitution, we prospered. The more we rejected those principles, the further this country regressed. In the cycles of history all empires have an average lifespan of a little over 200 years. With racial amalgamation, a One World / One Race religion along with outlawing the principles of Liberty and unalienable Rights, the United States is no longer a constitutional Republic based on Christian principles. On that count, it has not been a legitimate superpower for quite a number of years. We do have the distinction of being the New Jerusalem foretold in the Bible. We may see the official end of the United States as we know it; we may witness the end of times. What we will not see is the prosperity and abundance our predecessors did unless we sacrifice and resist the evil forces that are making everything that was once good appear to be evil while evil is celebrated as being good.
Within this thread is a conversation seems to be a side discussion that I'm not sure how to approach and remain relevant to the topic. We all have our versions of the truth. What was mainstream Christianity is today considered a cult.

Regardless of what one may call it, America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. The first immigration law in the United States (enacted only weeks after the ratification of the Constitution) limited citizenship to "free white persons." Interracial marriages were outlawed and voting was limited to land owning males. Virtually every state constitution (if not all of them ) contained some acknowledgement and / or standard that dealt with the Christian faith. For example, the 1776 state constitution of Virginia (where Thomas Jefferson was from) contains this:

"SEC. 16. That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other."

The twin pillars of race and religion constitute the values of our Republic NOT the form of government. It is a disingenuous argument to create a straw man position that Christian nation means form of government. It is not. The United States never was and is not a theocracy; it was merely founded on Christian principles. Mainstream has tossed those principles away and today your citizenship is predicated upon the requirement that you pledge fealty to a democracy and proclaim your commitment to the universal equality of man (with an exception to those who identify as being Jewish).

The issue for me is that when we stuck to the original blueprint initiated by the founders of this country and the framers of the Constitution, we prospered. The more we rejected those principles, the further this country regressed. In the cycles of history all empires have an average lifespan of a little over 200 years. With racial amalgamation, a One World / One Race religion along with outlawing the principles of Liberty and unalienable Rights, the United States is no longer a constitutional Republic based on Christian principles. On that count, it has not been a legitimate superpower for quite a number of years. We do have the distinction of being the New Jerusalem foretold in the Bible. We may see the official end of the United States as we know it; we may witness the end of times. What we will not see is the prosperity and abundance our predecessors did unless we sacrifice and resist the evil forces that are making everything that was once good appear to be evil while evil is celebrated as being good.
America's foundation was deeply rooted in commerce. The colonies were established primarily for economic gain, with settlers seeking new opportunities and resources. While race and religion played roles in shaping societal norms, the driving force behind the founding of the United States was economic opportunity. The case of Anthony Johnson, a black man who owned the first recognized slave, John Casor, highlights the complex interplay of race and economics in early America. However, the institutionalization of slavery and racial discrimination was fundamentally driven by economic interests across racial lines.

Claiming that America is the "New Jerusalem" implies a desire for a theocracy, which contradicts the core principles of the U.S. Constitution. The Founding Fathers explicitly designed the government to ensure the separation of church and state, preventing any single religion from dominating. Figures like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were clear in their advocacy for religious freedom, aiming to create a pluralistic society where individuals could practice their faith freely without governmental interference.

The Virginia Constitution's emphasis on religious freedom and the duty to practice good conduct reflects a commitment to pluralism rather than the enforcement of any single religious doctrine. The document underscores that all individuals have the right to exercise their religion according to their conscience, promoting a society based on moral behavior and mutual respect, not specific religious mandates.

Your argument contains several inconsistencies. On one hand, you claim America was founded on Christian principles; on the other, you deny it was intended to be a theocracy. These positions are not mutually exclusive but require careful delineation to avoid confusion. Clear definitions and consistent application of terms like "Christian principles" and "theocracy" are necessary for a coherent argument.

In summary, America's founding was complex, influenced by commerce, with significant but not exclusive contributions from race and religion. The Constitution enshrines religious freedom and the separation of church and state, promoting a pluralistic society. Assertions about America's identity and founding principles must be clear and consistent to be persuasive.
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I grew up being a child of an abusive father. That's different from being a victim because at the ripe old age of 14 I ran away from home and started making it on my own. The first beating I ever recall getting from the old man was for not winning a fight. But, I've never lost another fight since. That beating gave me an internal fear of being in fights so when I fight, I fight to win.

At an early age the first piece of advice came from observing and the best place to look for a helping hand is at the end of your arm. You might be getting a late start, but you don't have to choose to be a victim. You can become an overcomer.

As a teen, the Blacks were getting preferential treatment via affirmative action, racial quotas, preferential hiring schemes, etc., etc. My first fifteen minutes of fame came after the union I was in put unqualified Blacks to work at the expense of more qualified White workers. A job ended; we were laid off and the union called in inexperienced Blacks to take our place on the next job that opened up. I ended up with a tv microphone aimed at me while protesting that policy.

When I told the tv interviewer that, even if Blacks were discriminated against in the past, we were always taught that two wrongs don't make a right. Nobody owes you a job and the employer who creates the job should be the sole voice in saying who does and does not get a job.

You can, and should, become the person you want other people to be. No matter how crazy you see yourself as, you can always better your position in life. Take that from a man that started out at the age of 14 with no money, no support system and trying to make a living in an era that openly kept Whites on the sidelines while Blacks were getting an opportunity to gobble up the really good jobs (especially cushy government jobs). Regardless of whose fault it was I've been able to fend for myself reasonably successfully in that I don't depend upon anyone for my lifestyle. You can be shown how to do that much - even in this upside down world.
Well I'd say you get what you pay for w unions. You should have run to the South instead of Baltimore.

Can't we all just get along?
Well I'd say you get what you pay for w unions. You should have run to the South instead of Baltimore.

Can't we all just get along?
I lived in Macon, Georgia at the time.

We can all get along IF those people who want to live in this country respect its laws, customs and values. I really don't think that people are raising all this Hell about immigration just because some illiterate from south of the border didn't get some human registration papers from a corrupt government.

Some people don't want to press 1 to hear the message in Spanish and 2 for English. Some want their culture respected and others care about our values. We flood the country with foreigners and all we accomplish is giving the Democrats more voters.

It seems to bother a few people (Democrats and liberals) when we acknowledge our cultural heritage. It's becoming progressively worse when self proclaimed Democratic Socialists try to pretend to agree with us on some issues just to get the right to stay committed to cultural suicide. And those Whites that misrepresent the over-all message hate this country and its history with every fiber of their being. Most of the mainstream hacks pretend to care; they even invoke the substantive talking points that were made by people they claim are White supremacists, then condemn those people in the same breath.

Look a little bit deeper. MANY people that advocate for cultural integrity and care about race said the same, exact things that MAGA types are saying today. And just because we want our race, culture and values respected doesn't equal hate. Have you ever considered what the converse argument is, presuming that someone is a White supremacist?
I lived in Macon, Georgia at the time.

We can all get along IF those people who want to live in this country respect its laws, customs and values. I really don't think that people are raising all this Hell about immigration just because some illiterate from south of the border didn't get some human registration papers from a corrupt government.

Some people don't want to press 1 to hear the message in Spanish and 2 for English. Some want their culture respected and others care about our values. We flood the country with foreigners and all we accomplish is giving the Democrats more voters.

It seems to bother a few people (Democrats and liberals) when we acknowledge our cultural heritage. It's becoming progressively worse when self proclaimed Democratic Socialists try to pretend to agree with us on some issues just to get the right to stay committed to cultural suicide. And those Whites that misrepresent the over-all message hate this country and its history with every fiber of their being. Most of the mainstream hacks pretend to care; they even invoke the substantive talking points that were made by people they claim are White supremacists, then condemn those people in the same breath.

Look a little bit deeper. MANY people that advocate for cultural integrity and care about race said the same, exact things that MAGA types are saying today. And just because we want our race, culture and values respected doesn't equal hate. Have you ever considered what the converse argument is, presuming that someone is a White supremacist?
Yes I absolutely get what you're saying. I don't have to look deep to be proud of my heritage. And that doesn't make me or anyone else a racist.
See the video:

Even a broken clock has the potential to be right twice a day. Maybe it's time if you agree with the message, you should embrace the people that pioneered the message.

Not a White guy, and I haven't fallen for this Great Replacement nonsense, nonetheless I have no use for Woke Progressivism's fixation on injecting traits like skin color, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation into every last conversation

Such jackassery runs contrary to the principles of "Textbook" Liberalism
Not a White guy, and I haven't fallen for this Great Replacement nonsense, nonetheless I have no use for Woke Progressivism's fixation on injecting traits like skin color, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation into every last conversation

Such jackassery runs contrary to the principles of "Textbook" Liberalism

I don't post it into every single conversation either, but it is the appropriate topic for this thread. Can you cite this textbook of liberalism to which you speak? I have one quote for you that the left tries to discredit, but the problem is there is a simple explanation as to why the left gets to con people. Here is a textbook quote:

"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause." Israel Cohen in the book A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century.

The left wing apologists will tell you the quote is fake. Yet, I feel the same way toward that book that Henry Ford felt about the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:

"The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW. Indeed." New York World
17 Feb. 1921

The communists, now called liberals, Socialist Democrats, Democrats, progressives, etc. want you to believe that that Cohen's book is a forgery. But the facts fit. AND being a self published author myself, I've written at least six books / manuals that were never officially published but were printed in as few as 250 copies to 3 thousand copies (depending upon which one we're talking about). Cohen's writings ARE textbook liberal strategy and have been in the United States for over 50 years.
I had to be a bit long winded for a good reason, but there is a point that I want to make:

If people choose to call me a racist, I find no reason to do the standard knee jerk reaction and say "I'm not a racist. Some of my best friends are Black (Jewish, Hispanic, etc., etc.)" I wouldn't identify myself as such as everybody has their own interpretation of what that means.

To me, I am committed to my God, family, my country (which includes the Constitution as originally written and intended), First Principles, Unalienable Rights and the values that made America great. In my mind the utopia dreamed up by Bernie Sanders, AOC, Adam Schiff, MLK, Chuck Schumer and those of like mind is not welcome in our form of government NOR the values that I hold (as do many others - albeit secretly).

At a personal level I do not believe in inter-racial marriage. I don't believe people should smoke either, but I have plenty of relatives that smoke, but respect my Right to not believe in it. Ditto for drinking, illegal (and most legal) drugs, homosexuality, tattoos, body piercings, etc., etc. The thing is I don't believe in it and will speak out about it. But I won't force you to accept my view even if have the capacity through force, political or legal actions. I would fight to the death for your Right to disagree with me. At the same time, disrespect and intolerance will be met with an equal amount of resistance to insure my Rights.

If a community rejects what you believe in, you can either accept that community's standards or move. In America, they bring political pressure to force entire communities, religious groups and political entities to accept the false doctrine of the universal equality of man (with just a couple of exceptions). The phony right claims to believe in most of what I've posted here, but throw in the racist charge and they scatter like an anthill that just got run over by a lawnmower.
Regardless of what one may call it, America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion.
Mate I'm really not sure of this belief that the United States of America was founded on the pillars of race and religion.

Tbh it seems like a subjectively held misinterpretation of objective facts.

It'd be far more accurate just to say: America was founded upon Independence & Freedom.
At a personal level I do not believe in inter-racial marriage. I don't believe people should smoke either, but I have plenty of relatives that smoke, but respect my Right to not believe in it. Ditto for drinking, illegal (and most legal) drugs, homosexuality, tattoos, body piercings, etc., etc. The thing is I don't believe in it and will speak out about it

Some day, you'll have to share with us the two-three things you do approve of
Some day, you'll have to share with us the two-three things you do approve of
I approve of?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders telling Biden the facts of life when he threatened to cut off federal funding when Sarah refused to bow down to the LGBTQP forces

It was great when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced an idea I personally floated to defund and abolish the BATFE

How about it when Tulsi Gabbard jumped ship on the Democrats?

Notice a theme going on? The women in this country have more balls than the feminine males that have no scruples when selling out and no courage.
Mate I'm really not sure of this belief that the United States of America was founded on the pillars of race and religion.

Tbh it seems like a subjectively held misinterpretation of objective facts.

It'd be far more accurate just to say: America was founded upon Independence & Freedom.
Are you too afraid to research the mountains of evidence presented both here AND on

People sometimes say that, but they make a hasty exit when the discussion is one on one, no teaming up against a poster, no censorship and no trolls derailing the topic. Just people discussing the issue and the readers left to draw their own conclusions without some smart ass telling them what to think.

Winning an Internet popularity contest will never make you right on the issues. Tell us how many state constitutions ignored the Bible (and / or some aspect of the Christian religion) during the founding and framing era.
Are you too afraid to research the mountains of evidence presented both here AND on
Sure, if it makes you feel better.

People sometimes say that, but they make a hasty exit when the discussion is one on one, no teaming up against a poster, no censorship and no trolls derailing the topic. Just people discussing the issue and the readers left to draw their own conclusions without some smart ass telling them what to think.
😂Fuck that's funny coming from you mate.

Winning an Internet popularity contest will never make you right on the issues. Tell us how many state constitutions ignored the Bible (and / or some aspect of the Christian religion) during the founding and framing era.
Theres a contest huh?
Are you too afraid to research the mountains of evidence presented both here AND on

People sometimes say that, but they make a hasty exit when the discussion is one on one, no teaming up against a poster, no censorship and no trolls derailing the topic. Just people discussing the issue and the readers left to draw their own conclusions without some smart ass telling them what to think.

Winning an Internet popularity contest will never make you right on the issues. Tell us how many state constitutions ignored the Bible (and / or some aspect of the Christian religion) during the founding and framing era.
To me, I am committed to my God, family, my country (which includes the Constitution as originally written and intended), First Principles, Unalienable Rights and the values that made America great. .
🤔Yeah look mate... I'm becoming suspicious of this "God" of yours aye.

One would expect congruence of a truly godly man's Words and his Actions as well of his "God's" mortal scribed "Laws".

😂Butt shitfuck cunt, you're all over the bloody place.

At a personal level I do not believe in inter-racial marriage. I don't believe people should smoke either, but I have plenty of relatives that smoke, but respect my Right to not believe in it. Ditto for drinking, illegal (and most legal) drugs, homosexuality, tattoos, body piercings, etc., etc. The thing is I don't believe in it and will speak out about it. But I won't force you to accept my view even if have the capacity through force, political or legal actions. I would fight to the death for your Right to disagree with me. At the same time, disrespect and intolerance will be met with an equal amount of resistance to insure my Rights.
😏Sure some readers might be gullible enough to believe that virtuous the expense of reality.

If a community rejects what you believe in, you can either accept that community's standards or move. In America, they bring political pressure to force entire communities, religious groups and political entities to accept the false doctrine of the universal equality of man (with just a couple of exceptions). The phony right claims to believe in most of what I've posted here, but throw in the racist charge and they scatter like an anthill that just got run over by a lawnmower.

"WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation."

"WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed."

•Laws of Nature✓

•Nature's God✓

•All men-created equal✓

•Endowed by-their-Creator✓

•In Blacks Law 11th, the term - 'created', doesn't exist, although 'creature' does ["See ANIMAL"] while for the term: 'Creator', there's a redirect to: "See SETTLER (1)."

•Settler: "(17c) 1. Someone who occupies property with the intent to establish a residence; esp., someone who goes to live in a country or area where few similar people have lived before and where no established communities are nearby. •The term is usu. applied to an early resident of a country or region. 2. SETTLOR."

•Settlor: "(set-l*r). (18c) 1. Someone who makes a settlement of property; esp,. one who sets up a trust.—Also termed creator; donor; trustor; grantor; founder. 2. A party to an instrument.—Also spelled (in both senses) settler."

•Founder: ",n. (14c) 1. Someone who founds or establishes; esp,. a person who supplies funds for an institution's future needs. 2. SETTLOR (1)."

*A random quote from Quora:
"The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States. The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from the Crown (temporal authority of the Roman Catholic Pope) and Democracy was born. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original "Constitution for the United States for America" was changed to the "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"."

~Justinian Deception~

🤔Yeah look mate... I'm becoming suspicious of this "God" of yours aye.

One would expect congruence of a truly godly man's Words and his Actions as well of his "God's" mortal scribed "Laws".

😂Butt shitfuck cunt, you're all over the bloody place.

😏Sure some readers might be gullible enough to believe that virtuous the expense of reality.


"WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation."

"WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed."

•Laws of Nature✓

•Nature's God✓

•All men-created equal✓

•Endowed by-their-Creator✓
View attachment 217083

View attachment 217082
•In Blacks Law 11th, the term - 'created', doesn't exist, although 'creature' does ["See ANIMAL"] while for the term: 'Creator', there's a redirect to: "See SETTLER (1)."

•Settler: "(17c) 1. Someone who occupies property with the intent to establish a residence; esp., someone who goes to live in a country or area where few similar people have lived before and where no established communities are nearby. •The term is usu. applied to an early resident of a country or region. 2. SETTLOR."

•Settlor: "(set-l*r). (18c) 1. Someone who makes a settlement of property; esp,. one who sets up a trust.—Also termed creator; donor; trustor; grantor; founder. 2. A party to an instrument.—Also spelled (in both senses) settler."

•Founder: ",n. (14c) 1. Someone who founds or establishes; esp,. a person who supplies funds for an institution's future needs. 2. SETTLOR (1)."

*A random quote from Quora:
"The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States. The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from the Crown (temporal authority of the Roman Catholic Pope) and Democracy was born. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original "Constitution for the United States for America" was changed to the "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"."

~Justinian Deception~

Were the people of the united states of America ever actually free...?

"A look at the various treaties raises the question of whether the US remains a part of the British Crown colony. The basis of this goes back to the first Charter of Virginia, which in 1606 granted Britain the right to colonize America. It also gave the British King/Queen sovereign authority over colonized America and its citizens. Colonized America was created after stealing America from the Native Indians. If America was colonized with British subjects, then these people are subjects of the British Government."

"To negate this was the Treaty of 1783 declaring independence from Great Britain. However, this Treaty identifies the King/Queen of England as the Prince of the United States."
I do... You clearly rely on FOX News and talk radio for all your Intel, the same way Progressives used to rely on Sam Bee and currently still do rely on The Daily Show for all of theirs
I've never watched Faux News. I have reported extensively WHO runs that outfit. There are things I know from personal experiences, but nobody wants to accept them without a link. Provide the link and people still try to cast doubts and aspersions. Don't you see how desperate that is for people to argue against my position? You may as well admit you have nothing and let it go at that.
🤔Yeah look mate... I'm becoming suspicious of this "God" of yours aye.

One would expect congruence of a truly godly man's Words and his Actions as well of his "God's" mortal scribed "Laws".

😂Butt shitfuck cunt, you're all over the bloody place.

😏Sure some readers might be gullible enough to believe that virtuous the expense of reality.


"WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation."

"WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed."

•Laws of Nature✓

•Nature's God✓

•All men-created equal✓

•Endowed by-their-Creator✓
View attachment 217083

View attachment 217082
•In Blacks Law 11th, the term - 'created', doesn't exist, although 'creature' does ["See ANIMAL"] while for the term: 'Creator', there's a redirect to: "See SETTLER (1)."

•Settler: "(17c) 1. Someone who occupies property with the intent to establish a residence; esp., someone who goes to live in a country or area where few similar people have lived before and where no established communities are nearby. •The term is usu. applied to an early resident of a country or region. 2. SETTLOR."

•Settlor: "(set-l*r). (18c) 1. Someone who makes a settlement of property; esp,. one who sets up a trust.—Also termed creator; donor; trustor; grantor; founder. 2. A party to an instrument.—Also spelled (in both senses) settler."

•Founder: ",n. (14c) 1. Someone who founds or establishes; esp,. a person who supplies funds for an institution's future needs. 2. SETTLOR (1)."

*A random quote from Quora:
"The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States. The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from the Crown (temporal authority of the Roman Catholic Pope) and Democracy was born. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original "Constitution for the United States for America" was changed to the "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"."

~Justinian Deception~

What a word salad! Let's face it. You sling shit because you are a moral coward. You don't have any balls and you damn sure don't have any brains. "Aye?" Don't get me confused. When you don't have enough common sense to ask questions for clarification, you aren't smart enough to be in my league. And when you talk shit you won't say to may face, you are plain gutless.

I have been beaten, lied to, lied about, misrepresented, run through the system, and shot at, shot and fucked over so many times I can't count them. and your cherry ass wants to post umpteen paragraphs about what? I'm good enough at what I do to merit my very own personal full times fed to shadow me 24 / 7. You've probably not done a damn thing for your Posterity or your country.
So, the last few posts are why this is not a legitimate forum for civil discussion or debate. "The fiend" illustrates why this place is for entertainment - IF a hodge podge collection of unrelated and unsubstantiated paragraphs of disconnected bloviating have a meaning.

For decades I have made myself available live and in person, but since the advent of the Internet what you've witnessed are cowards that like to slap each other on the back while avoiding real men. The trolls have no intention of EVER facing a real man to say the shit, face to face, they do on the Internet.

I do want to answer SOME of the communist trolling I was subjected to just so you can say someone told you so. First, I told you that America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. As this thread progresses, we can look at a few of the state constitutions (I've quoted a couple already in this thread). Another would be the 1776 Constitution of Delaware which reads:

ART. 22. Every person who shall be chosen a member of either house, or appointed to any office or place of trust, before taking his seat, or entering upon the execution of his office, shall take the following oath, or affirmation, if conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath, to wit:

" I, A B. will bear true allegiance to the Delaware State, submit to its constitution and laws, and do no act wittingly whereby the freedom thereof may be prejudiced."

And also make and subscribe the following declaration, to wit:

" I, A B. do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ His only Son, and in the Holy Ghost, one God, blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by divine inspiration."

And all officers shall also take an oath of office.

We can argue about the other pillar of America's founding, but wiser men than my critics have already addressed it. They cannot refute the words of Roger Taney, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court in Dred Scott v. Sanford. If you don't read the case, you cannot make any informed rebuttal to my position. It is undeniable:

The holdings of the United States Supreme Court are mandatory authority for every court and every legal interpretation of our laws. What was said in Dred Scott v. Sanford has never been refuted. The U.S. illegally ratified the 14th Amendment on the pretext of granting citizenship to the Blacks (though that wasn't the actual reason). The Dred Scott decision is settled law AND well known history.

The Declaration of Independence provides that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-"

I have spent a lifetime advocating for that position. It has pissed the left and the right off. When those words were penned, there were no citizens of the United States. And, at that time, Blacks weren't considered a human being (more like two thirds of a man according to the Constitution). When it comes to Rights I have been willing to fight to the death for the other guy's God given Rights. Do you realize that Uncle Scam has full time people shadowing me to make sure most people do not get the correct perspective on what that quoted part of the Declaration means? Everybody has unalienable Rights. Only Whites were intended to become citizens and be afforded the benefits of the privileges of citizenship. Unalienable Rights belong to all of us. My critics ran from the real debate. They cannot fool you if you research the facts.

Access the links; read them. Then you will be caught up.
Providing a link doesn't automatically prove one is correct, any more than David Berkowitz claiming the neighbor's dog instructed him to commit several murders proves dogs can speak, this is true

If people aren't going to accept the source NOR the link, the onus is on them to prove that both are incorrect. To disbelieve is not the same as to disprove.

Additionally, some sources are irrefutable. What the United States Supreme Court ruled on as well as their citing sources was accepted by everyone. Not even Jesus himself has questioned the accuracy nor honesty of Dred Scott v Sanford. If you have ANY degree of intelligence, you would understand that Fiend is an undereducated troll that has no real facts. He posts shit that isn't worthy of wasting time to refute as it doesn't make sense - the only people that will back him up will be leftists, communists and / or maybe someone with an ax to grind against me that hopes it is true.

If a news source lied, the onus is on Fiend to set the record straight and show you his citing sources. He can't and he won't even try. Nice try, but no cigar Mecha.
While the critics live in a world of denial, the facts keep mounting up so that are getting a free lesson - and if they ignore it, those who DO research the facts will come out with a different perspective.

A coward trying to project and calling me what he is might be entertaining, but stupidity and dishonesty are traits that I don't tolerate in American males when put face to face with them.

While the average, impotent, lazy, retarded White guy might be proud of the silliness they post for entertainment value and to goad those on the front lines, it's a primary reason the third world is kicking their ass and the only false sense of hope that have is a bloated rich boy that inherited the money and said rich boy struggles to read first grade books like Dick and Jane.

Today, the people that are displaying a greater knowledge of how the world really is seem to be women. And sometimes it is Black women that are doing the teaching:

If people aren't going to accept the source NOR the link, the onus is on them to prove that both are incorrect. To disbelieve is not the same as to disprove.

Additionally, some sources are irrefutable. What the United States Supreme Court ruled on as well as their citing sources was accepted by everyone. Not even Jesus himself has questioned the accuracy nor honesty of Dred Scott v Sanford. If you have ANY degree of intelligence, you would understand that Fiend is an undereducated troll that has no real facts. He posts shit that isn't worthy of wasting time to refute as it doesn't make sense - the only people that will back him up will be leftists, communists and / or maybe someone with an ax to grind against me that hopes it is true.

If a news source lied, the onus is on Fiend to set the record straight and show you his citing sources. He can't and he won't even try. Nice try, but no cigar Mecha.
When you are shown, using your own links, that you take them out of context or misconstrue them, it’s important to address the issue directly rather than dismissing it. Let's look at the Dred Scott case and its implications accurately:

Dred Scott Case Context:​

The Dred Scott v. Sanford decision of 1857 is widely recognized as a grave misjudgment in American legal history. The Supreme Court ruled that African Americans, whether enslaved or free, could not be American citizens and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court. The ruling also declared that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the territories acquired after the creation of the United States.

Citizenship and Legal Rights:​

  1. Historical Recognition of African American Citizenship:
    • Prior to Dred Scott, various states and colonies did recognize African Americans as citizens. For instance, free African Americans could vote in several states, including Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, during the early years of the Republic.

Overturning Dred Scott:​

  1. Civil Rights Act of 1866:
    • In direct response to the Dred Scott decision, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 was enacted, declaring that all persons born in the United States, excluding Native Americans not taxed, were citizens regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. This Act was a fundamental step in defining American citizenship and ensuring basic civil rights.
  2. 14th Amendment:
    • The 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868, further solidified the principles of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 by enshrining birthright citizenship and equal protection under the law into the Constitution. This amendment was crucial in nullifying the Dred Scott decision and ensuring that citizenship could not be denied on the basis of race.

Contemporary Relevance:​

Even if the 14th Amendment were hypothetically nullified, the principles established by the Civil Rights Act of 1866 would still apply. Congress has the authority to define and protect the rights of citizens, as it did following the Civil War to correct the injustices perpetuated by the Dred Scott ruling.

In summary, historical and legal contexts demonstrate that the Dred Scott decision was an anomaly that was corrected by subsequent legislation and constitutional amendments. The evolution of American citizenship law reflects a broader commitment to civil rights and equality, transcending the flawed reasoning of the Dred Scott case.
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So, the last few posts are why this is not a legitimate forum for civil discussion or debate. "The fiend" illustrates why this place is for entertainment - IF a hodge podge collection of unrelated and unsubstantiated paragraphs of disconnected bloviating have a meaning.

For decades I have made myself available live and in person, but since the advent of the Internet what you've witnessed are cowards that like to slap each other on the back while avoiding real men. The trolls have no intention of EVER facing a real man to say the shit, face to face, they do on the Internet.

I do want to answer SOME of the communist trolling I was subjected to just so you can say someone told you so. First, I told you that America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. As this thread progresses, we can look at a few of the state constitutions (I've quoted a couple already in this thread). Another would be the 1776 Constitution of Delaware which reads:

ART. 22. Every person who shall be chosen a member of either house, or appointed to any office or place of trust, before taking his seat, or entering upon the execution of his office, shall take the following oath, or affirmation, if conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath, to wit:

" I, A B. will bear true allegiance to the Delaware State, submit to its constitution and laws, and do no act wittingly whereby the freedom thereof may be prejudiced."

And also make and subscribe the following declaration, to wit:

" I, A B. do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ His only Son, and in the Holy Ghost, one God, blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by divine inspiration."

And all officers shall also take an oath of office.

We can argue about the other pillar of America's founding, but wiser men than my critics have already addressed it. They cannot refute the words of Roger Taney, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court in Dred Scott v. Sanford. If you don't read the case, you cannot make any informed rebuttal to my position. It is undeniable:

The holdings of the United States Supreme Court are mandatory authority for every court and every legal interpretation of our laws. What was said in Dred Scott v. Sanford has never been refuted. The U.S. illegally ratified the 14th Amendment on the pretext of granting citizenship to the Blacks (though that wasn't the actual reason). The Dred Scott decision is settled law AND well known history.

The Declaration of Independence provides that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-"

I have spent a lifetime advocating for that position. It has pissed the left and the right off. When those words were penned, there were no citizens of the United States. And, at that time, Blacks weren't considered a human being (more like two thirds of a man according to the Constitution). When it comes to Rights I have been willing to fight to the death for the other guy's God given Rights. Do you realize that Uncle Scam has full time people shadowing me to make sure most people do not get the correct perspective on what that quoted part of the Declaration means? Everybody has unalienable Rights. Only Whites were intended to become citizens and be afforded the benefits of the privileges of citizenship. Unalienable Rights belong to all of us. My critics ran from the real debate. They cannot fool you if you research the facts.

Access the links; read them. Then you will be caught up.
America wasn't founded on Christian principals. It was founded on economic opportunity. You seem to be pointing only to the Pilgrims and the Puritans as your evidence while dismissing those that were already here, and the many that came after. You are limiting your entire argument on a social compact of two small groups of people that came for their own self preservation, since they were being persecuted for their beliefs. Both groups had to obtain patents from the Virginia Company to come to the New World. They came for religious freedom and economic opportunity.
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