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Yet another pathetic typical shitskin approached me today ... And I destroyed him ...


May 7, 2024
A (him): Are you Indian
B (Me): No I'm from here
A: Oh so you were born here?
B: Yes
A: Are your parents from India?
B: Why would you need to know?
A: Because you look Indian
B: And why does that even matter?
A: *sheepishly* Ok ... Sits down on the bus stop bench.

After getting on the bus, I observe him hanging his head in shame in his hands lmao.

Pathetic typical shitskin. He also had atrocious body language and didn't understand not to stand close to others and such, typical poop face.
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May 7, 2024
Other typical twats online defining this as 'He probably had social anxiety / was just trying to make conversation / you are the one terrible at conversations'.


NEVER presume my race / ethnicity / culture / religion / country of origin based off my skin colour alone - to do so only proves:

A) You are simply retarded if unintentional / racist if intentional.

B) Being completely incapable of detecting my discomfort while continuing to impose / push / force the conversation against my will clearly proves your narcissism, and sole interest in your own conversation only - further proven when you then blame me for not wanting the conversation and never accepting blame yourself.


May 20, 2024
A (him): Are you Indian
B (Me): No I'm from here
A: Oh so you were born here?
B: Yes
A: Are your parents from India?
B: Why would you need to know?
A: Because you look Indian
B: And why does that even matter?
A: *sheepishly* Ok ... Sits down on the bus stop bench.

After getting on the bus, I observe him hanging his head in shame in his hands lmao.

Pathetic typical shitskin. He also had atrocious body language and didn't understand not to stand close to others and such, typical poop face.
Woah man, thats kinda brutal.
Sounds like the dude was just trying to strike up a conversation.

Shitskin or not, don't ya feel any remorse at all?


May 7, 2024
Woah man, thats kinda brutal.
Sounds like the dude was just trying to strike up a conversation.

Shitskin or not, don't ya feel any remorse at all?

Nope. Asking me any conversation about my skin colour = I destroy your mind with my dismissive manipulations.

I don't even know when Im being dismissive or manipulative or dark empathetic.... Everything I say is just on automatic zero autonomy mode. My brain is an alien living inside my head.


May 20, 2024
Nope. Asking me any conversation about my skin colour = I destroy your mind with my dismissive manipulations.

I don't even know when Im being dismissive or manipulative or dark empathetic.... Everything I say is just on automatic zero autonomy mode. My brain is an alien living inside my head.
Publicly embarrassing someone for no reason other than simply because one feels entitled or superior, is not a positive trait.
It is a very common narcissistic trait.

Deliberately manipulating others specifically to elicit negative affective states does not "destroy the mind" either, unless this manipulation is extreme, prolonged and pervasive.
At best, if running around arbitrarily manipulating others as you have described, this will merely induce a variable degree of transient limbic hijack. The inevitable result of this type of arbitrary maladaptive behavior, is that those briefly victimized people will eventually become increasingly immune to such.

The official psychological fields, although very complex pseudo-"sciences", are still relatively accurate as tools which can be beneficial when correctly understood and used appropriately.

However, thanks to unscrupulous social media users, the majority of popular alternative "psychological" ideas we now find in abundance online, are simply made up pop cult nonsense.

The following is a short list of some of the completely fictive pop cult "empath" fantasies found online:

"Animal empath"
"Dream empath"
"Heyoka empath"
"Earth empath"
"Precognitive empath"
"Psychometric empath"
"Telepathic empath"
"Windmill empath"
"Couch empath"
"Guru empath"
"Best empath"
"Subcategory empath"
"Wannabe empath"
"Borderline empath"
"Resigned empath"
"Convinced empath"
"Bottom of the Barrel empath"
"Spiritual Junkie empath"
"Traveling empath"
"World Cleaner empath"
"Professional empath"
"Higher empath"
"Robot empath"

"Heavenly empath"

🤣As we can see, these are essentially just random words with 'empath' slapped on the arse ends.
Not a single one of these has any basis in reality whatsoever.

"Dark empathy" however, isn't completely fictional, but this is a deliberate distortion of an officially recognized & defined Psychological concept referred to as 'Cognitive Empathy', 1 of the 2 primary official types of Empathy.
The other is referred to as 'Emotional Empathy'

An individual reliant upon only one or the other, is at a significant disadvantage overall, as well as by comparison to average individuals.

I don't know where you are getting your ideas, though I can guess as there is a shitload of fanciful nonsense psych articles online that are utterly useless beyond enabling confusion & self delusion.

Serious academic literature is the most reliable source of accurate Psychological information.



May 7, 2024
Publicly embarrassing someone for no reason other than simply because one feels entitled or superior, is not a positive trait.
It is a very common narcissistic trait.

Deliberately manipulating others specifically to elicit negative affective states does not "destroy the mind" either, unless this manipulation is extreme, prolonged and pervasive.
At best, if running around arbitrarily manipulating others as you have described, this will merely induce a variable degree of transient limbic hijack. The inevitable result of this type of arbitrary maladaptive behavior, is that those briefly victimized people will eventually become increasingly immune to such.

The official psychological fields, although very complex pseudo-"sciences", are still relatively accurate as tools which can be beneficial when correctly understood and used appropriately.

However, thanks to unscrupulous social media users, the majority of popular alternative "psychological" ideas we now find in abundance online, are simply made up pop cult nonsense.

The following is a short list of some of the completely fictive pop cult "empath" fantasies found online:

"Animal empath"
"Dream empath"
"Heyoka empath"
"Earth empath"
"Precognitive empath"
"Psychometric empath"
"Telepathic empath"
"Windmill empath"
"Couch empath"
"Guru empath"
"Best empath"
"Subcategory empath"
"Wannabe empath"
"Borderline empath"
"Resigned empath"
"Convinced empath"
"Bottom of the Barrel empath"
"Spiritual Junkie empath"
"Traveling empath"
"World Cleaner empath"
"Professional empath"
"Higher empath"
"Robot empath"

"Heavenly empath"

🤣As we can see, these are essentially just random words with 'empath' slapped on the arse ends.
Not a single one of these has any basis in reality whatsoever.

"Dark empathy" however, isn't completely fictional, but this is a deliberate distortion of an officially recognized & defined Psychological concept referred to as 'Cognitive Empathy', 1 of the 2 primary official types of Empathy.
The other is referred to as 'Emotional Empathy'

An individual reliant upon only one or the other, is at a significant disadvantage overall, as well as by comparison to average individuals.

I don't know where you are getting your ideas, though I can guess as there is a shitload of fanciful nonsense psych articles online that are utterly useless beyond enabling confusion & self delusion.

Serious academic literature is the most reliable source of accurate Psychological information.

Yes 100% correct.

People publicly embarrassing me for my race are narcs, as was the idiot asking me the questions, and I shut the narc down.

You are also now displaying the same narcissistic behaviour, only prioritising yours and his desires and not at all considering my limits or boundaries.

Responding to narcissistic behaviours with dismissal is not narcissism, it is exerting and reclaiming my control over the situation from the control freak individual.

Trust me, not one human on this planet, yourself least of all has any understanding on my level of human emotion.

A non narcissistic / assertive question asks open ended questions that anybody can answer based on their interests. Assuming that race and such are conversation points I'm interested in, and presuming my race are both positions of a narcissistic conversationalist - assuming that his / her specific conversational points are at all what I am interested in discussing.

But yup, I'm gonna start shutting such idiots down even harder from now on.


May 20, 2024
Yes 100% correct.

People publicly embarrassing me for my race are narcs, as was the idiot asking me the questions, and I shut the narc down.
Are you saying you feel embarrassed by your natural race...🤔which...would probably be visibly apparent to basically everyone with functional eyeballs right?...or I dunno, unless you're like an ultra pasty half caste or wearin' a "whitey" disguise...😄 or you got that weirdly tripppy skin thing?
Shee'it eye dunno what you look like.

Objectively is your visible-physical appearance indistinguishable from any average genetic-European?......😂 like "whitey"?
Know what the ABCC11 gene is?

You are also now displaying the same narcissistic behaviour, only prioritising yours and his desires and not at all considering my limits or boundaries.

Dunno, could you clarify -'desired'?
Not sure what you're meaning.

Responding to narcissistic behaviours with dismissal is not narcissism, it is exerting and reclaiming my control over the situation from the control freak individual.

hmm..🤔...yeah nah that really does sound very similar to the gender identity cultists whole deal aye brah.


Is that not the case?


Trust me, not one human on this planet, yourself least of all has any understanding on my level of human emotion.

Hell yeah man...
...you'd definitely get along with the Notorious Outlaw...🤣like hot oil & water.

A non narcissistic / assertive question asks open ended questions that anybody can answer based on their interests. Assuming that race and such are conversation points I'm interested in, and presuming my race are both positions of a narcissistic conversationalist - assuming that his / her specific conversational points are at all what I am interested in discussing.
😃Icey. So, it'd be better to be non-narcissistic by instead of asking where you're from, like India or a Pakistan or a China or whatever based off of the objectively perceptible reality of the you...

...What would be a more appropriate substitute?

Does everyone have to act like you're pretty fly for a "white" guy?

Can everyone be whatever they want as well?...

Like a border collie?...

But yup, I'm gonna start shutting such idiots down even harder from now on.


May 7, 2024
View attachment 217963
Are you saying you feel embarrassed by your natural race...🤔which...would probably be visibly apparent to basically everyone with functional eyeballs right?...or I dunno, unless you're like an ultra pasty half caste or wearin' a "whitey" disguise...😄 or you got that weirdly tripppy skin thing?
Shee'it eye dunno what you look like.

Objectively is your visible-physical appearance indistinguishable from any average genetic-European?......😂 like "whitey"?
View attachment 217965
Know what the ABCC11 gene is?

Dunno, could you clarify -'desired'?
Not sure what you're meaning.

hmm..🤔...yeah nah that really does sound very similar to the gender identity cultists whole deal aye brah.

View attachment 217966

Is that not the case?

Hell yeah man...
View attachment 217968
...you'd definitely get along with the Notorious Outlaw...🤣like hot oil & water.

😃Icey. So, it'd be better to be non-narcissistic by instead of asking where you're from, like India or a Pakistan or a China or whatever based off of the objectively perceptible reality of the you...

...What would be a more appropriate substitute?

Does everyone have to act like you're pretty fly for a "white" guy?

Can everyone be whatever they want as well?...

Like a border collie?...

View attachment 217964

I posted my pics already idiot.


May 20, 2024
Your loss. Pics are just normal face and clothes pics, I use adult subs which the username was for so need 18+ on my profile.
No worries mate. I'm curious to see if you are a real person, however I don't do unnecessary apps.

Seems kinda weird Reddit requires an app just to view "mature content".

The loss will be much worse installing that Reddit application—due to all the cookies & other spyware.

*Sidenote: in case ya missed it, my ugly mug is in the 1st image of post #12-(from this thread)


May 7, 2024
No worries mate. I'm curious to see if you are a real person, however I don't do unnecessary apps.

Seems kinda weird Reddit requires an app just to view "mature content".

The loss will be much worse installing that Reddit application—due to all the cookies & other spyware.

*Sidenote: in case ya missed it, my ugly mug is in the 1st image of post #12-(from this thread)

No you can set the website options to allow nsfw on the web browser site. You could turn it off once, see the pics, then turn it back on if you wanted.

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