Who are the Jews?

Oh no.... Please don't misunderstand. Paul did what he was directed to do by Christ. I believe Scripture harmonizes when understanding that the "Gentiles" Paul was directed to target were non-Judahite Israelite people dispersed to other nations. These people were physical descendants of the 10 northern tribes. God used their betrayal and dispersion to seed the heathen world with His people and through Christ's redemption of these lost sheep, the world was purchased. Judah of Paul's day had largely ostracized these genealogical brothers in Christ that were dispersed because they no longer followed the traditional customs and rites.

So do you think the church is in error in sending missionaries to Africa, South America, and the Orient?
No. I support a Zimbabwean mission myself. But those missions will have much more difficulty establishing a permanent foothold as physical Israel is not largely present there.
I've been to Zimbabwe several times!

I knew the guy that was effectively the Billy Graham of the country as a missionary in Zimbabwe so many years ago. Under his efforts there was a a tremendous move of God back in the days that it was Rhodesia.

The last time I went was in the late 80s - early 90s. Still lots of Christians and churches growing and thriving. I'm not sure what it looks like now.

On the other front re: what you are proposing, I think I understand what you think on the matter.

Pretty interesting, and would certainly make for an easier way to explain away election in the NT along with why God calls Christians the chosen and His elect.

I think you're off track, but it is interesting and an approach I've not heard until this discussion.
I've been to Zimbabwe several times!

I knew the guy that was effectively the Billy Graham of the country as a missionary in Zimbabwe so many years ago. Under his efforts there was a a tremendous move of God back in the days that it was Rhodesia.

The last time I went was in the late 80s - early 90s. Still lots of Christians and churches growing and thriving. I'm not sure what it looks like now.

On the other front re: what you are proposing, I think I understand what you think on the matter.

Pretty interesting, and would certainly make for an easier way to explain away election in the NT along with why God calls Christians the chosen and His elect.

I think you're off track, but it is interesting and an approach I've not heard until this discussion.
Thank you, I've enjoyed the discussion. The elect is absolutely a clue to this discussion as well in my mind. When I read, I personally substitute Gentiles for nations in my mind and then search the context of the surrounding Scripture for clues as to which group it is referring.

Redemption is another key concept in my mind that fits into this discussion. I always equated redemption with being saved, but it really isn't quite the same. A non-Israelite can be saved, but only an Israelite can be redeemed (at least in Biblical times) as redeem means to buy back. Even God can't buy back what he didn't previously possess, and only Israel was God's possession. So when NT Scripture references redemption or redeeming someone, it is almost certainly addressed to Israelites.
No. I support a Zimbabwean mission myself. But those missions will have much more difficulty establishing a permanent foothold as physical Israel is not largely present there.
That simply isn't true.

The largest active church in the world is in China.

The fastest growing church is SE Asia + India. More people are coming to faith in at affinity https://www.imb.org/people-and-places/ than the rest of the world combined.
That simply isn't true.

The largest active church in the world is in China.

The fastest growing church is SE Asia + India. More people are coming to faith in at affinity https://www.imb.org/people-and-places/ than the rest of the world combined.
Growth from a minimal base and establishing a foothold are two different descriptions. China is a raw numbers game... I see estimates at 50 million which admittedly is more than I would have guessed. I'm glad Christianity is spreading in these areas but we cannot begin to claim China or India as Christian as a whole.

I know of multiple faithful missionaries where their work prospered in hostile areas but then eventually died with them. It is difficult to spread the Gospel in areas with no historical connection to it. Oddly, an environment of suffering helps and this is likely why Europe and the US have stagnated....they prospered too much. Maybe Biden will lead a rebirth in US Christianity!

Throughout history Christianity flourished where (admittedly, my belief) the diaspora Israelites were scattered. Their disobedience and subsequent punishment of dispersion was used for eventual good and was God's Trojan horse for the world in a (good) way.

Amos 9:9 “For behold, I will command, and shake the house of Israel among all the nations as one shakes with a sieve, but no pebble shall fall to the earth.
Growth from a minimal base and establishing a foothold are two different descriptions. China is a raw numbers game... I see estimates at 50 million which admittedly is more than I would have guessed. I'm glad Christianity is spreading in these areas but we cannot begin to claim China or India as Christian as a whole.

I know of multiple faithful missionaries where their work prospered in hostile areas but then eventually died with them. It is difficult to spread the Gospel in areas with no historical connection to it. Oddly, an environment of suffering helps and this is likely why Europe and the US have stagnated....they prospered too much. Maybe Biden will lead a rebirth in US Christianity!

Throughout history Christianity flourished where (admittedly, my belief) the diaspora Israelites were scattered. Their disobedience and subsequent punishment of dispersion was used for eventual good and was God's Trojan horse for the world in a (good) way.

Amos 9:9 “For behold, I will command, and shake the house of Israel among all the nations as one shakes with a sieve, but no pebble shall fall to the earth.
China is closer to 250MM

The Gospel is spreading like wildfire in India and SE Asia. There are a ton of devoted followers ensuring that local leadership and churches emerge with leaders from the same people groups. That local leaders are raised, up, local elders are established, and discipleship matures. The intentionality is significant. In other words, this isn't the Catholic Church approach to missions.

By some estimates, every single nation, tribe, and tongue in the world could hear the Gospel by the end of 2026. Whether that occurs is in God's hands, but it's not beyond the realm of possibility. I believe the Great Commission will be fulfilled before the end times would resume. That particular point of prophesy may be closer than we many realize.
That simply isn't true.

The largest active church in the world is in China.

The fastest growing church is SE Asia + India. More people are coming to faith in at affinity https://www.imb.org/people-and-places/ than the rest of the world combined.

The Largest active church being in China was something interesting to learn. I was under the impression Christianity was forbidden there. I have hear many stories of underground churches there because you could be killed if you were openly a Christian
The Largest active church being in China was something interesting to learn. I was under the impression Christianity was forbidden there. I have hear many stories of underground churches there because you could be killed if you were openly a Christian
It's mainly & mostly underground.

That said, where the persecution is the greatest is where God is typically moving the strongest.

A good book on the church in China.

The book, The Insanity of God is also great to demonstrate what happens to the church when true/real persecution occurs.

@AC2021 hello?,...still lurking?,...what'd ya make of the vid posted above?
I'm right aren't I?, you are one of these covert online attack dogs aye cuz?
I'm not watching your idiotic videos.

Send out the call to your fellow Aryans. I'm sure you'll get a crowd.
Huh? "Idiotic videos"? The wha???,...fine whatever.

But I don't get why you're suggesting that I should, -"Send out the call to your fellow Aryans"?

🤔I'm not from Iran.

Ohh, lol, I see, fair enough comeback.

Um, aren't the Persians/Iranians the "Aryans", are they not?
Pretty sure Iran means 'land of the Aryans' or something like that aye¿?

Can we start over dude, or perhaps dude-ette?
I'm really not entirely sure exactly why, what, where, when, how, I've become so dehumanized in your mind, which is very evident based off of the behavioural displays.

Considering I've not actually done anything to ya, beyond calling out that blatant Ad Hominem you'd levied against me in the DYCA thread. Wouldn't you call out someone doing the same unto yourself?

Maybe I was too much of a cheeky bugger when initially responding to your first direct and frankly unjustifiably abusive replies to me in DYCA.

I am very sorry for being so much of an insensitive smart ass in response to you initially.
It was either that or simply ignoring the hostility you'd directed at me, and I figured why not get a laugh out of responding.
Which I now see was wrong because obviously I've very deeply offended you, although I'm as yet entirely ignorant of what I must have done.
Surely it's not simply based on the use of the word "Jew",...which you may or may not have noticed that I always write that word within quotation marks, -for a very important reason,....I'm not meaning the same common thing as most will likely assume.
(Few probably ever actually notice, nor bother paying attention to such minor nuanced details throughout my unique writing style.)

@AC2021 -I was kinda hoping you might be a reasonable individual and perhaps willing to resolve this odd one-sided hostility aimed at me.
Ya should know that I don't feel any negativity towards you, in fact I quite like reading your posts,....even when I don't fully understand or agree.

Up to you.
In Africa (Uganda) we also have African Jews so I think it's 🤔 bigger than ethnicity and common geographic back ground
It could be linked to "a way of life"
Where people have the same belief and behaviour.
Probably a religion but that's a little restrictive. But it's definitely bigger than ethnicity and geographic background. Not so sure of religion.
I just stumbled on this thread and no one seems to have answered the question. Jews are an ethnicity. Jews are not Israelites. Israelites were a religious community that followed the Old Testament. Judaism follows the Talmud. And not all Jews follow Judaism. I attended orthodox synagogue for some time to learn about Judaism, so I think I am better qualified than most to respond to this thread. Also see what I wrote here: http://www.arkian.net/about.html#jews
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I just stumbled on this thread and no one seems to have answered the question. Jews are an ethnicity. Jews are not Israelites. Israelites were a religious community that followed the Old Testament. Judaism follows the Talmud. And not all Jews follow Judaism. I attended orthodox synagogue for some time to learn about Judaism, so I think I am better qualified than most to respond to this thread. Also see what I wrote here: http://www.arkian.net/about.html#jews
Israelites were the descendants of Abraham composed of 12 tribes.

Jews are the survivors of the Babylonian deportation and enslavement. They are composed of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
Israelites were the descendants of Abraham composed of 12 tribes.

Jews are the survivors of the Babylonian deportation and enslavement. They are composed of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
Descendants as in part of the community founded by Jacob (not Abraham), not genetic descendants. Many outsiders joined and many native-born left. The Israelite community was defined by religion.

Jews began as the tribes of Judah and Benjamin which had mixed with outsiders until Ezra banned it. Ezra was the real founder of the Jews since he redefined the community to focus more on ancestry.
I just stumbled on this thread and no one seems to have answered the question. Jews are an ethnicity. Jews are not Israelites. Israelites were a religious community that followed the Old Testament. Judaism follows the Talmud. And not all Jews follow Judaism. I attended orthodox synagogue for some time to learn about Judaism, so I think I am better qualified than most to respond to this thread. Also see what I wrote here: http://www.arkian.net/about.html#jews
Very strong response, highly recommend the article

You are able to cover a lot of territory with few words, and persuasively
I just stumbled on this thread and no one seems to have answered the question. Jews are an ethnicity. Jews are not Israelites. Israelites were a religious community that followed the Old Testament. Judaism follows the Talmud. And not all Jews follow Judaism. I attended orthodox synagogue for some time to learn about Judaism, so I think I am better qualified than most to respond to this thread. Also see what I wrote here: http://www.arkian.net/about.html#jews
Thanks for sharing.

Your perspective and article are really insightful.

Much appreciated 🙂👍
Is it an ethnicity?
A religion?
A people with a common geographic background?
According to the Holy Bible they are "God's chosen people." And when you consider that over the centuries countries have tried to utterly destroy them, yet they still remain a sovereign nation, one has to conclude that they might very well be what the Holy bible calls them.
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