Publicly embarrassing someone for no reason other than simply because one feels entitled or superior, is not a positive trait.
It is a very common narcissistic trait.
Deliberately manipulating others specifically to elicit negative affective states does not "destroy the mind" either, unless this manipulation is extreme, prolonged and pervasive.
At best, if running around arbitrarily manipulating others as you have described, this will merely induce a variable degree of transient limbic hijack. The inevitable result of this type of arbitrary maladaptive behavior, is that those briefly victimized people will eventually become increasingly immune to such.
The official psychological fields, although very complex pseudo-"sciences", are still relatively accurate as tools which can be beneficial when correctly understood and used appropriately.
However, thanks to unscrupulous social media users, the majority of popular alternative "psychological" ideas we now find in abundance online, are simply made up pop cult nonsense.
The following is a short list of some of the completely fictive pop cult "empath" fantasies found online:
"Animal empath"
"Dream empath"
"Heyoka empath"
"Earth empath"
"Precognitive empath"
"Psychometric empath"
"Telepathic empath"
"Windmill empath"
"Couch empath"
"Guru empath"
"Best empath"
"Subcategory empath"
"Wannabe empath"
"Borderline empath"
"Resigned empath"
"Convinced empath"
"Bottom of the Barrel empath"
"Spiritual Junkie empath"
"Traveling empath"
"World Cleaner empath"
"Professional empath"
"Higher empath"
"Robot empath"
"Heavenly empath"
As we can see, these are essentially just random words with 'empath' slapped on the arse ends.
Not a single one of these has any basis in reality whatsoever.
"Dark empathy" however, isn't completely fictional, but this is a deliberate distortion of an officially recognized & defined Psychological concept referred to as 'Cognitive Empathy', 1 of the 2 primary official types of Empathy.
The other is referred to as 'Emotional Empathy'
An individual reliant upon only one or the other, is at a significant disadvantage overall, as well as by comparison to average individuals.
I don't know where you are getting your ideas, though I can guess as there is a shitload of fanciful nonsense psych articles online that are utterly useless beyond enabling confusion & self delusion.
Serious academic literature is the most reliable source of accurate Psychological information.
The study of empathy is an ongoing area of major interest for psychologists and neuroscientists, with new research appearing regularly.