Love the 4K monitor.I have never owned a cat only dogs, but I do like cats. A good friend had 5 cats and 10 or 12 Goats. The goats had the task of keeping tumble weeds ate down, it's true a goat will eat anything. The cats had an outdoor cat carpet tree they could all lay around in at the end of the day and relax. One day I was watching the cats in their cat tree and the goats were under the carpet tree bumping their heads against the bottom of the boxes in the tree. It was funny as hell the cats bumping up and down you could see daylight between the cat and the box every time a goat would bump his head. The goats weren't trying to hurt the cats they just did what goats normally do and the cats altho a bit pissed off just kept on resting.
This particular cat's name was Thomas, same as my first name. I always hated the name and was never called by my first name because it was never used since I thought it was a cat's name.
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