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A Community Fantasy


Mar 20, 2021
Copied from https://communities.win/c/ParallelSociety/p/16ZqdVEFOB/a-community-fantasy/c

This post is inspired by the excellent recently posted interview about Orania. I will describe a community fantasy for America and then why it is only a fantasy.

Orania is a community of Afrikaners. Afrikaners are an ethnic group that have retained a strong identity that includes a distinctive culture, language, and religion. This is what made Orania possible. Without this strong identity, Orania could not have been formed.

America has no ethnic group comparable to Afrikaners (except possibly Jews). This means that nothing comparable to Orania could be formed in America. So a community fantasy would have to aim lower and smaller.

The key question to forming a community is what identity that community would be based on. Clearly language doesn't work. Neither does culture. The likely suggestions in this sub would be race or economics. Both fail because neither provides a meaningful enough identity. There have been several attempts to build white communities and all have been complete failures, which supports my point. Orthodox Jews have been much more successful in building communities in America because they have much in common with Afrikaners in having a distinctive culture, language, and religion.

So what could serve as the basis of a traditional American community? The only answer is religion. Which religion? Obviously some form of Christianity. And I would suggest specifically some form of Anabaptism for the simple reason that Anabaptists have been most successful at establishing independent communities. I am not suggesting joining any existing Anabaptist group. Rather I am suggesting forming a new Anabaptist sect designed to support traditional American values.

So how would this work in my fantasy? My fantasy is that a small group of committed people would organize online to found this religion. Then they would pick a place to establish the first church, and they would move there. The obvious choice would be some area with a lot of other successful Anabaptist groups to learn from, and possibly to attract members from.

Of course this isn't comparable to Orania, but it is as close as one can reasonably fantasize about given the conditions in America. And if there were 10 reasonable committed people, they could do this.

So then why is this a fantasy? Because there aren't close to 10 reasonable Americans. The only American that I know of who isn't a moron or a sociopath is E. Michael Jones and, since he is a devout Catholic, he wouldn't be interested.

The reality is that Americans are moronic scum. But not to just pick on Americans, most people alive today are moronic scum. And this is why organizing a reasonable community is just a fantasy with the exception of the few coherent ethnic groups like Afrikaners and Jews. And this is why I am so focused on my Arkian project, because the only hope for the future is to breed people who aren't morons or sociopaths. Then maybe in future, these people can form a reasonable community.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
I'd rather it be 2024 and Donald Trump at one and we had eradicated the Deep State you big @dicktickler
I had a great pastrami sandwich with hash and rice
Copied from https://communities.win/c/ParallelSociety/p/16ZqdVEFOB/a-community-fantasy/c

This post is inspired by the excellent recently posted interview about Orania. I will describe a community fantasy for America and then why it is only a fantasy.

Orania is a community of Afrikaners. Afrikaners are an ethnic group that have retained a strong identity that includes a distinctive culture, language, and religion. This is what made Orania possible. Without this strong identity, Orania could not have been formed.

America has no ethnic group comparable to Afrikaners (except possibly Jews). This means that nothing comparable to Orania could be formed in America. So a community fantasy would have to aim lower and smaller.

The key question to forming a community is what identity that community would be based on. Clearly language doesn't work. Neither does culture. The likely suggestions in this sub would be race or economics. Both fail because neither provides a meaningful enough identity. There have been several attempts to build white communities and all have been complete failures, which supports my point. Orthodox Jews have been much more successful in building communities in America because they have much in common with Afrikaners in having a distinctive culture, language, and religion.

So what could serve as the basis of a traditional American community? The only answer is religion. Which religion? Obviously some form of Christianity. And I would suggest specifically some form of Anabaptism for the simple reason that Anabaptists have been most successful at establishing independent communities. I am not suggesting joining any existing Anabaptist group. Rather I am suggesting forming a new Anabaptist sect designed to support traditional American values.

So how would this work in my fantasy? My fantasy is that a small group of committed people would organize online to found this religion. Then they would pick a place to establish the first church, and they would move there. The obvious choice would be some area with a lot of other successful Anabaptist groups to learn from, and possibly to attract members from.

Of course this isn't comparable to Orania, but it is as close as one can reasonably fantasize about given the conditions in America. And if there were 10 reasonable committed people, they could do this.

So then why is this a fantasy? Because there aren't close to 10 reasonable Americans. The only American that I know of who isn't a moron or a sociopath is E. Michael Jones and, since he is a devout Catholic, he wouldn't be interested.

The reality is that Americans are moronic scum. But not to just pick on Americans, most people alive today are moronic scum. And this is why organizing a reasonable community is just a fantasy with the exception of the few coherent ethnic groups like Afrikaners and Jews. And this is why I am so focused on my Arkian project, because the only hope for the future is to breed people who aren't morons or sociopaths. Then maybe in future, these people can form a reasonable community.
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