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Was America founded on Christian Principles?

Jul 9, 2022
Having read over this thread I have seen nothing to respond to in regards to biblical prophecy; see nothing that would indicate I'm ignorant and certainly not wrong about what I've posted herein. Check this out and watch for additions to in the days to come:


I copied your post to another thread. Interested in why you brought up this conversation from another site, on the Biblical Thread, anyway, here is is.


Jan 15, 2021
I see you’re still ducking my questions from yesterday.

Is every person in America that orders pizza a pedo in your mind? Is every pizza shop the center of a human trafficking ring?

I’m not ducking anything Corky. I’ll post those Podesta/Hillary
emails for you. Remember how mad you got when they were

Speaking of deflecting, how is your relationship with Christ?
Jul 1, 2023
I’m not ducking anything Corky. I’ll post those Podesta/Hillary
emails for you. Remember how mad you got when they were

Speaking of deflecting, how is your relationship with Christ?
Why would I be mad about nothing emails from nothing people especially since I voted for Trump in 16 & 20?

Obviously you are ducking the question because you still haven’t answered them.

My relationship with Christ is great! You should try getting to know him.


Jan 15, 2021
Why would I be mad about nothing emails from nothing people especially since I voted for Trump in 16 & 20?

Obviously you are ducking the question because you still haven’t answered them.

My relationship with Christ is great! You should try getting to know him.
You love Biden.

He is a pedo. He showered with his daughter.

You support pedos.

America was founded on. Christian beliefs.

You are full of shit. Hugeley.


Dec 9, 2020
Why would I be mad about nothing emails from nothing people especially since I voted for Trump in 16 & 20?

Obviously you are ducking the question because you still haven’t answered them.

My relationship with Christ is great! You should try getting to know him.
Nothing emails? Nothing people? Podesta is still inthe administration you dumb fk
Jul 1, 2023
Good for you....if it is the truth.
I went to a private Christian academy until I entered high school so I had read the Bible more going into high school then most “Christians” will in their whole life.

Not that reading the Bible makes someone a Christian but it does give a person the baseline insight necessary to see through folks who claim to be Christians then act in the name of evil.
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Sep 22, 2023
I went to a private Christian academy until I entered high school so I had read the Bible more going into high school then most “Christians” will in their whole life.

Not that reading the Bible makes someone a Christian but it does give a person the baseline insight necessary to see through folks who claim to be Christians then act in the name of evil.
Attended. The key phrase. Didn't graduate. It shows.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
Colonists revolted against the King of England, they had the opinion that no king, Lord, or President could rule them without their consent.

"All men are created equal . . . with certain unalienable Rights . . . whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it." DOI 1776
Jul 9, 2022
Colonists revolted against the King of England, they had the opinion that no king, Lord, or President could rule them without their consent.

"All men are created equal . . . with certain unalienable Rights . . . whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it." DOI 1776
I see, thanks for being more specific.
Jul 1, 2023
Colonists revolted against the King of England, they had the opinion that no king, Lord, or President could rule them without their consent.

"All men are created equal . . . with certain unalienable Rights . . . whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it." DOI 1776
This is a good breakdown. ^^^

To dig a little deeper, private property rights were the most significant driver of the unrest. Taxation by the crown that targeted sore spots certainly was foolish in hindsight (stamp & tea) because they were literally designed to troll the colonists. Slavery was also a topic of concern for the colonists. Mainland England was much further along the abolition trail than people in The US recognize because of our own history on the topic.

A judicial decision handed down in 1772 by Lord Mansfield, Chief Justice of England, in favor of a Virginia-born bondsman with Norfolk connections was the initial impetus that eventually resulted in freedom for all African Americans in the English-speaking world.

By the time The Revolution kicked off there was already a strong abolition coalition there with The Colliers & Salters Act passing Parliment that same year in 1775.

Generalized terms like liberty & rights were adopted as a matter of war propaganda. These concepts were easy to adopt and sell to the general public due to the widespread fascination with the enlightenment philosophers.
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Jul 1, 2023
and what does that have to do with the thread?
The country was founded on economic principles not religious ones.

“Christianity” of that time wasn’t a concept like it is today. Lutherans, Catholics, Quakers, and others existed in the colonies, at that time, within their own well defined communities. They viewed themselves as distinctly different entities and believed vastly different things about the basic tenets of religion.
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Jan 10, 2021
It was founded on the suck my dick principal
A dicktatership?

Boston tea-bag party?

The Mushroom Stamp act?



Sep 22, 2023
Did you know that the oldest textbook for teaching children in the colonies was the New England Primer? It was the primary textbook for teaching children from the 1680s to well into the 1830s. It was the textbook being used when Jefferson responded to the Danbury Baptists wherein he coined the misused phrase "separation of church and state."

The New England Primer was used before Jefferson was born; it was used all through his life; it was in use when he was president; they were still using it as the primary textbook when the last shovel of dirt was put on Jefferson's grave. The New England Primer uses the Bible to teach children how to read and write. What would happen today if the publik skool cistum used that textbook today?
Jul 9, 2022
Did you know that the oldest textbook for teaching children in the colonies was the New England Primer? It was the primary textbook for teaching children from the 1680s to well into the 1830s. It was the textbook being used when Jefferson responded to the Danbury Baptists wherein he coined the misused phrase "separation of church and state."

The New England Primer was used before Jefferson was born; it was used all through his life; it was in use when he was president; they were still using it as the primary textbook when the last shovel of dirt was put on Jefferson's grave. The New England Primer uses the Bible to teach children how to read and write. What would happen today if the publik skool cistum used that textbook today?
and the point of this is what?


Sep 22, 2023
and the point of this is what?
The principles taught in The New England Primer are Christian principles. That is a bottom line FACT. The New England Primer uses the Bible as a way to teach children. Those who are academically dishonest continue to deny what is FACT.

The BEST they can do is to parrot some half truth about the courts and a treaty (that got questioned and the offending section deleted. ) You posted the link; the real story is recounted in that link and its internal links.

The problem that you have by denying what is FACT is that you have to resort to irrelevant lies in order to deny the truth. Those worshipping false gods and no God all have one thing in common: they don't understand the difference between a form of government and the principles upon which the form of government serves.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
The principles taught in The New England Primer are Christian principles. That is a bottom line FACT. The New England Primer uses the Bible as a way to teach children. Those who are academically dishonest continue to deny what is FACT.

The BEST they can do is to parrot some half truth about the courts and a treaty (that got questioned and the offending section deleted. ) You posted the link; the real story is recounted in that link and its internal links.

The problem that you have by denying what is FACT is that you have to resort to irrelevant lies in order to deny the truth. Those worshipping false gods and no God all have one thing in common: they don't understand the difference between a form of government and the principles upon which the form of government serves.
What you are talking about is English Colonies under English Rule. Nobody denies that religious principals or morals were/are part of peoples lives. However, the US was not founded on those principals or morals, the Age of Enlightenment is what brought about the idea of the US, dissidence against a ruler with no representation is what brought about the US.

The Magna Carta, that you refer to, merely gave an outline to the Founders to inspire and shape the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and later the US Constitution, that we can assert our rights against an oppressive ruler and that the power of Government can be limited to protect those very rights.

You seem to be the one parroting "half truths" or quite simply utter ignorance, you can't even stay on the topic without going off on tangents that have any bearing to the actual question of the OP. You linking to your own forum where there is 3 posters that are regular, all of whom are you having a discussion with yourself. SMFH
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Jul 9, 2022
Jul 9, 2022
See page: 9 of 14, but by all means read the whole thing.....


then see:


BibleGateway - Keyword Search: abaddon


who is Abaddon and what is the bottomless pit?

then see:


BibleGateway - Keyword Search: bottomless pit




Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 20:1-3 - King James Version

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal...


NOW.........how can the founders of a country, that form its values on Christianity, use a secret password of "the Devil" "Satan" "abaddon". Does that make any sense. Sure lets found a country on our supreme enemy. Jesus Christ?

Why, knowing that to acheive the highest level of Freemasonry (which MANY of the FFs were)......you have to renounce Jesus Christ? If that status is acheived, then you cannot and would not make anything in the image of anything other than the devil.


Sep 22, 2023
No, that is your opinion

Again, your opinion

Thanks for that assessment. The problem YOU have, is you think that your opinions IS TRUTH.
My opinion is not the issue. You simply cannot address FACTS. Facts don't give a damn whose feelings they hurt. You're trying to debate the issue here for a reason. Democracy empowers those who have a problem with FACTS.

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