How did Obama gain his 'power'


I suspect the Obama family to have blackmailed the Biden family.

One thing for sure, we know that Hunter Biden was snorting certain drugs together with the underage daughter of Obama. Nypost posted this evidence, including credit card information of her. While he is standing there with a rock hard cock in the background.

The only conclusion I could pull here is the Father of Hunter Biden… Joe Biden… Was in the power grasp of the Obama's. Or at the very least closely related in a certain criminal scene, which created options for both parties involved.

How do you think the Obama's gained their power?
It was definitely a long game con. When you own the media and deep state , especially back then, people were inclined more to believe the media.
As bad as Obama has been, without him in office, I'm not sure we get Donald Trump. The black hats have lost the monopoly on information. The white hats have been able to gain ground bc of the demise of traditional media.
So many have parents in the CIA. That on its own.. Its just not enough. Sure it gave some benefits.. But it would only give such a great benefit (to gain that much power, against all odds) if there is more to it.

So for example.. CIA employees are not allowed to just spread information when ever, and the same goes for their tactics (also secret). So that would suggest the family is criminal; since information flowed outside the bounds promised to the American people… Ethical would be not to make use out of the power and knowledge gained from for working for the CIA.
It was definitely a long game con. When you own the media and deep state , especially back then, people were inclined more to believe the media.
As bad as Obama has been, without him in office, I'm not sure we get Donald Trump. The black hats have lost the monopoly on information. The white hats have been able to gain ground bc of the demise of traditional media.
People can say what ever they want.. I learned a shitton the past 8 years or so.
So many have parents in the CIA. That on its own.. Its just not enough. Sure it gave some benefits.. But it would only give such a great benefit (to gain that much power, against all odds) if there is more to it.

So for example.. CIA employees are not allowed to just spread information when ever, and the same goes for their tactics (also secret). So that would suggest the family is criminal; since information flowed outside the bounds promised to the American people… Ethical would be not to make use out of the power and knowledge gained from for working for the CIA.
He was being groomed his whole life. Lol "promise to the American people" you learned a lot in the past eight years and you still think they give a shit about the American people..
One thing for sure, we know that Hunter Biden was snorting certain drugs together with the underage daughter of Obama. Nypost posted this evidence, including credit card information of her. While he is standing there with a rock hard cock in the background.
where is this "certain" evidence on the above statement?
Talking to a whore.

Soft coup planning call.

My analysis of his browser history.

Coke sage.

Now we all know.. But back then.. Only a small group of people knew and controlled that family.

We all agree that certain people were able to control/blackmail certain Biden's.

We all know now... What the relationship between Joe and Hunter was. It consisted of running schemes together, and having nicknames like "pedo pete" (source: Hunters Icloud; password was also Hunter01), running the politics together and not keeping family and politics seperated.

We know that they had contact since at least 2005 when Obama entered the senate.

We know they all make videos and play each other.. Why store a coked up Creditcard from her? Why even give the Obama kid drugs in the first place as a grown ass male..?

My trouble here is.. I cant proof it, its just a gut feeling that I keep having.. Since certain things dont add up with the Obama family (specially combined with the Biden family).
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I suspect the Obama family to have blackmailed the Biden family.

One thing for sure, we know that Hunter Biden was snorting certain drugs together with the underage daughter of Obama. Nypost posted this evidence, including credit card information of her. While he is standing there with a rock hard cock in the background.

The only conclusion I could pull here is the Father of Hunter Biden… Joe Biden… Was in the power grasp of the Obama's. Or at the very least closely related in a certain criminal scene, which created options for both parties involved.

How do you think the Obama's gained their power?
You really believe the power rest with Obama. Holy shit dude. You have a lot to learn. I suggest you do more listening and less posting.
1.) All but 2 presidents are selected not elected and their bloodlines go back to a specific king they all have relationship to from hundreds of years ago. So he has the bloodlines.
2.) CIA plant.
3.) Homosexual.
4.) Half black
5.) he meets the regressive standards of the victimhood hierarchy (black, homosexual, degeneracy, pedo(Epstein Island flight logs, etc).
6.) None of these stooges have any real power. All of these stooges (celebrities, politicians, mainstream billionaires, etc) are all puppets to the Satanic Jevvish oligarchy
I suspect the Obama family to have blackmailed the Biden family.

One thing for sure, we know that Hunter Biden was snorting certain drugs together with the underage daughter of Obama. Nypost posted this evidence, including credit card information of her. While he is standing there with a rock hard cock in the background.

The only conclusion I could pull here is the Father of Hunter Biden… Joe Biden… Was in the power grasp of the Obama's. Or at the very least closely related in a certain criminal scene, which created options for both parties involved.

How do you think the Obama's gained their power?

He’s likely one of if not the richest person to become president. His step father Soetero was in with the Bushes/CIA/big oil. Soetero was the muscle they used and he was heavily invested in big oil. They needed someone out of the way he made it happen.

The reason GWB always gives Michelle candy is because that’s the same candy he used to give little Barry as a child. Soetero set up a trust for Barry that’s still collecting money today and may have billions in it.

There’s an independent reporter that chased it all down.
He’s likely one of if not the richest person to become president. His step father Soetero was in with the Bushes/CIA/big oil. Soetero was the muscle they used and he was heavily invested in big oil. They needed someone out of the way he made it happen.

The reason GWB always gives Michelle candy is because that’s the same candy he used to give little Barry as a child. Soetero set up a trust for Barry that’s still collecting money today and may have billions in it.

There’s an independent reporter that chased it all down.
Do you have a name of that reporter for me perhaps?
@postngone we all know the truth when does something happen?
I think pretty soon because q of my cases were mostly entirely just about over
Good Q.

I am down to start a war, I am down to murder a few to rescue the rest, I am down to sacrifice life for the greater good.

I did my very best gathering information, spreading it, and all I got was... "We must play it by the law" and "we cant hang them, yet". Fucked. Totally fucked. Many people are ready... And besides ready, also done. And yes in hindsight; it was somewhat good we didnt physically acted, now we can all act like we are the bigger bird and what not... But what will that get us? Only time will tell.

One way or another.

Give me the signal and Ill go beyond covert. One tweet will be enough. We can take em all down.

This time we have evidence.
Good Q.

I am down to start a war, I am down to murder a few to rescue the rest, I am down to sacrifice life for the greater good.

I did my very best gathering information, spreading it, and all I got was... "We must play it by the law" and "we cant hang them, yet". Fucked. Totally fucked. Many people are ready... And besides ready, also done. And yes in hindsight; it was somewhat good we didnt physically acted, now we can all act like we are the bigger bird and what not... But what will that get us? Only time will tell.

One way or another.

Give me the signal and Ill go beyond covert. One tweet will be enough. We can take em all down.

This time we have evidence.
I don't have a signal. Am I suppose to have a signal? We may need to have you move offices. I think there is a nice one in the basment
Believe it or not it was 7 of 9's fault.

Her piss smells like asparagus

actress Jeri Ryan divorced her husband to play Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Voyager (he refused to move to Hollywood with her). The divorce was contentious, and a lot of salacious dirt was spilled. When Jack Ryan ran for the U.S. Senate in 2004, the release of the documents forced him to withdraw, allowing his challenger to win in a landslide against a last-ditch replacement. The landslide victory propelled the challenger, Barack Obama, to a position from which he could then launch a campaign for President..."

actress Jeri Ryan divorced her husband to play Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Voyager (he refused to move to Hollywood with her). The divorce was contentious, and a lot of salacious dirt was spilled. When Jack Ryan ran for the U.S. Senate in 2004, the release of the documents forced him to withdraw, allowing his challenger to win in a landslide against a last-ditch replacement. The landslide victory propelled the challenger, Barack Obama, to a position from which he could then launch a campaign for President..."

I stand by what I said

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