Deleted member 2886
Well hot damn!You've absolutely nailed it. Unfortunately there are too many retards like @American Deplorable who eat up everything trump says like it's gospel. Cant think for themselves, and then say the same stuff about liberals.
You're from a different country and even you can figure this stuff out with only a few mins of research on the interwebs. Too bad too many hear want to cock gobble what's fed to them instead of doing their own research. They're becoming what they despised.
You've also nailed it mate!
Heads up man, I am slightly tripping rn,

Strange thing is, I'm surrounded by the same cock gobbling retards here.
Got banned yesterday from a couple of local -so called "free speech" Telegram chat forums, probably from questioning the various controlled op narratives these blind idiots are raving madly in support of.
It'll probably be largely due the outside-looking in- foreigner perspective -which affords me an allowance of being unaffected, or at least less so, by the continuous cultural distraction performances.
Sometimes, well almost all the time, while on TFSF, from my pov it's like I've walked into a bar and everyones religiously glued to an old tv, eagerly watching reruns of an 80s gameshow as if for the very first time.
You know, I never, ever expected to find common ground with any others outside of NZ, it's really quite amazing to me actually being here participating with you guys.
Like, actual, legit, real life Americans,...seriously it's the coolest experience.
Probably seem comical AF, but it's a massive honour engaging in dialogue with ya'z.
Really glad I'd randomly stumbled onto TFSF.
The big picture, imo, of the current ever-retarding state of humanity, leads me to a conclusion that it is extremely important rn for me to do whatever little I can to assist the US citizenry, coz it seems that you guys are manning the last fortification holding the enemy of all humanity a bay.
Hence why i got stuck into this Hershel cunty,...specifically to assist you TJ.
I'm not kidding mate.
I also figure if even one or two others were afforded an opportunity to really see past the circus acts, even if only a mere glimpse as a result of my small efforts, hopefully that might create some minor degree of a proliferating effect.
Ya know like the "snowball effect."

Seems I've triggered several small mobs of the lurking pharisees with some of the facts I've been dumping,...and it's not even the real good shit yet.

Pretty sure our "goodcop-badcop" blaspheming friend would go absolutely nuclear if he knew.

I'd considered dropping hints, though patience is a virtue and also allows him to continue exposing his own absurd hypocrisy.